TO THE NATIONALSCIENCEFOUNDATION COVERSHEETFORPROPOSAL FORIiISFI,|SEONLY NSFPROPOSAL NUMBER CISE.REU NSF9G102 divrro.ot) ffit3F.drcriii*,porn CISE.REU DiJNS* (D* Uni@r rdbdim sFh) FUNOCODE DATERECEM€O FILEIOC.qTON ISTHIS PROPOSALBEINGSUB EMPIOY€RIDENTIFICATDNNUMBER(EIN)OR SHOWPREVOUSAWARDNO.IFTTiISIS NUMBERCTN) TAXPAY€RIDENTIFICATIOI.I AGENCY?Y€SI NOEI |FYES,IISTACRONYM{S) on X n aeriewernerewar m eccouerstmetlr-erseo n 38-138127 CflN) NAMEOf OROqNEATION'O WH|CHAWARDSEOULDSE MADE ZIPCODE INCLUOING ADDRESSOF AWARDEEORGANIZATION, HoDeColleqe Science of Computer Deoartment AWARDE€ORGAIIIZATIONCOOE(F (NOWN) -NAitE HopeCollege Holland,Ml 49422-9000 oF pERFoRMtNGoRGANtzartoN. lF DIFFERENIFRoM ORocI{IZATION.IF OF PERFORMING AOORESS FERFoRMI{GoRGANEATIONCODE{IF (NOWN) lS AWARDeEORGpJ,lzATloN(cnet An rhal Appry) (s€6Gf,c lr.o,rFd D6fi.rrom) E FoR-pRoFroRocNrzATroN EsMALt BUslNEss EMNoRnYsusrNEss EwoMpr't-owNEDBlstNEss PROJECT TlTte OF PROPOSED for Undergraduates ComputerSdenceResearchExperience REAUEST€DAMOIINI REOUESTED STARTINGDATS OURATION(1.60I{ONTHS) PROPOSED $1,16,700 Februarv'1.'1998 36 ANYOF THE IIEA'S LISIEO BEIOW CHECKAPPROPRATEBOX(ES)IF THIS PROPOSALINCTUDES ANIMATS(GPGII,D.12)IACUCAPP. LI VERTEARATE twesnoqtoa (epc L,ts) Daeonttt[e or roaevrrcAcrrvtttEs(cPGll D l ) I orscr-osune (cPGll D.1o) a mvteoEDTNFoRMAToN eroenetlnv I (cPG tlDI. PoLrcYAcr erunotweuel urouL ! tt.o.rz) n uuunsuercrs(eee (scER)(GPG lt D12) E sulLr enart ron exetoR,REsEARcH n.o.t z) ! eaoueenoeosel{occ I ! EMDUonSubledlon-or lRsApp.Dsts acrrvtrrEsi couNTRY/couNlREs I mrenurorur cooeeanrvE n nsronoeuces(eee rrornntor ron scrttsT$€NorNEERswnH osAatlrrtEs(oPGv G) (cPGvH) oeeonrurnvAWARD neser,tacx PI/POPC'SIALADORESS ComouterScience (616)39$7123 of CompderSdence Department HopeCollege Holland.Ml 49422-9000 I'lAlrESoYPED) HerbertL. Dershem 271444€60 PhD.69 (616)39$750 CGPI/PD THISCOVERSHEET FOLLOWIT{G PAGEMUSTBESUB!'ITTEDIIIMEOIATELY TOTE:THEFULLYSIG EDCERTIFICATIOi{ .9IBI'ISSION OF SOCI& SECLIiITY MIMSERS IS IOLUMTARYAND WLI NOTAFFECTTHE ORGAMZANONS EUGISIUTY FOR AN AWARO €\'VEVER-'I}€Y ARE NsFacr oF 1t50AsaME|'DED ir-riiiie'iil ien-r or rr*nar ruoaueno 1m7( rHEPRoPosaLssNsollclrED UNDER svsren erc assrsr N FRocEssNG drtificatlonforPr'rncipi PAGE CERTIFICATION estigatorsandCo-PrincipalInvestigators I stitv ro the best of my kto'ledge thatl () rhe srddsns h*in (exdlding soentific lvpoths6 ard $istific oPinoru) ae tue atd co.nplete and qisinal wotk or lhe (a rhe t€d and sEphics h6ein 6 udt as dy accanpani4 publicdiolrs 6 olher docum€nts,unle6sotnsaise indi€d€d, a.e lhe prqel of the and to prdide the cdduct r€.eto sepl r6p6siblity fq rhe scidtifc si;nat@6 or idiliduals wdrn€ u.der rhdr $pdis6. 