Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, September 8, 2011 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room Minutes Attendees: Tammie May, Kristy Bishop, Linda Nelson, Tristan Londre, Fran Padow, Al Dimmit, Cheryl Carpenter-Davis, Dachia Scroggins, Mindy McCallum, Karen Moore, Leo Hirner, Melissa Giese, Greg Sanford, Patricia McGovern, Cynthia Sexton-Proctor, Anne Dvorak, Felipe Leon, Lisa Bonneau Approval of Minutes The minutes were not presented, but will be emailed following the meeting. Minutes were given provisional approval. Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report DACC Membership, Structure and Charge Due to the changing needs at MCC, the DSCIA policy is being revised to reflect the new structure and responsibilities that will comprise the DACC (District Assessment Coordinating Committee). The new charge of the DACC is concurrently being rewritten. These responsibilities include: reviewing surveys, assessment projects, and work on the Improvement projects for the Pathways Cohort. Proposed structure would mirror the DICC in regards to campus & discipline representation, reflecting the majority of membership being faculty. There would be both voting and non-voting (resource) members. Several new DACC members were added; George Green –BR, Jared Rinck-BR, and Felipe Leon-PV. Currently this new structure has good representation; however more membership is still needed at BTC, MW, and PV. In addition to DACC membership, the DACC Planning/Executive Committee is being formed comprising a small set of membership. Currently there are 7 members representing each campus and the administrative center, with the majority (4) of members being faculty. George Green-BR was added as the 7th member. The DACC Planning/Executive Committee would work to gather the information necessary to organize and prepare for the DACC general meetings so action items can be efficiently taken. After discussion, a 6th responsibility was added to this groups charge: to be the decision making body. There was concern that clarification and communication were needed to determine when faculty needed to go through DACC for approval. A Discussion establishing guidelines for assessment projects policy ensued. It was agreed that any assessment being done in the classroom solely does not need to go through DACC. Assessment projects should go through DACC if they are wide-scale, or more specifically, more than 1 classroom, discipline wide and/or district-wide. Rationale is so that all assessment efforts beyond one’s own classroom are documented for inclusion into the Pathways project documentation. If external entities are being utilized within the classroom for individual classroom assessment, an IRB must be done even though it would not necessarily need to go through DACC for approval. IRB Report The IRB committee is in the process of being formed. The PRP is being rewritten and training is being discussed. 1 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, September 8, 2011 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room The OIRA is still receiving IRB requests. A letter of support was given to KU so they can obtain a grant. Once the grant is obtained KU will award their IRB approval and then MCC can give official IRB approval. HLC Committee Report This committee has yet to be formed. The committee will be working on the assurance criteria for HLC. Survey Reports Culture of Assessment Survey The Culture of Assessment Survey was administered at campus In- Services. Overall a 29% response rate was reported for all MCC faculty, staff and administrators/officers. There have been excellent response rates for FT faculty. There are still groups not adequately represented that are currently in process. The administrative center has not had a large scale opportunity to participate yet, as it did not have an in-service. Melissa Giese is going to the AC staff association next week and working with the Vice Chancellor’s to get the surveys administered to their groups. Response Rates Campus AC BR BTC LV MW PV TOTAL by Employee group FT Faculty 0% 18% 107% 67% 45% 77% 61% Adjunct X 5% 3% 24% 6% 25% 16% Staff 1% 26% 73% 17% 26% 50% 23% Administrators 16% 60% 100% 100% 20% 57% Total 4% 16% 54% 34% 21% 50% 37% Concerns regarding the reliability of results were addressed. Lack of effort to complete the survey was repeatedly witnessed at LV. Additional concerns were; survey fatigue and small font. General Education Outcomes Attributes Survey Cynthia provided a summary of the comments provided by faculty. Overall outcomes were seen favorably. Concerns were discussed and evaluated. MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report General Education Outcomes and Attributes 1st cohorts will be asked to choose 1 outcome and a minimum of 1 attribute to focus on. It was suggested that a task force be formed to work further on the attributes and rubrics. General Education Outcomes Rubrics Tristan, Greg, and Anne will email the group sample rubrics for future discussion. 2 Metropolitan Community College DACC MEETING Thursday, September 8, 2011 3-4:30 PM Room AC Board Room Newsletter Greg Sanford published a monthly newsletter to be disseminated to faculty. OIRA will link this newsletter to their website page relaying HLC pathways project information. This newsletter should be also put as a link in the MCC Insider. 1st cohort meeting Meeting for the 1st cohort is Friday 9-9-2011 at Longview EC 113. Notebooks/resources for 1st cohort Notebooks were completed for each of the disciplines by the OIRA. Kristy Bishop and Cynthia Sexton Proctor will be at the meeting to distribute and serve as a DACC resource. MCC Open Pathways Assurance Report This committee will be created by the Vice Chancellor in the next couple of months. This is the same thing as HLC Committee report above. Higher Learning Commission Update Paul, Kristy, and Cynthia will be attending the HLC Regional Forum – Sept. 15 ( Assessment Reports Proposals for new assessment or survey requests Campus Reports Old Business New Business The meeting was adjourned. Future Meetings October 13th at 3:00 p.m 3