JANUARY1, 2000throughDECEMBER 31,2OOO FACULTYSERVICETO HOPECOLLEGE TYPEWRITE IPLEASE ORUSECOMPUTER] NAME fr"tb.1t L. Dershem TEACHING ANDADVISING: 1. Courses Taught andEnrollment (AttachreportfromRegistrar's Otfice) 2. Supplementary Notes On sabbaticaf, B. Spting 2000 SCHOLARLY ANDPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY 1. Scholarly Workand/orGeneralprofessional Development (including paperspresented, publications, performances, recitals, exhibitions, and workin progross) Rewiewed 4 papets fat NECC2A00, 3 ttapezs toy slccsB 2oao arad 2 textbook nanusczipts, caunciJ.or tar counciT an Underqraduate Reseazch (cUR) add coordlnaEo! ot consuftins tor Math/cs Divisian Menbef, cantezeace caMitcee, Mldwe,t snaTt caTlese canputinE canterence, ,Srudenr papezs co-chait, 2000, Assaclate Contetence chairt 2OOA, conference chairl 20Ol ,trote & subrni tted X5 chaptezs to! textboak, ptadttuiid Lanopades: Mad67s and StrucExternal roviewer ot tenure and pronation candldacy for E.hree oucside insrjruclons Extetnal Reviewet, MathenaticaT Sciences, colleqe ot woasEez. Pare]ist, Ns! rnfolnatro! TectboTow Eeseardh pane.t, I'ebruary, 2OAO, es,sociate FaculEy for awa coutses, Urjc€d ,gaaCe.sApen univezsjty. Awointed ta Advlsary cowittee tar ca4{)uting, arnj ced ,gcaces Opea vnivezsity. n2! ^bstract Pape! pub.ljs}edi window Taolklc visuatizez fat coryruter gcjence rnsrruction/" Midtnesc rnstruccjon and canpuaing St]i/,pcsi&, Apri1.. 200A, wjtt rosjat L\yktra and &eia]1 ,tuppes. wi@er at Besc studenE paper Award. 2. GrantProposals (iffunded,specifyamountanddate/period Submitted of thegrant) proqram in Canput.et Science, REU: An Underqratluate Researcl Participatian 5159,300 Bubnitted ta NS?-REUprogran-pending . An Object-Oriented Executian VisuaTizatjorl Environnent for r,earning IntrodDctary Cojljputer Science, 574,296 subrnitted ta NSF CCLr-not funded. C. INTERNAL SERVICE 1. students engaged withyouin thisactivity) FacuTty advisot, Alpha Kappa Pi (12 students) Faculty advisor, ACM Student Chapter (25 students) Supervised thlee acadenlc year undergraduat.e tesearch praject.s Ca-Difecto! Slrj'j,ne! Research Progtam, FacuTty Ofg:anize!, Chi Onicron cat@a, Conp\tter Science Honarary. Facultyserviceto Hopecollege- page2 Name 2. fierbert L' Dershenr Administrative Service. BoardandComn....- -..-.-. - -. -.. ..- .--. (List) Assignments Department Chair, Contputer Science Depar LnenL Assigrl.nents j Adniss.ons I iaison, newsJeL te! taof, Menber, Alumi Board far Discinguished Alumi 2001. D. consulting, curricular/course development, OTHER(e.9.,publicservice, presentations and to high school students or churchgroups) lectures, seminars, Men'l.er, vaung Lite Regionar CamilLee Ca taught class on New Testanent at Christ Menarial Pastoraf Care Efaer, Christ l4enoriaf Church InviLed Speaker aE RjSE neerjnEr E. edl- Church Whichof youraccomplishments or activities of thepastyeardoyouconsider mostnotsworthv? Themoslsignificantwasthesubnissionof two NSFgrantproposalsin oneyearandlhe expelencegalnedin distanceeducationthrcughny alfiliationwiththe United StatesOpenUniversily. F. CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION UNSATISFACTORY FAIR GOOD SUPERIOR OUTSTANDING (Onthiscontinuum, the chaipersonshouldplacethe lettersTA forTeachingandAdvising,SP ior Protessional Activity,and SE for Seruice,at whateverpoinlshe/heconsidersappropriate.) Scholarlyand :9 888. E 3 e"aeH E 1? 