6uh ol lhis applicnlim. is mde as a repons n an &ard rcquir€d Fogress NsF is a I ondFstand lhd the wiltut p@isim oI false infmndifi or Fncedinq 3 mdsid fad in this prcpGd or any olhd cmmunication slbmilted to dimind olfere (U.S.Code Tltle 14, Sedion 1001). Signature^ 9t1i,97 HerbertL. Dershem or IndividualApplicant Representative certiticationfor AuthorizedOrganizational thisprop6al,the indiliduat4plicarn orthe suthodzedoftcislofthe 4pllca\t ingiinid| i$ ( ) cediryinglhd stat€fnflls made By srgrinqandsubmittinq .*da" to thobelt of hls/hs h@tedgsi and(2) {r€€im to ttl6 odigdid to canpt with NsF *4d termsandcmditioN if n*a-n r" ttr" rogatdingFed€.sldebl.tdus, d€bamdl4d "r'O as a€r.lie applicantis herebypr@idinoc€difrcdlone e swardis made (GPG)'NsF 9&2' wi||fu|provisimol 6d.,e G.a,l{ F}eo$, (s4 iodh in th€ b€|d/v), a3 s€l eliviti€5 ad tobbyno .uspsion' dlugfte wo*p|s.e' is a cdmlndoafmse(u s, codo litb 1a *dng aiiad fdss tnic.nstidt in lhls apdicatlonffld its slpPo nqdocum€itsd in .6pot1srcqd€d utd€f sr hd In additm,if rheapplicarrinstiMton4ptoys md6 rhanfny p66ffi, rh€ authdiz6doifcislof tho 4pli6rn irdtrdo i6c€.lifoingthd the iNlitulion thd to th€b€stor pro$do|ls Pdicv rvanrcl Section 510: @ar* pdicy ot wlfl lhe thar ls ccrsist€nt ricl ot lnlersit *r""ed c{. *iti ElO*"'ri " sI€€ r€qLlr€dby thd connictd Int€.€stpdicyhav€bsr mal6l ard ltEt dl iddfi.d dnids of lrtsosl will have hijh€r ln*i€dge, exp€.ditur€of a y tutid!(nd€rlh€ ead, ln accrdace $th lhe ir6titulions r€duo€do. dtmtnat€dpdorto th€Instituuon's managed, ben sdlsfad;y ro NsF co. licl ot intdesi pollq. Cdriicls whiohc€nnotbosdish.idily mrEged,.€duc€dordimind€dm6l bedsolGed Debt and Debarment Cerlifications provido €lglanalion ([ an3w€r'v€5' to€ither'pl€ase ) rs (E d9aniz6t6 delirqu€nl d arv F€ddal o€b'i" Y* n l3 th€ oEartzliion d lE pnn lpals p@€rit d6bd€d, 5!sp6nd€d, propG€d fd d€bam€'t d*lar€d indigible or vaum-airv ercrr:aeatrorn o*€d tm|s* ms by any F€ded O€Oatunat d soencv? V* N"x N.x l-l CertificationRegardingLobbying ag.esn€.t €,c€edinos100,0005rd ld an flard of a F€derdldn or Thtsclrtifcdion tsrequn€dfo. an dfit c{ a Federdcfitr,ct, lrant or cooperatlve guaranle 6 loan oceeding $150@0 or stal€6 to in$E a co.nfiltndlt FoMdingfo. ihe Udt€d Cerdffcationtot contracts,Granb, Loa[s and Coop€rativeAga€€rnents c€rtlfe, to th6o6t ol tl6 of hs hflledoe andbdi6t' tist: Theurderslgned to anvps$fi fo.lniuenonsor dl€.nplingto (1) NoFedoralapp.anabd tundshaveb€€fiplid q fil h€ pdd, by or m h$df oflt€ undsGigned. d ensproye ol a I'isnber o(cc1qr6s in of cd{r€5s, 4 dproy€ a offc€r ot cor|gls, a M€rnbs or ,ry aqscr. o enprore an crncei inirr:ee gErn, l@n,lh€ ortsrng intoof arv co.Cqativs me*lnC of dV F€dsJ ih. of dy Feddd the ms*j.rq cdne.ri6 withth. dsrdhg of dy tuddd, Fed€rdcdirad, grai, ro.n,d coop€rdiveaqre€rnsnt. of any o. modifcdim rclwd, aneidmod, edens6, cdliinuarim, ad rh€ ;;;, (a tf al'|ytundsolh€rthd Feddd spp.Qriaedtun& havebs paidd to anycqs6 for innlsdnc 6 att{ptrno to innuendan .ff6 or in con€cilon wih ih s i,l".bd ; cdE6., sndofic€r or anproy4 caccngrcss,a 'l cndoy€eof a Mqnbs of cd{r€.s ;;pr'G 'ois.locureor L.bbryins Fdm{LI "r ""v " dd s{bmlt Sl4datd "g*"y, shall cdndde hd€rElgned aqr€n€nr, rhe cooperarive ;J; ftnt'l*", "",t*i in acco.dece{ith"lts irdrucloN!i&5.' (3) Ihe fidsrltig.ed shal Gqli€ tiat lhe tauuage ofthlscertifc€tionb€ in ludedin ths ar€rl docuni.