RHS Site Council Minutes January 5, 2015 6:30 – 8:30 PM

RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
RHS Site Council Minutes
January 5, 2015
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Members Present
John Wollersheim - Principal
Becky Busho – President
Gary Dion – Vice President
Lisa Buesing – Parent Leader
James Norris – Teacher
Bret Phillips – Secretary
Isabel Edgar – Student Rep
Grace Herron – Student Rep
Diane Moeller
Liz Erickson
Tracy Monro-Moran
Dr. Julie Olson (Guest Speaker)
Drew Storley (Guest Speaker)
6:30 – 6:38
(Becky) Introductions
6:38 – 7:40
(John) Facilities meeting topic. December meeting was moved because of
the Middle School debriefing. Director of Elementary Education, Dr. Julie
Olson – Here to speak on, How does pre-school fit into Public Education?
Dr. Olson had just seen the presentation herself earlier today. Staff
members will be seeing this presentation after tonight. If we move forward,
this would require a bond referendum. PURPOSE: Task Force Review: We
are trying to determine what should be included and not included. Last
review of district facilities was in 2002-2003. The district’s current technology
levy is now expiring. Safety and Security is a concern. Overcrowding of
elementary schools is another concern. We have over 2,000
Kindergarteners. Need for 22 additional classrooms. Targeted expansion of
school-based preschool for students with greater need. Currently we serve
318 preschool students, 74 we are required to support due to special
education law. Importance for mainstreaming them. Large number of kids
coming in who do not speak English - i.e. Kindergarten 177 EL students in
Echo Park - high number of students to support. This will be a targeted
expansion. 20-50% are 4 year olds that are in need of support. There exist
some inefficiencies in this program. Transportation is offered right now for
the morning and the afternoon - since noon busing no longer exists. Why
does this all make a difference? Kids who are in an early childhood program
do better as they move through school. There is a 7-15% return on
investment. Enrollment growth in the south central and eastern portions of
the district is the focus. Our current Technology Funds are expiring. How
was the review conducted? A task force was assigned. The Task Force
analyzed building capacities and enrollment and reviewed recommendations
regarding: STEM, District Emergency Team, Early Learning Initiative,
Learning and Tech Vision Task Force. Received input form school
administrators about building needs. The Task Force put together
Preliminary Recommendations. NOT included: The recommendations John
had shared with the RHS Site Council that has been submitted by principals.
Also not included, artificial turf, field houses, locker room remodeling, theater
improvements, playground equipment, other building requests. Agreed NOT
to be included so that it wouldn't be a distraction for this referendum. What
IS included: (1) Safety and Security (replacing analog camera equipment,
Upgrade Controls for exterior doors), modifying school entrances, secure
electric sign in system (already at AVHS), Pedestrian and traffic safety. (2)
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
Space for Learning (41 elementary classrooms needed, 31 current
classrooms are undersized, 1200 sq ft for HS and 900 sq ft for Elementary we are small in both areas. Phase 2 addition for Parkview, Possible new
elementary school serving the south-central part of the district. Attendancearea adjustments. STEM Pathway schools grow, renovating equipment
spaces, updating furniture.) (3) Technology for Learning: Fully implement
new learning and technology vision. Beta classes, build teacher capacity,
funds available 2016-2017, Implement 1-1 access .How much would this
cost? Burnsville - is asking $90 Million 1/3 of our size - South Washington
county $180 Million 2/3 our size. Somewhere between these two. From an
average household - $11/month. Next Steps: Input from staff in January,
Final recommendation in February, Present recommendations to the School
Board in March, Survey in March/April, Consider resolution in May/June
calling for a referendum election, conduct information campaign in
August/October, possible bond referendum - Tuesday, November 3, 2015.
