Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, October 8, 2015
3-4:30 PM
PV 503
Attendees: Cynthia Sexton Proctor, Melissa Giese, Tristan Londre, Jim McGraw, Mary Northrup, Dachia
Scroggins, Jill Kingsbury, Jared Rinck, Eric Sullivan, Mickey McCloud, Mindy McCallum, Pat McKeown, Leo
Hirner, Tammie may, Robert Dumler, Mike Hillman
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were approved.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dr. Hillman came to present information on the Interstate Passport Initiative. This initiative focuses on
seamless transfer for students. They would like to expand to the Midwest and there is an opening for 2
institutions. There would be one pair of institutions committed to working together (one community
college and one 4 year). This supports the completion agenda and helps break barriers between states.
They do not dictate specific assessments but offer many resources.
Mike has officer approval and will be discussing with faculty senate for their interest to explore this
IRB Report
• The IRB is being formed. There are faculty members identified.
• There was a request from a KU researcher. It was an ongoing project and will go through the official
IRB process once the IRB is in place.
HLC Committee Report
Steering committee met yesterday. The assurance argument draft was sent to all employees asking for
feedback. Comments were reviewed. There were few comments. Issues were being addressed in the
assurance document revision.
o Next steering committee meeting is 11/10/2015 at 3pm at the BT.
Survey Reports
• HLC Student Survey
o HLC provided us with a survey link for student responses. It was available to students
through blackboard from September 8th to the 16th. An email was also sent to students
informing them of the importance of their feedback.
o Results were just received from HLC today. There were 446 students who responded to the
MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report
• Program reviews for CTE programs are underway. Presentations before the officers are scheduled
for the afternoons of fall convocation, November 23rd, and December 1st. Anyone who is
interested is invited. The disciplines are: Rad Tech, Graphic Design, Welding, Fire Science, and GIS.
Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, October 8, 2015
3-4:30 PM
PV 503
3rd cohort: ART, English, Library, Music, Political Science, Speech will be contacted this semester to
meet and review assessment and other data for Discipline Reviews in Spring 2016. The
dates/times for these presentations before the officers have not yet been set.
Spring class rosters are still being collected for those disciplines who assessed in Spring 2015.
We’ll be using the CCSEE data as another measure to review our general education outcomes.
Higher Learning Commission Update
• HLC site visit by Peer Review Team will be November 12-17, 2015. One team member will be
visiting BTC on the 12th, same team member will visit LV and on Friday the 13th. We all need to be
available during those days.
Assessment Reports
No report
Proposals for new assessment or survey requests
No report
Campus Reports
• BR – All for the Children event will work with IR for a new assessment for their event this year.
• BTC–Preparing for Program reviews at in-service.
• LV – Good attendance at last meeting. Common Read is looking to expand. Melissa Giese is
presenting CCSSE results at the Dec. 2nd meeting.
• MW – Discussed the AA degree – Referenced handouts.
• PV – No report
• FOCUS Grant – Finished the grant audit and it went well. Christine Meyer the new Research Analyst
for FOCUS is working hard getting assessment data analyzed. PV is using Compass Engage with their
Old Business
How should we assess our new AA Degree? Should we connect it to our General Education Outcomes or
should we have a different set of Outcomes to determine effectiveness or need for improvement? Should
we consider course mapping to determine how our AA Degree satisfies Student Learning Outcomes?
• Each campus committee member should discuss this at their next campus assessment
committee meeting.
New Business
The Placement committee has started actively meeting to discuss COMPASS replacement options. Multiple
measures are being considered as well as Accuplacer and ALEKS. The established timeframe is as follows:
a. By the end of February a recommendation will be made to Dr. Hillman.
b. The new placement procedure will be implemented by October 1st, 2016 for use with spring
2017 enrollment.
Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, October 8, 2015
3-4:30 PM
PV 503
Next meeting: November 12 2015, PVCC 503, 3:00 – 4:30
The meeting was adjourned.
Culture of Assessment Focus Questions:
1. From your perspective, how important does MCC consider dissemination of student assessment
reports and studies for encouraging student assessment activities?
2. To what extent does MCC use student assessment information in making decisions or changes?
3. MCC College personnel have a common understanding of the meaning of the term student
assessment. Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”.
Assessment is: “gathering, interpreting, and acting on information to improve student learning”.