{s for allsuba,aftlsat dl tie.s incllding dd di5.!6e sddinqlv. sutconraas,eutgE s, am cmrradsunderqr'is, ldns, r{ coopeEtivoagef,enb atd lhd dt &b.edpdns 6hallc€rt9 d s eredido slbnidiion ollhis Ttis ce.rifcdionis 3 md€rialrep.B€rndlfi ot factupo.rwhichrdla@ {6 placedwtH dlis tr rsadio wasmade Code ArrypsEonwhofail6tonl€ tE 1352, t.de31, U.S. by se.tio im@s€d hrorhisi.6Gdid p,*"qri"it d ents.O t making i" oon"ai6 rch tailuG lor each ald not md,o n]d $100,000 " pddtv l8 lhan of not 51o,ooo e cilil o" to *nit"ai."q!i " "ubj€.l "a SIGNATURE AITHORIZEDORGANIZATIOMLREPRESENTATI\G ffiiiLEFEo) Jamesc. Gentile ne.n of the Natrrral Sci. NUMBER TEI-EPHONE (616)39s-7190 Div ELECTRONICMAILPODRESS h,.",""l'1n'kL 9t12./97 FAXNUMBER (6'16)39$7S23 REU PROJECT SUMMARY FORM NSF RESEARCHEXPERIENCES FOR UNDERGRADUATESPROGRAM Typ€ all entri€s. Seepage.t left tor i$rrucrio$ dd .od6 fo be us€din fillitrg oot this fortu 2. Highest Degre€Code: 1. MajorField: 4. Focus Code:rln 3. Subfields: 5, Audience Code(s): W M 6. ScopeCod€: 10. Nameof Principal InvertiCstor: ----------gcrierd-DeabeL 11. Nam€ of Student R€cruitm€nt Point"of-Conlact: 12. Projcct Titl€: 13.Numberof StudcntsInvolvedr-&+euear 15. Other lnstituiions Involv€d: sL 9.Inst. Code: PRIV 8. Nsmc of Institution: @ SRPOCT€l.No.: 7. Type ofProjccl T€l.No. 6t6-?q5-?5ot HerbertL. Dershem SRPOC e-mail address: rtershen@cshone e<iu iepcL 14.Activity Period:,L er- gmduateresearchprojectsasa pan of this program.Five studentsper yearfrom other institutionswill participate 16.Summaryof ProposcdWork: with a meaningful The REU programat HopeColleg€is designedto provide talentedundergraduates researchexperiencethat will encouragelhem to considera cargerin computerscienceresearch.Our goal is to exposethe studentsto the techniques,attitudes,andrewardsof computErscienceresearchandto provide encouragemenr anddire-ctionin the puNuit of sucha caleer.We will stronglyrecruit womenandminority students ro our progam. Hope CollegeComputerScienc€faculty will mentorthis undergadu.te resealch.In addition,a faculty mentorwill be selectedfrom anotherinstiautionwherethe infiastructureis lacking for stsoogundergraduate research.Eight participantswill be select€deachyear,three{iom HopeCollege,two from the outsidefaculty mentor's institution, andthreefrom olher institutions.Thosestudentswill work for ten weeksduring the summerin closecollaborationwith a faculty mentor.Studentswill havetlle opportunityto usethe HopeCollegeComputer ScienceSUN SPARCslationnetwork.Areasof r€searchincludeparallel algorithms,systemdevelopment environments,human-machineinterfac€,algorilhm annnation,andprogramminglanguages.The studenlswill perform indep€ndentresearch,give oial presentations on their work, attendworkshopson graduateschool,prepare scientific papers,and presenttheir work at seminarsat their homeinstitutionsandnationalandregionalme€tings. TABLE OF CONTENTS ForGnG;;"AE ;j.