In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM AND MINERALS Electrical Engineering Department EE 340-3 (UTR 11:00-11:50, 59-1011), EE 340-4 (UTR 13:00-13:50, 59-2003) Syllabus Electromagnetic Waves and Apps., Spring 2020/2021 (202) TextBook: Elements of Electromagnetics, M. Sadiku, 6th Edition, 2015 Instructor: Husain M. Masoudi, Ph.D., Office: 59-2094 Office Hours: (TR 12:00-12:50 pm) Tel: 4984, E-mail:, Course web site in Blackboard:, My Web: Wk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date Topics Text Quizzes Introduction and Review Coordinate Systems, Coulomb’s Law 4.1-4.3 Flux Density, Gauss’ Law, Electric Potential, 4.4-4.7 Elec. Dipole, Energy density, Currents, Polarization Q1 (Material: W 1-3) 4.8-4.10, 5.1-5.6 Contin. Eq., Boundary Conditions (BC), Poisson’s & Laplace’s Eqs. 5.8-5.9, 6.1-6.4 Resistance and Capacitance, Biot-Savart’s 6.4-6.5, 7.1-7.2 Ampere’s Laws, Mag. Flux Density Q2 (Material: W 4-6) 7.3-7.6 Mag. Potential, Magnetic Forces and Magnetization, BC 7.7, 8.1-8.7 Midterm Exam, Tuesday 9 th of March 2021, 6:30-8:00 pm (Material: W 1-7 will be announced later) 7-11 March Inductors and Inductance, Faraday’s Law, emf Midterm Exam 8.8-8.9, 9.1-9.3 14-18 March Displac. Current, Maxwell’s Eqs., EM Waves and Wave Prop. 9.4-9.7, 10.1-10.2 21-25 March* WP in lossy, lossless, free space and good Conductor 10.2-10.6 28-1 April Plane waves cont., Power, Reflection at normal incidence Q3 (Material: W 8-11) 10.6-10.8 4-8 April Reflection at oblique incidence, Introduction to Transmission Lines, 10.9-11.1-11.2 11-15 April Transmission Line Equations, Rectangular Waveguides , 11.3-12.1-12.3 18-22 April Rectangular Waveguides, Antennas, Hertzian Dipole 12.3-12.4, 13.1-13.2 Q4 (Material: W 12-14) 25-29 April Review 17-21 Jan. 24-28 Jan. 31-4 Feb. 7-11 Feb. 14-18 Feb. 21-25 Feb. 28-4 March Final Exams * Last day for dropping courses with grade of W is Thursday 25 th of March 2021. Chapter 5 6 7 8 9 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 (except Eqs. 5.5 (except Eqs. 7.8, 6.3, 6.6, 8.33,8.34, 8.35, 8.36 and 9.6, 9.8, Sections Excluded 5.31 and 5.32), 7.9, 6.7, 6.8 8.37), 9.9 5.7, 5.10, 5.11 7.10 8.6, 8.10 and 8.11, 8.12, 8.13 10 10.7 11 12 13 11.4 to 11.10 12.5 to 12.10 13.3 to 13.12 Grade Distribution: Class Work 28 % Quizzes 10 + Project 9 + (Class: Exercises + Discussion) 9, Bonus for scaling: Attendance + Performance. Laboratory 20 % Midterm Exam 22 % Final Exam 30 % (Comprehensive exam) Homework List Please Note: The first part (the vector calculus of Chapters 1, 2 and 3) will be supplemented by three problem sessions during lab periods. PS # 1, PS # 2 and PS #3. HW1: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3(a,b), 4.13, 4.14(a), 4.15, 4.16 HW2: 4.23, 4.25, 4.27, 4.28, 4.44, 4.49 HW3: 4.57, 4.58, 4.60, 5.4, 5.6 HW4: 5.23, 5.27, 5.35(b,c), 5.40, 6.2, 6.9 HW5: 6.11, 6.12, 6.17, 6.38, 6.47 HW6: 7.1(b), 7.9, 7.14, 7.18, 7.21, 7.25 HW7: 7.27, 7.43, 8.7, 8.9, 8.31, 8.35 HW8: 8.42, 8.39, 8.44, 8.46 HW9: 9.2, 9.3, 9.7, 9.8, 9.11 HW10: 10.1 (a,b), 10.15, 10.16, 10.17, 10.23 HW11: 10.6, 10.21, 10.25, 10.28, 10.29 HW12: 10.51, 10.54, 10.55(a,c), 10.56, 10.58(a,b,c) HW13: 10.63, 10.72, 10.73(a), 11.8, 11.11, 11.17, 11.21 HW14: 12.1, 12.6, 12.3, 12.8, 12.11, 12.14 HW15: 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6 Project: Will be discussed later in separate documents. Important Notes: 1. Mobile Phones: Mobile phones should be off totally (shut off, not silent) during class time and exams. Points will be deduct ed if this note is not followed. 2. Homework: Homework is to be solved completely by the student. Homework will not be collected, and homework so lu tio ns will be posted on Blackboard. 3. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given every Thursdays’ according to the table above. 4. Blackboard: All course related material, assignments, announcements, and communications will be posted through Blackboard. Students are advised to check the site on regular bases for information. Students are responsible about all information discussed in the class and/or shown on Blackboard. 5. Attendance: According to the university regulations, any student that exceeds 20% of the scheduled class m eeting wit h o ut an official excuse will receive a grade of DN in the course. 6. Official excuses: All official excuses must be submitted to the instructor the following class of the date of the official excuse. A late excuse may not be accepted by the instructor. Only one official excuse will be accepted to cover for quizzes or exams. 7. Work: This course is one of the most important courses of the Electrical Engineering Dep. and requires hard work and continuous attention. Therefore, it is advisable that students do extra efforts to understand it. 8. Online Work: Oral assessments will be conducted for Online Work: Quizzes, assignments and Exams/Tests if necessary.