(Jim) Specifically on the technology, was that the focus? (Dr. Olson) Yestiming of this referendum and the need were a consideration. (Becky) Do you
break it down by options (3) when asking for this? Because when presenting
with choices might be easier to accept. (Dr. Olson) We haven't considered
this... but, I like the way you are presenting it. (John) Kindergarten
question... is it true that not every Preschooler goes to the same Elementary
school? (Dr. Olson) It actually has been happening now because of the
overcrowding. Parkview (for example), 15 classrooms are sub-standard.
We'd like to have one Preschool classroom at every Elementary school.
30% of our total kids make up the free and reduced lunch program. (Mark)
Clarify the 41 additional classrooms. The number I heard was 22 (Dr. Olson)
That is for the additional Kindergarten rooms needed now in Rosemount.
(Joe) Is the Governor aware of the burden that this is creating (the need for
additional classrooms)? (Dr. Olson) Yes. We are planning for the future
increases. (Bret) Asked about the timeline of the this referendum in order to
approach the public again on the other principal’s priority lists (Dr. Olson)
No. No real example of a timeline. (Jim) At the last meeting, there were
some disagreements on where the money should be spent. (Becky) And,
there was concern about access on the technology and the one to one
movement. (Mark) I think that Technology did get mixed up in the one to
one. (John) We need to make sure that the public knows what is being spent
within the technology request.
7:40 – 8:03
(Drew) Registration Process. There are some changes to the process of
incoming 8th graders and students moving into 9th grade. January is
registration month. February is the sectioning for next Fall. Website
available. Registration button - videos uploaded by Jim Norris. One for
current RHS students and one for 8th graders. Jan 8 is the Grade 9-11
Parent Registration Meeting. Jan 21 and 22 Elective Classes presentations.
Registration Advisory Day with the teachers is on 1/22. Teachers make
recommendations regarding class choices for each child. (AP, standard,
special needs, etc.). Online registration window opens the week after.
Window closes the following week. Feb 4 selections are collected. Staff will
go to the middle schools in person to collect choices. The online window has
been increased for purposes of the parents to discuss with teachers their
students' choices. Math and World Languages are the real courses with
prerequisites involved. (Becky) Will the parents know what they will need to
bring with them during this process? (Drew) Yes. There will be
RHS Site Council – Bret Phillips, Secretary
communications to the family that resources (counselors and teachers) will
be available to discuss questions or to make recommendations. (Becky)
Heard that teachers were not communicated with the same information registration (Drew) That was a different situation - it will be much better this
year. (John) Favorite part is the chart that lines up with the career wheel.
8:03 – 8:05
(Bret) Minutes (Becky) Marsha Herron change to Marcia - change in directory
and in comments on page 3. Becky motion to approve. Mark seconded.
8:05 – 8:07
(Becky) (John) Financials will update on the website and will discuss for next
meeting. Recommendation to have a replacement for Mary for next year in
8:07 – 8:08
(Becky) No Superintendent meeting
8:08 – 8:11
(Grace) Student Council. No meeting last week. Microwaves - discussion on
how to use microwaves. Sees no worries. Feedback is positive. Next
meeting will discuss adding and where. (Becky) Who's going to keep them
8:11 – 8:21
(John) T1 Stats. Fall Trimester evaluation. 48 this year for F's trend is
moving down. Behavior incidents are down significantly since 2011 T1.
Tardies are high... One of the suggestions from John is to make room/time
driving to school for delays/weather. Can't speak on the Junior class, but
incidents are higher in the Junior Class, in all categories.
8:21 – 8:27
(Becky) Site Council table. Where was the table (John) out front. No one
took Becky's place when she was out. Sign-up sheets should be available.
(Bret) Make a poster on topics for the table (Grace) will make the poster/Tri
fold. (Becky) Drive to collect mini bottles from hotels to give out to (Grace)
Cody's closet from the Rotary (John).
8:27 – 8:29
(Jim) Drive for your school was discussed - no longer a program. Give to the
Max of the total $1,745.08 only $240 is able to go to the academic fund.
8:29 – 8:30
(Becky) Open Dialogue (Mark) Does the data from the one to one going to be
shared? (John) will share the idea with his superiors.