RHS Site Council Minutes November 5, 2012 6:30 – 8:30 PM

RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
RHS Site Council Minutes
November 5, 2012
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Members Present
John Wollersheim – Principal
Becky Busho – President
Jeanine Ryan – Vice President
Mary Swanson - Treasurer
Bret Phillips – Secretary
Allison Fischbach – Student Rep (12)
Andre Nelson – Student Rep (11)
Grace Herron– Student Rep (10)
Bobbi Neuens
Dawn Alberts
Kim Burr
Maureen Kelly-Carroll
Heather Landis
Mariann Kuhn
Tracy Monro-Moran
Brandon Menne – Student Rep (9)
Diane Moeller
Mereyle Strop
Tracey Casey
6:30 – 6:53
(Joanne Baier) Presented us the hot Lunch report... The new District food
requirements are based on the USDA requirements. Accordingly there will
be 3 main meals offered that include 2 vegetable options, and 2 fruit options.
Going forward, healthier options will continue to be added like the recent
inclusion of whole wheat bread. Further discussions ensued… (Tracy)
offered that the new food servings don’t work for athletes – there’s really not
enough food. Continuing, Joanne went on to acknowledge that the District
recognizes that it will take at least 3-5 years before these changes will begin
to seem normal and they acknowledge and expect some back-lash by both
students and parents. The government is expecting the changes to take 10
years. She also remarked that although we’re adjusting to these changes,
there are several examples where we still maintain some old practices. For
example, we're the last high school to still have condiment pumps.
6:53 – 6:55
(Jeannine) Introductions
6:55 – 6:58
(Bret/Becky) Minutes approval (Tracy) 7:38 typo - "Will"
6:58 – 7:07
(Mary) Reviewed Fund as a whole - $1 difference from last month.
Academics - adjustments - $50 deposit. $1,000 deposit for Arts from Best
Buy. Film festival (Jim), RHS Teacher, Mark Hubbard and 15 Best Buy
employees involved - renting the iMax - is about $800. Scholarship returned
- student dropped out - $500. Student hopes to return to school next
Trimester. If so, scholarship will be restored. October balance: $1,081.49.
Thank you letters are going out to all contributors (John). October balance:
$14,565.31. Not including the Drive4UR School estimated at $1,800.
(Jeanine) Food Perspectives contributions continue to come in.
7:07 – 7:19
(Tracy) Parent/Leader report. District attorney was present and reviewed the
new district "Bullying Policy". Equity in Schools: less money available to
those cities with little businesses (Rosemount) vs. Hopkins/Edina which is
home to many small and large businesses. As a result, levees are less
effective in communities with small business cores than communities with
large business cores. A cap exists on the levee and the levee is based on the
property wealth of the district. Therefore smaller communities are leaning
more on its home owner tax payers to meet that number. This system has
been in place since 1993. And this approach has never adjusted for inflation.
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
There is a video that was created which presented an analogy of a pizza
shop offering different prices according to where the customers lived – this
helped to show how the different levees work. These are state-level numbers
being used in the video as guidelines. The video is titled Capitol Pizza and
can be found on YouTube. There also exists a pamphlet asking parents to
write their representative.
7:19 – 7:21
(John) Discussed his involvement on the Nutrition committee and that they
are working on a new nutrition policy covering both national and state
7:21 – 7:22
(John) Web Advertising update – raising money by placing ads on the school
website and incorporating this within the class curriculum. John spoke with
Mr. Harrison and has communicated that companies lined up – however tech
issues still remain at this time. Expect updates by the next meeting.
7:22 – 7:31
(John) Site Goal /AYP. Teachers are asked to meet goal for more pay - if not,
money will go to staff development. Rosemount High School did not meet the
Math goal of 4% improvement on MCA scores which was set by the school’s
EIP Team of Teachers. This was created and approved by the District.
Reading and Writing scores went up. Math scores are lower. Not sure why.
Math was ultimately picked as a focus subject because the percentages were
much lower by comparison to reading and math. Improved math scores will
continue to be the school goal for the 2012-2013 school year.
7:31 – 7:43
(John) Budget Carry Over. If we under spend last year’s budget - we get to
use it this year. Thought we had $50K. However, athletics was overspent due
to athletic trainer position that is not funded by the district. Problem is there
are unfunded mandates that have to be taken care of - trainer, IT support,
7:43 – 7:48
(John) Curriculum Revision Proposals. Every year in the fall, schools are
allowed to make changes (drop/add classes, etc). This time we will be adding
Mandrin Chinese IV. Several art courses are being dropped to try to reduce
the number of art classes our teacher needs to teach each period. English
Dept is going through the district’s 7 year curriculum adjustment cycle.
Several changes are being made in association with that process. One
Trimester 12 class and Critical Communications are being added. Research
Paper being dropped - because all English classes will involve more
7:48 – 8:00
(John) A new Bullying regulation has been adopted by the school board.
RHS historically has always been strict when it comes to harassment. The
Council was asked to read the new regulation. (Tracy) Commented on the
District discussion at the Parent Leader Meeting. Discipline is carried through
within the district/school typically. (Bret) Is this handled within the District Or
in severe cases... is this prosecuted at the civil level? Answer… Severe
cases could be brought to the civil level - we have a police officer and an
attorney on-staff that are always consulted. Any threat of retaliation will be
dealt with immediately.
8:00 – 8:04
(John) CIS Summary from the U of M. Report college in the schools - student
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
registrations last year 469 registrations - 1,962 credits - state aid pays for
part of it - $68,500 tuition total. The state and the district paid for it.
Rosemount is the largest participant in the district and perhaps in the state.
Eagan is next at 1,500 credits.
8:04 – 8:08
(John) Parade of Roses 2014 announcement was discussed. The video
presented to the kids in the band was shown. This year they have achieved
being State Champs and AAA Champs.
8:08 – 8:12
(Becky) Council Table Report during conferences. Slow. But, donations were
up. Money and Food were donated this time around. Senior Class Party
people caught wind of what we were doing - and they want to change what
their approach and start donating locally.
8:12 – 8:25
(Becky) Drive 4UR School. Thanks to Student Council and the parents that
participated. 62 total participated. Last time was $940. We doubled it this
time to over $1,800. Better organized this time and we believe that we will do
better next year. Added incentives helped those to participate. Expenditures
discussion – will continue go to student scholarships. Other ideas of support:
graphic calculators, Kleenex, school beautification/landscaping, science dept,
(Mary) suggested electronic message board for events. Will discuss next
month due to time.
8:25 – 8:26
(John) This is the only Site Council in the District overseeing a foundation.
Outstanding question - "Who would be interested in being a part of a
separate committee?" No one indicated that they would.
8:26 – 8:30
(Jim) Student Video submission for the Drive 4UR School to Ford. We won it
last year. Didn't make the finals this year. Two videos were submitted - one
for promotion of the event and one for the contest.