.IANUARY1,, 1994 through DECEMBER31, 1994 FACULTY SERVICE TO HOPE COLLEGE IPLEASE TYPEWR]TE oR us' coMpur'Rr A. NAME HerbertL' Dershem TEACHINGAND ADVISING: 1. Courses Taught and Enrollnent spnns tse4trtiii'riX{,T l"ti?;r*ou Fqn ,'ss.";r7,3tr:r'ri:{ffi:;iT,l!"f ,u, CSCI495Object-Oriented Prcgq rning(23 2. supprenentary Notes B. CSCI480SeniorprojectSemiwr(4) plw 114relea'se timeforDARPAgrant SC OLARLY AND PROFESS]ONALACTIVITY 1, 2. SchoLarly Work and/ox General-prgfessional Developnent ( i n c f u d i n g p a p e r s p r e s e n E e d ,p u b . il c a t i o n s , performances, recital-s, exhlbitions, and work in progress ) "Finite StateMachineSimulatlontn an Intoductoryl&b" with Rlan McFoll.presentedat SICCSE N-ational Synposiumin Phoenix,March10,1994ondqpfuring in SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol.26.No.1. Summer Research Projectwith Darrick BrownandChcriBowsherwlth supportfrom NSF REUgrant. Summer Research onAda ,nDatoStructures Labsuadargrdnttrom DARPA, Publicationof SecondEditiond Proorammikg languages:Structures dndModelsb! Dershzn and,Iirying Presentation with2 stulentat ArgonneUndergradxate Research Swposiwn Grant ProposaLs and dale/period (if Subnltted of the grant) funded, specify anount "CurriculwnardTextbookDe,rebpnentUsingAda9Xfor theTeaching of Object-Oented -Aug,1996. Concepts" , contactfrom USAir Force$33,934. Msy, 1995 Proposolsubmlttedto NSF-REU programfor 9102,000, approvalpending C. ]NTERNAL SERVICE 1. Involvernent with students outside the cLassroon, e.g.. Dlrecting a Play, Recitafs. Coaching, or Sponaoring a CIub (Lisl activity and nufiice! of students engaged wiLh you in Lhis acliviry) Coachof theHopeCollegeProgrommingTeqn u)hichparticipqted,il thzMid-Esst Regtonnl Contestat Wqterloo,Ontario. Two tewnsof three each,eight stujents involyed in tryoutsfor the teotn. 2. Administiative Departmental Seivice. Board and Committee Assiqnmenr s (List ) and/or Depqrtncnt Chair DepsrtmentAdmissios Lialson StqtusConvniftee FocultJHandbookRevisionCommittee D. other (e.9.' public service. consulting, curricular/course developnent, lectures/ seminars/ and presentations to high school students or church gloups) ElectedCouncilorfor the Council on UniergraduateRetearch,and servedon nominating connittee Developednewcourse:CSCI225 - SoftwareDesign andImplementation Chairpersonof Holland,Areo YoungLife Cornrnittee E. WHICHOF YOURACCOMPLISHMENTS OR ACTIV]TIES OF THE PAST YEAR DO YOU CONSIDERMOSTNOTEWORTHY? qre tatewonlu becausethq tncludedthepubI feel that thevariety of accotnplishment$ licatioh of a book,thepublication of a researchpaper with a student,thepresentationof researchwork with students,the deyelopmentof on innoystivenew course,receivinga major researchgrant, and electionto o national ofrice. F. CIIAIRPERSON'S SU}4.{ARYEVALUATION UNSATISFACTORY (On this Advising. Service, FA]R 6OOD SUPERIOR OUTSTANDING place the letters continuun, TA for Teacbing and professional SP for Scholarly and Activity, SE for at whatever point you consid.er appropriate. ) B O € o o o I z z Fap o o o | | l r z o g u € o q o o o za) 3.oo H o I,t 4 rl H y ; !j t! Ht rn o o o o 3() F F F I F < o F lo O z o otn oln B |'O ts I E 6 Z H g o E o AE 3B p F E HO ri *a !.i I H ' t ECIPY .Ianuary 30, 1995 TO: Exon: Re: Status Connittee Jj-n centile, Dean for the Natural" sciences Evaluation for Herb Dershern.Chairr Computer Science It i6 very Eood, indeed, to once again have Herb Dershernback as chair of the conputer acience department. Herb has had a highly successful year. Hls tLne spent at the Alr Force Acadeny whlLe on leave allowed hin to cul] his aLready strong teaching abilities and develop new approaches to his work. He (along with Mike .tipping) has published this year the secoDd editlon of his excel.Lent textbook 1n conputer sqience, and upon his return to Hope College he wrote and subroitted a NSF-REUgrant pxoposaf that wil-l provide resources f,or underEraduate eludent research for thg nexl thlee yeals (Note: I say will becauae we have reoently been notified of the approva.Lof this grant) . At the national level Herb was eleqted as a cUR councif Menber, wlthin the departnent Hetb continues to provid€ strong leadership to a strong departnent, and for Hope coflege he has "pitched in' to asEune responsibilities as a nenber of the Status Connittee. Alf in all, a job very weLl done indeed! Herbert L, Dershem Reviewof Goalsfor 1993 1.Completewo* on theDARPAgrantfor cuniculumdevelopment. Workon thisprojectwill becowleted in Ms!, 1995.1hsve,inf6ct, beenAwarded c rew granton whichI will beingworkin June,1995. 2. CompletetheSecond Bditionof Dershem/Jipping. Completed! 3. Establisha clepartnenulportfolioprogran Thishasbeend,eferred, dueto otherdeparhrcntalWioifres. Goalsfor 1995 I . Publisha peperotrdle DARPAgant activities. 2. Developa planfor a newtoxtbookv/ritingFoject. 3. SuccessfulydevelopandimplementCSCI225,SoftwareDesignandrmFbmentation. Dershem- Fall 1994 220 N 220 Mean 383 Mean 383 N Dopt Moan 3.29 Dept N 133 Ptepamtion 3.84 8 3.85 GradingSystem 3:7L 8 3.59 l6 3.12 Presentation 3.73 8 3.80 16 2.96 131 ClassPanicipation 3.50 I 3;t2 IO 3.2n r2.8 Intelpstin Students 3.46 8 3.94 16 3.16 128 Enthusiasm 3.96 8 3.96 3.48 t32 GradingFaimess 3.9r 8 3.96 l6 3.31 131 Infomedon Pm$ess 3.58 8 3;12 to 3.U 132 Opento Viewpoints 3.45 6 3.55 L3 3.11 119 Tteatedwith Respect 3.93 8 3.96 16 3,42 130 Helpful Fcedback 3.75 8 3.96 16 3.01 131 Availablcout of Class 3.84 8 3J9 14 3.34 nn StimulatodIn!c!est ?ro 8 3.75 to 3.01 130 Overall 3.80 8 16 3.0r 130