Math 165 Section 2 (Calculus I) – Fall 2015 Instructor: Josh Carlson – Carver 479 – Office Hours: Individual: T: 9-10am Group: T: 10-11am, R: 9-11am Time and Location: We will meet MTRF in Carver 0008 from 8:00-8:50am. This course will run Monday, August 24th through Friday, December 11th with the final exam during finals week. Course Webpage: We will be using Blackboard for online materials. Course Text: Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcendentals (12e) by Thomas, Weir, and Hass – ISBN: 0321628837 Course Description: Differential calculus, applications of the derivative, introduction to integral calculus. Homework: Homework will be assigned each day and will be given through MyMathLab. Hold on to your codes until I announce that the MyMathLab system for this course has been set up. I expect it to be set up by the end of the first week. At that time there will be a link from blackboard to register your MyMathLab account. Quizzes At the beginning of class on each Monday, students will take a short quiz over the material from the previous week. This allows students to continually prepare for exams with exam conditions. However, depending on how time goes these quizzes may get moved to Blackboard. Exams: There will be several chapter exams, a departmental midterm, and a departmental final. The midterm exam is scheduled for Thursday, October 8, 8:15-9:45pm. This will not be adjusted. The location will be decided by the department later in the semester. Weighted Grades: Quizzes: 15% Homework: 25% In Class Exams: 20% Midterm: 15% Final Exam: 25% Grading Scale: (Note that this is subject to change at any time.) % >90 908481777471676485 82 78 75 72 68 65 62 Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ 6158 D 5755 D- <55 F Extra Credit: I may randomly pose particularly challenging problems for extra credit. Each problem will say how many points it is worth. At the end of the course the extra credit will be added to the grades as follows: If my total course grade is x/100 and I got e extra credit points, my final grade will be (x + e)/(100 + e). Notice that the extra credit is added to the numerator and the denominator. Student Questions: I may periodically ask students to pose questions they have about the course on Blackboard which I will answer or have other students answer for discussion purposes. Miscellaneous Math: On Blackboard I may add various math related material throughout the summer. Sometimes it may be articles to read or intriguing problems to look at. This is purely for fun and free time. I am looking forward to this course and hope that it will be a rewarding experience for everyone.