Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, July 12, 2012
3-4:30 PM
Room PV CC 503
Attendees: Melissa Giese, Cynthia Sexton Proctor, Kristy Bishop, Tristan Londre, Kimberly Glackin,
Daschia Scroggins, Karen Moore, Leo Hirner, George Green, Rich Higgason, Nancy Russell, Al Dimmitt,
Mindy McCallum, Jerome Williams, Tammie May, and Felipe Leon
Introductions for new employees
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report
No report
IRB Report
No report
HLC Committee Report
 Reminder of the second annual Summer Symposium: Countdown to Reaccreditation, July 20th in the
PV Education Center from 8:30 to noon. Email invitations have been sent to all MCC employees.
You can register with Melissa Giese to attend.
o Current Program: Bob Mundhenk as keynote, Flash Five Assessment Reports (5 slides in 5
minutes), Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Results
Survey Reports
 We are scheduled to administer CCSSE and CCSSFE this spring. Due to budget, a discussion started
on the value and need for it now. It is costly but valuable. Concern with faculty in the past has been
that they do not know they are going to be asked to participate since it is a random sample pulled
by CCSSE after the semester has begun. One idea was to have all faculty build into their syllabus an
“assessment” day. If they were not chosen to do CCSSE they would then have this day to participate
in another assessment activity if they chose.
 Another concern voiced was that perhaps we should wait another year, because we have COLL 100
starting and it would allow more time to be able to see changes from that.
 Members were asked to discuss with others and a decision will be made at the next DACC meeting.
Noel Levitz Survey of Student Satisfaction
 Kristy presented preliminary results that showed our strengths and weaknesses based on student
feedback. These will be presented at the symposium and put on our website.
 Additionally, overall results will be presented at the Symposium July 20th. Plans to present campus
level and departmental level data include providing results to small groups in the summer and fall
that relate to the survey content areas.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, July 12, 2012
3-4:30 PM
Room PV CC 503
MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report
a. Reminder: Deadline for 1st Semester Report of 2nd Cohort & Flash 5 Slides
b. Reminder: Deadline for 2nd Semester Report for 1st Cohort & Flash 5 Slides
c. Meetings for Disciplines in the 1st Cohort to Discuss Assessment results in Fall 2012 – From
suggestions in 2nd Semester Report
d. A letter has been sent to the 3rd cohort. Dates for 3rd Cohort Meetings in Fall 2012: 1:30 3:30 p. m. on 9/14/12 @ LV, 10/12/12 @ BR, 11/16/12 @ BTC; 3rd Cohort: Art, English,
Library, Music, Political Science, Speech/Theater
Higher Learning Commission Update
 The current version of the Assurance Criteria revisions is available http://www.ncahlc.org/.
Assessment Reports
No report at this time
Proposals for new assessment or survey requests
No new
Campus Reports
 BR- No report-waiting on GRIT
 BTC- No report
 LV- No report
 MW- No report
 PV- No report
Old Business
DACC still needs the following members: BR-1, BTC-2, PV-1
New Business
Convocation (February 12, 2012)
o Rich shared that Paul would like the DACC to assist in the planning of the convocation this
year. There will be 3 focuses: Pathways, KPI’s, and the AA degree review. There is a budget
but it goes mostly toward food. Times have not been set. More discussion will occur at the
next DACC meeting.
Discipline review
o Discipline review has not occurred for several years and needs to be started again before
our HLC review. Discussion on tying it to ZBB so work isn’t duplicated occurred. There are
already a lot of similarities between the two reports. Another option is to revise the ZBB
report and to completely separate these 2 reports reducing redundancy.
o Compensation has been paid in the past and will most likely not occur moving forward.
o It was suggested that we work on some models for what Discipline review should look like
and review at our next meeting. We’ll begin by reviewing the information from the last
Discipline review cycle.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, July 12, 2012
3-4:30 PM
Room PV CC 503
There is some concern over how we present this new process and making sure that we
communicate it clearly. There has been past confusion between discipline review and
program review. It will be important to have consistent communication to get this
The meeting was adjourned.
Future MeetingSept. 13th, AC boardroom