RHS Site Council Minutes November 4, 2013 6:30 – 8:30 PM

RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
RHS Site Council Minutes
November 4, 2013
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Members Present
John Wollersheim - Principal
Becky Busho – President
Mary Swanson - Treasurer
Bret Phillips – Secretary
Brandon Menne – Student Rep (10)
Michelle Betts – Teacher
Virginia Nicolay
Gary Dion
Mariann Kuhn
Kerri Leuth
Jeanine Ryan
Marcia Herron
Kim Burr
Tracy Casey
Tracy Monro-Moran
Diane Moeller
Becky Haage
Mike Cassano
Isabel Edgar
Robert Mitchell
6:30 – 6:48
(Becky Notes).... FTTH Presentation – Michelle from FTTH $1875, 32 new
customers. This presentation concludes the Site Council’s financial agreement
with FTTH. Next Bo Hoover (speaking) is one of three band directors. Each
student was charged $1,600; there are 208 in the band. Expenses include
transportation, hotel, meals, etc. $40,000 (transportation of equipment – trailer).
Parents have offered scholarships to help offset those unable to pay. There are
several students who are short of the full amount needed. Many parents are
coming forward to donate a scholarship for the students. (John) John Locke
(former Rosemount pharmacist in town) is one example of a citizen who walked in
off the street to give a donation to the band. (Tracy) Did you know that you would
be short before St. Louis? (Bo) We decided not to charge them additional money
because they knew that they would still have to raise money. (Jeanine) Script
program - impact for St. Louis? Confidential... could people donate anonymously
directly to the kids/family's struggling? Yes. (John) Promote the Script cards with
the school list serve, endorsed by Site Council? How many students are short?
(Bo) 53 paid in full. 8 are still in need. 3 individuals have applied for help.
6:48 – 7:06
Drew Storley (Asst Principal) Showed the curriculum revisions for the next school
year. Our multimedia offering has been restructured. Reasons like title changes
to better reflect the course and lack of enrollment for some courses are the
reason for these changes. Other course titles were changed to obtain NCAA
Clearinghouse approval, for example, Advanced Communications. Math and
Biology added a couple elective courses. Mandarin Chinese V is advanced
coursework which was added for those students who are accomplished in the
language. These courses will be submitted to the school board for approval for
next year's curriculum.
7:06 – 7:12
(Becky) Introductions.
7:12– 7:18
(Bret/Becky) Approval of October Minutes. Add Kim Burr. Remove: Michelle
Betts. Call for Approval: Motion to approve....Tracy, second; Jeanine. Minutes
were approved.
7:18 – 7:24
(Tracy) Parent Leader Report. District has had to lease space for early childhood,
adult education. Why do we need a new building? Jeff Solomon (finance) came
in to say that they were looking to use unused elementary space - but, that is
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
being used up because of all-day kindergarten. New building costs will be a
wash coming from what they already pay for the lease. It will be located in the old
district office area in Apple Valley. Money report - Fed government actually
supports very little. Report online for those who want to know all line items of the
district budget. Survey regarding all-day kindergarten - people only 12 wanted
1/2 day kindergarten.
7:24 – 7:32
(Mary) Rosemount Benefit Fund Report - October a bit of an increase in the fund.
$2856.97 scholarships. Tournament of Roses money, $35,815.63 total ($16K in
Scripts money). (Tracy) Arts funds question – Where is that money going to?
$13K that is not being used. (Jim) Need to clean curtains, etc. Roses Fund
Money allocated $52,242.
7:24 – 7:32
(Brandon) Student Council Report Sadie Hawkins dance is going to happen
Friday night. (Marcia) Is it usually in November? (Brandon) Yes. (John) Irish
update about Sadie? (Jim) No.
7:35 – 7:40
(John) Carry Over Decision - Larger Enrollment than predicted. Create new
sections? Or, carry over money? So far, we have added only one section - Earth
Science. We'll look at T3 sections to add Spring classes. If you add extra
sections, you have to add teacher FTE. Money not spent on sections this year,
can be spent on sections next year.
7:40 – 7:46
(John) Grad Exam. MCA - Grad Exam - needed for graduation. Beginning Nov.
6 giving kids retake tests for reading, math, and writing. Next legislative session
the rumor is that they will do away with Grad test. Right now... Students who do
not pass the GRAD exams on the first try can retake the Grad test or take tests
like ACT or SAT. It was also mentioned that ACT is developing a new testing
system that will run from grades 3-10 and will replace EXPLORE and PLAN. It
will be called ASPIRE.
7:46 – 8:02
(John) Give to Max Day - November 14 for the Site Council. IMax fundraising.
(Jim) Pre-buy vouchers - Students buy at a discount. Then we get a percentage
for the program. They never expire. Some schools have booked the whole
theater. Traditional film takes about $800 to book the theater. Seats about 400.
(Bret) How has it been promoted in other schools - book the whole theater. (Jim)
He'll check with other schools. (Jeanine/Becky) Good idea to start with the
Voucher approach right now. (Jim) They are willing to work with us on a lot of
different things. (Becky) Certain movies would incur an additional cost.
8:02 – 8:03
(Becky) Conference Site Council table - there were generous donations. There
was a thank you message sent out right away.
8:03 – 8:19
(John) Levy vote Video Presentation. Questions? (Mike) Will the ballot change
to reflect the new number? (John) There has been no change in the original
number from the levy. The total impact to tax payers will be less because of the
decrease in taxes due to the change in equalization. Some districts have more
residential (Rosemount) vs. some other communities. Property taxes are going
down because of equalization by the state taking the property taxes down. (John)
There has been a lot of grass roots efforts, small meetings, hand-outs at games.
List serve messages are created by the District and mostly distributed by the
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
8:19 – 8:27
(Jim) FTTH - discussion; hold for more details next month - because of the light
agenda. They proposed: have a channel on their network requires a website to
the channel to be accessed outside the building. IP Modulator is required which
costs $1,800. The money that was donated does not have to be specifically used
for this. Other schools have their own channel... Eastview and Rosemount don't.
(John) Why don't we have a channel? (Jim) Rosemount city council voted not to
have one.
8:27 – 8:30
(John) Follow up items; Arts money spending, etc. Few different money things to
think about (Becky) Projects which need money.