Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, April 11, 2013
3-4:30 PM
AC Boardroom
Attendees: Mary Ann Blitt, Cynthia Sexton Proctor, Kristy Bishop, Karen Moore, Nancy Russell, Tammie
May, Felipe Leon, Mary Svboda-Chollet, Jared Rinck, Jill Kingsbury, Dachia Scroggins, Leo Hirner, Tristan
Londre, Eric Sullivan, Jerome Williams, Melissa Giese
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved.
Vice Chancellor for Educational Services & Technology Report
No report
IRB Report
There have been several requests. One was turned down and the other is in process. Kathy Walter-Mack is
working with Paul to review the IRB PRP that was on hold.
HLC Committee Report
Criteria Co-Chairs have been selected and Criteria Committees will begin forming.
Survey Reports
Representative faculty for the Grit, Hope, and COLL 100 surveys met again on 3/7/13 to discuss the
three surveys, their similarities and differences, and ways in which the surveys might be combined
and/or coordinated to gather data that might best help us to help our students. Plans to change the
current survey format for COLL100 will be made for the fall. Several of the group attended talks by
Shane Lopez who is a leader in Hope and Wellbeing initiatives that consults with Gallop.
MCC Open Pathway Improvement Project Report
a. The 3rd meeting of the 4th Cohort (Business/Accounting, Computer Science, Counseling,
Math, Physical Education, Reading, Education) will take place on Friday, 4/12/13, from 1:30
to 3:30 PM at BTC CA 104B.
b. 2nd (and some 1st) Cohort Disciplines have been and will be meeting as individual disciplines
with the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment and the DACC Chair to discuss
the assessment data from fall 2012, ways in which the data might be analyzed, next steps,
and their reports. (Anthropology met 3/22, Sociology met 3/25, Physics met 4/1, History
met 4/3, Philosophy met 4/4, Economics will meet 4/11, Psychology will meet 4/12?,
Biology will meet 4/15, Chemistry will meet 4/16, Geology will meet 4/24.) – Kristy Bishop
c. Kristy will present overall findings at the summer symposium.
d. Reminder: 1st and 3rd Cohorts are assessing and working on analysis and interventions.
Higher Learning Commission Update
HLC Accreditation Criteria Co-Chairs attended the Annual HLC Conference (4/5/13-4/9/13)
Overall the feedback about our project was positive. Many individuals wanted our assessment
brochures and posters to take to their institutions as a sample, including an HLC rep.
i. Our Improvement Project was presented at the Learning Exchange
ii. Met our mentor, Renay Scott.
Metropolitan Community College
Thursday, April 11, 2013
3-4:30 PM
AC Boardroom
iii. Round Table discussions were facilitated and questions were answered
about our project. Feedback was given on the proposed projects of other
iv. We have 4 Peer Reviewers and 4 Improvement Project Reviewers – Kristy
Bishop, Leo Hirner, Cheryl Carpenter Davis, Mindy McCallum, Cynthia
Sexton Proctor, Paul Long
Assessment Reports
 Casey attended a follow-up meeting for the Writing Assessment/State Task Force. They are looking
to use a holistic rubric for the state and an analytic rubric for internal review. Rubrics are still being
fine-tuned. A pilot will begin this fall.
 Human Diversity Faculty is assessing.
 The New Faculty Training on Assessment was cancelled. New faculty is encouraged to take the
Blackboard Training online (Assessment 101).
 Everyone who requested to be added to the Assessment Training through Blackboard has been
Proposals for new assessment or survey requests
No report
Campus Reports
 BR – Committee has not met. GRIT results are being compiled.
 BTC – No report
 LV – Met in March. Casey provided a COLL100 presentation and Writing project update. Ron
Taylor presented assessment being done in reading. They meet again at the end of April.
 MW – No meeting
 PV – Meeting was canceled
 MO Health Wins –More cohorts start CNA this spring. There is a goal to have 300 new participants
by summer. MoMan is using Career ready 101 for remediation and Work keys.
Old Business
a. 3rd Annual Regional Community College Assessment Conference at JCCC on Friday,
b. Save the Date: 3rd Annual Summer Symposium on Student Learning at MCC on Friday,
7/19/13 – Kristy Bishop
New Business
 MCC is in the process of submitting a proposal for a Title III grant. This would be for Blue River
and Penn Valley the 1st year and would be for $2 million dollars over a 5 year period. The focus is on
developmental education. Surveys to faculty and students are out to collect data to include in the
proposal. Nationally known grant writers have been hired to facilitate this project.
 Next meeting: 3 PM on May 9, 2013 in AC Boardroom.
The meeting was adjourned.