BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGY BSAD 597, SPRING 2013, Dr. Little Semester: Spring 2013 Time: 5:30-8:15 PM, Tuesdays Place: LIGTHL 110 Instructor: Dr. John Little Office Hours: 10:00-11:00, TR 1:00 – 2:00 4:30 – 5:30, T 4:30-5:30, W Office: LIGTHL 104A Phone: 538-6403 Office 534-1572 Home E-mail: Catalogue Description: Study of policies designed to coordinate all functions of the business enterprise from the viewpoint of the chief executive officer. Emphasizes appropriate tools of analysis. A required course. This course must be taken in the last semester or last six hours of a student’s program of study. (3) Text: Essentials of Strategic Management, Gamble, Thompson and Peteraf, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin Course Objectives: 1) Integration of the functional areas of business at the policy level. 2) Development of strategic planning and analytical skills. 3) Development of top management perspective. Grading: Written case analyses Discussion & quizzes Written case Exams 25% 20% 15% 40% Written Case Analysis: Written case analyses must be turned in for 9 of the 10 assigned cases. If you do all 10 cases, the best 9 will be counted. For some cases specific questions will be assigned. For most cases, a standard format will be used: On one page provide (1) a brief background of the case (one or two sentences), (2) a statement of the main problem (one sentence), (3) your recommendation to solve your stated problem (One or two sentences), and (4) analysis and support for your recommendation. Try to use terminology and analytical models from the class in your analysis. Written Case: Each student will write a case suitable for use in this class. The case subject will be chosen by the student from a list provided by the instructor. A teaching note (a guide to how the case should be used) must accompany the case. Directions on how to write a case will be provided. Discussion: Discussion is an important part of this course. Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss all assigned material. Quizzes will be given at times at the beginning of class. If you are late or absent you will receive a zero for the quiz missed. Quizzes cannot be made up, but the lowest will be dropped. . Your discussion grade will be a combination of the instructor’s evaluation of the quality of your participation and your quiz grades. Exams: The midterm/final exam will be comprehensive and cover the entire text plus lectures to that date. Students may take the final exam as a second chance. Students who score less than 70% on the midterm must take the final exam. Exams will consist of 5 to 6 essay questions and 1 or 2 finance-related questions, and will be graded on the depth and breadth of understanding of the topic exhibited in the answer. Use the attached study guide to focus your study efforts. ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE Date Assignment January 15 Introduction and overview of course Accounting and Finance Review January 22 Chapter 1, What is Strategy? Case #1: Robin Hood, p. 399 January 29 Chapter 2, Vision and Mission Case #2: Mystic Monk Coffee, p. 236 February 5 Chapter 3, The External Environment Case #3: Costco versus Sam’s Club, p. 231 February 12 Chapter 4, SWOT Analysis Case #4: Redbox, p. 295 February 19 Chapter 5, Business Strategy Case #5: Sift Cupcake and Dessert Bar, p. 304 February 26 Chapter 6, Other Competitive Strategies Case #6, Blue Nile, p. 313 March 5 Spring Break March 12 Chapter 7, International Strategies Case #7, Norton Lilly, p. 437 March 19 Chapter 8, Corporate Strategy Case # 8, Panera, p.329 March 26 Chapter 9, Ethics and Social Responsibility Case # 9, Cash Connection, Payday Lender, p. 484 April 2 Chapter 10, Strategy Execution Case #10, Southwest Airlines, p. 401 April 9 Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure Rough draft of written case due Exam Review April 16 Final Exam – First Chance April 23 Presentations of Written Cases April 30 Presentations of Written Cases Final Exam Review May 7 Final Exam