-rmftfisaF-'iAtions, seeGPGseclionll c Totalt{o. of Pagesin S€ction Section Page l{o.' (opuonal)' coveaSheet(NsFForm1207- submitPage2 withoriginalproposalonly) A ProjeciSummary(notto exc€€d1 page) B (NSFForm1359) Tableof Contents C ProjeclDesc ption(includingResultsFromPriorNSFSuppon) (notto exceed15pages)(Exceedonly if allov{6dby a specific ot if appaovedin advanceby the programannouncemenusolicitation or appropdateNSFA36l3tentDlrector designe€) -* Pleasecheckif Resultsfrom Prior NSF Supportalreadyhavebeen reportedlo NSFvia the NSF FastLaneSystem' and list the Award NumberforthatProiect D Refer€ncesCited E BiographicelSketches(Not to exceed2 pageseach) F SummaryProposalBudggt 12 NSF A\4ard No. (NSFForm'1030,includingupto 3 pagesof budgetiuslilication) (NSFForm1239) Suppod andPending Current H (NSFFcxm1363) andOtherR€sourc€c Equipment Facililies, I Documentalion SpeoalInformatron/Supplem€ntary (Listbelow) Appendit lncludeonlvif allowsdbya specificprcgramannounoemenu solicitatlonor lf approvedin advsnceby tho apprcprlat' SF Assbtant Dhectoror deslgnee) ltems: Aooendix both bepaginated.Cornplete theentie proposalmust .prooosersmayselectanynumbengmechanism tor lhe proposal,however, consecttively columnsonlyif theproposalis numbered NSFFonn1359(10/97) C. ProjectDescription 1 Introduction HopeCollegeis a four-yearlib€ral artscollegewith enrollmentof approximately2800.The Science Division at Hope Collegeis oneof the strongestdivisions of its kind at any fow-year college.HoDeCollegewasthe Researchin 1992and is the recipientof a recentmajor site of the nationalmeetingof the Council on Undergraduate grantfiom the Kellogg Foundationto help improve K-8 scienceandmathematicseducationas well asgrant! from ShermanFairchild Foundationandthe KresgeFoundationto fund najor equipmentpurchases. to be a The faculty andadministrationof HopeCollegebeliev€researchpadcipation by undergraduates the departments at Hope College offer critical componentin the tsainingof future scientists.All of scien€e indep€ndentstudy programsinvolving studentresearchfor which academiccredit is awarded.Outstandingmajon are encoumgedto continuetheir researchon a full time basisduring the summermonths. HopeCollegehasa long lradition of underymduateresearchin the sci€nc€s.In the period of 1991-95, collegesin the undergraduate odgin of sciencePh.D.'s. Hope was 3rd Hopeplaced22nd amongall baccalaureate colleg€sin total awardsftom the NationalScienceFoundationin 1996-97. amongbaccalaureate The ComputerScienceDepartmenthasbecomea part of this kadition. A recentstudyifldicated that Hope was the third most productiveinstitution in ComputerScienceresearchftom amonglhe 48 institutionsin the "Oberlin group" asmeasuedby publicationsin the pcriod 19?7-1987.During ttle 16 yoarperiodfrom 1981-t997, the ComputerScienceDepartmentgraduated225 majors.Of those,42 attendedgraduateor prcfessionalschooland Studycoulseduring the academicyear. 