'il z z z d 6 € Ed8 r ' ! ! r' tDt?l: 9 !, 'g 33; n i l d E z o! 6 0 .5 d 6 i i 6 r ' 6 d p a 6 HerbertL. Dershem Self-Evaluation 2000 L Teaching I wason sabbaticalleaveduring the Springsemester. In the Fall semesterI taughta standardload. NotewofihywastheProgammingLanguages pairof couses(361,363). Theseweretaughtin a split format for the first time andI usedthe draft of the Third Edition of the textbookwdtten by Mike Jipping andme in teachingthe cowse.Also, I introducedseveralnew approachesin CSCI 481,SeniorProjectScminar,especially in the areaof computerethics. Preparation Enthusiasm cscl 225 Personal Interest Overall 3.94 3.92 3.85 3.86 cscr361 3.85 cscl 363 3.90 3.79 3.62 3.58 19 3.83 15 cscr481 3.82 3.94 3.88 3.88 16 Total 3.88 3.89 3.18 3.78 7l 3.94 IL Scholarship Scholarship in 2000consisted of thepublicationof onepaperco-authored with summerresearch students thatwon a "BestStudentPape/'award,preparing16chapters for a neweditionof a textbook,chairinga major conferenceplanningconunittee,beinginvited to consultwith andteachfor the newly-formedUnited StatesOpenUniversity,andservingon an NSF panelrclatedto instructional technologyrcsearch.This wasa productiveyearasfar as scholalshipis concemed. IIL Service My servicewasdevotedto the dutiesof departmentchair.This includedmore than 20 sessions andactivitiesthat I hostedfor prospectivestudents.It alsoincludedmajor efforts at recruitingfaculty during the entire year.I alsoprovidedleadershipin the implementationof a completelynew curiculum for the deDartment. Reviewof Goalsfor 1999 1.Submita Foposal!o theNSF-CCLIproglamfor furtherdevelopment anddissemination of my softwarevisualizationwork. Proposalwassubmitted, butit wasnotfunded, 2. Submita FoposaltheNSF-REUfor a continuation plogram. of thedcpartmont's Proposalwassubmitted andI amawaitingwod on itsIund,ingstatus, 3. Completethewritingof theThirdEditioriof Proeramming Languages: StructuesandModels. Eightypercentof thetextbookis nowcompleted fu,f,rst d,r4 fom. 4. Gainexperience in distanceeducation by servingasa FacultyAssocialefor a ComputerSciencecourseofferedby theUniledStatesOpenUniversity. I saccesslvlly tqugl* trvodifferentcourses. Goalsfor 2000 1.ResubmitFoposalto theNSF-CCLIprogramfor furtherdevelopment anddissemination of my softwarcvisualizationrvork. programandpreparelesultoof workfor dissemination. 2. Successfully conductsulrunerresearch 3. Compleiethewritingof $e ThirdEditionof @. 4. Increase my knowledgeandexpelience in distanceeducationby takingon additional.responsi bilitieswith theUnitedStalesOpenUniversity. Reviewfor HerbDershem Dean'sPerformance but in lhe science Herbhadanotheroutsr,ndingyear. He is a signilicantleadertrot only in his owndepartrnent, divisionandbroartlywithin the instihrtionaswell. This yearhe wroteandsubmitted16chaptenfor the 3d edition of his textbookentitledProgranminglangua,ges:ModelsandStmct /eJ, wroteandsubmittedtwo proposalsto the of NSF, taughta significantloadof courses,andpublisheda paperwith a Hopestudent.Add to this a compendium you Herb to be will soonrealizewhy I coDsider serviceto theHopecommunityandbroadercommunityaswell and just slighdy andhis scholarship otreof thetlue leadersin our divisioo. I late his teachingandserviceasoutstanding lessthanoutstanding. li dH-F.F." z b ;Aii z p 6 B,e.6,N F i,|! ta IP t lo lrl to tt s rO o t + a i l O to! O!Jd ts r ln l.a ioHo o tiD .t to tP o o tft o o tst P i.0 E E E AE I " i € H I I F tF;5 I o n i - : U E c F Ecn z 5 " F . , ;' t g 3 ? r Ee!. lT [5', 5 d g Ft" c r o t t o pl I : i ) a E t o o t E e a o f, lff $ r + r t l o icl6 t o t t n o o l t o F I 1 6 € f