JANUARY1, 1996throughDECEMBER 31, 1996 FACULW SERVICETO HOPECOLLEGE ryPEWRITE IPLEASE ORUSECOMPUTERI Herbert L. Dershem A. TEACHING ANDADVISING: 1. Courses TaughtandEnrollment (Attachreportfrom Registrar'sOfiice) 2. Supplementary Notes 29 Adwisees B. lo Frestunen) ANDPROFESSIONAL SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY 1. Workand/orGeneralProfessional (including Scholarly Development paperspresented, publications, performances, recitals, exhibitions, and progress) woft in .gurnmerresearch !'.i tI sEudents Marci ,Janjeclc aid Matv Malkowski supported by NSF REv gr:ant and alirecCor of che suruner REV progirar, SlJnlnrerresearch oD Object-Oriented Ada under srant fron v.S. Air Fotce rnl/jLed partjcipant, Indiana Area Cal).ege CompuEer Scjence Cur.ricu]unr Day panef feader at lhird Invited AnnuaT Consorlivm for Conputing in Snall CoTleges Midwestetn Confetence DeLivered paper at First Austra.lasian Confetence on Conputet Science Education nData St.ructures with Ada Packaqes, LabotatozieE, and Aninationg', Proceedinqs ot the .lst Au6t:afa,sian Conference on Con{)ltte! Science Educatjon, co-auEhored with th.ree student.e Referee of, 9 papets to! 3 confevences ParEicipanE in N,sF REU pane] Eo eva.luace proposals 2. (itfunded,specifyamountanddate/period Submittod GrantProposals of thegrant) NsF-T]'r project funded for the construction 546,356 with ,fipping and stegink for of a combined classEoom/ labaratory C. INTERNAL SERVICE 1. Coach of Involvement with StudentsOutsidethe Classroom.e.9..Directinga Plav. a Club (Listactivityand numberot Recitals.Coaching.or Sponsoring studentsengagedwithyou in this activity) Team whlch patticipated in the Hope Coffege Progranlning of Notre the Mid-East RegionaT Co.otest at the University parDame. One team of three competed. Eieven students for the team. in the tryouts ticipated FacultyServiceto HopeCollege- page2 Name: Eerbert L. Dershem 2. (List) Assignments na ^rfmanr aha; r Depar tment Admi s s i ons Li a i s on Status Cortnittee Department Internship Coordinator D. (Spring Semester) OTHER(e.9.,publicservice,consulting,curricular/course development, lectures,seminars,and presentations to highschoolstudentsor churchgroups) for the CounciT on fJndergraduate Research (CIJR), chalr of consuTtants comnittee for the Math/CS Division PaE)ers Co-chair for the Fourth AnnuaT Consortium for Computing in Sna77 CoLJ.eges Midwestern Confetence Councilor Which ot your accomplishmentsor activitiesof the past year do you consider most noteworthy? Presentation of the paper in Austtafia was noteworthy fox 2 reasons: L, I established internationaf contacts and was abfe to share our wotk in an internationaT forum jointly 2. It was written with three ot ny students CHAIRPERSON'S SUMMARYEVALUATION UNSATISFACTORY FAIR GOOD SUPERIOR OUTSTANDING (Onthiscontinuum, shouldplacetheletters TAtorTeaching andAdvising, thechairperson SPfor pointshe/heconsiders andProfossional Activity, andSEfor Service, atwhatever appropriate.) Scholarly Herbert L. Dershem Self-Evaluation 1996 I. Teaching My teachingincludedonenewcourse,theinauguralofferingof CSCI 160,ScientificComputer Prograrming with C++ added.The CSCI 480 wasalsoa new approachandteamtaughtwiih Mike Jipping.The summaxy belowincludesthecategories of evaluation thatI feelaremost rmportant. Preparation Enthusiasm Personal Interest Overall N cscr160 cscl 225 3.94 3.988 3.97 1.86 18 3.98 3.94 3.84 3.91 18 cscl488 3.8',7 3.83 3.',l6 3.63 12 cscl286 3.86 4.00 3.66 3.82 9 cscl383 3.80 cscI480 3.62 3.98 3.83 3.63 3.68 3.82 3.85 r.90 3.85 Total 3.75 83 II. Scholarship Scholarship in 1996consisted of summerresearch with students, publication,and theacceptance, deliveryof a paperin Australia,andmakingpresentations andseryingon panelsrelatedto undergraduate research in computerscience. IIL Service My servicewasdevotedto the dutiesof departmentchair andStatusCommittee.TheseI feel were doneadeouatelv Review of Goals for 1996 1 Publishtwo papersbasedon DARPA activitiesandonepaperbasedoII Air Forcegrant activl_ tles. I corubinedthe two paperson DARPAinto one,the onepublishedin theproceedingsof the Aus_ trasian Conference.TheAir Forcework hasbeenincorporated.inn the iett edition of the Der_ shety'Jippingtextbookrather thahappearos a separatepaper. 2. Continueplanningfor Schaum'sInteractiveprcject. I havedecidedto discontinuemy activitJ on thisproject and concentrateon the Third E(rition of the Dershen/Jirying textbookinstead. 3. Recruit new faculty memberfor deparhnentandfacilitaie her/hissuccessfulbeginningat the college. Kevin Denelsbeckhasbeenrecruiteda d will arive in August, 1997. Goalsfor 1997 L Successfully completetheThirdEditionof theDorsher/Jipping textbook. 2. Write a proposalfor anotherthreeyearNSF-REUproject. 3. Write a proposalfor a curriculumdovelopment projectfrom NSFto developmaterialsfor our new"clabroom"facility. 4. Adaptmy coursesto takeadvantage of the"clabroom.,' Surnrnary Evaluato!tbr HerbDershen 96-97 I amonceagalnamazed at Herb'sabilrtyto ba-taDc€ a largenumb€rof'balls,,m thealr while $)starnitgexcellence in all thathedoes.He rr a signdicanf le{dernot or y wthrolusdepartDent, butwithinthedivision and, with past his work year tbr$ on the StatusCoudttee, wrthinthe -tieib instrtrtionaswtill. hasrem.dinec productive a scholaribis pastyearatrdheha$brought signficantattentionto hisresearch partnoshrpwth sfirdimts tluoughhispresentations ofthat oollaboralive work at intemational meetings.l1e hasconducted a sucressii s€archfor a new oolleague andhasoontiaued to serveasa rolemodelfor Mke JippingandGordStegrnk.Herb's lead€mhip atrdcommitmeqt to Ec€ltenc€inspireall ofus in thedivisiotandI amthsnkfulibr bis effortsin sll rege'ds. JimGentile Dealr