179participate-din a ResearcMndependent researchwith HopeCollegesrronglyencouragcsfacultyhtudentcollaborativerescarch.Undergraduate NSF supportwascanied out by morethan 100sludcntsduring the summerof 199?in ihe d€partmentsof Computer Science,Physics,Mathematics,Biology, andChonistry. lnstitutional supportfor collaborativercsearchoubide of rhe scicnccshar increasedby the establishmentof a hesident's DiscretionaryFundfor this purpose. 2 . . . . . Objectivesand IntendedImpact The objectivesof thrs projectaie: researchFogram of tho HopeCollegeComputerScienceDepartment to supponande[hanc€the undergraduate researchfor othcr primarily undergraduate institutions to Fovide a modelfor ComputerScienccundergraduate prEs€ndy lack tho inliasEucture to support roaearch at institutions that ro encou€geandsupportundergraduate participanbto pursuecareer!in computcr scienceresearch to encourageand motivateundergraduat€ ftom $oups undeneFescnM in ComputerScienceresearchto to increasethe numb6 of undergraduatEs considersuchcareers rcssarchprogxamat Hope As a.esult of this project,we expectthat lhe ComputcrScienceuodergmduate giow as a result of their panicipation, lize and effectivcness. Wc also expect that will continue to in both Couege presence program play andimporlanceof participants a role in incrcasing the in this will the studcntand faculty undergaduateresearchat many otherinstitutrons,andasa result,the entireComputerScienc€academic communitywiu benefit. FROM PRIOR NSFSUPPORT RESUI-.JTS l8 crant NumberCDA-92001 | Amount of Award: $86,550 | support Period:April I, 1992to Septeinber30, 1995| GrantNumber:CDA-9423943 Amourt of Au/ard: $114,393 SupponP€riod:March I , 1995lo Febmary28, 1998 Tide: REU: An UndergraduaEResearchPanicipationProgramin ComputerScience 3.1 GeneralResults With support{iom the Natioflal ScienceFoundation,HopeCollegehashosteda ComputerScienceREU siteprogrameachof the summerskom 1992-197. During this tirna REU hassupporied36 pafiiciparis, 6 each summer,while an additional 10 participantshavebe€nsupporledby otherfuods.Th€seadditional fundshavecome from a variety of sourcosin the form of gants awardedto lhe faculty andthe instilution. Sourcesinclude NASA, NSF RUI, PewMemorial Trust, HowardHughesFoundation,andthe United StatesAir Force.The student participantshavecompleted22 projectsthat are listedlaterin this proposal. The tabl€ below showsthe slatusin August, 1997,of the40 individualswho participatedin the Hope CollegeComputerSciencesummerresearchprogramsftom 1992-971 13 Attending graduateschool Employcd 11 Still an undergraduat€ Graduatcschoolsattendedby projert alumni includeDukc, Clcmson,Illinois, Michigan State,Utah,Texas A&M, Michigan, Colorado,andWilliam & Mary. Amongthc presentemployeNof project alumni are Bell Labs, Evans& Sutherland.Crowe Chizek.Microsoft, For4 UsAir, andMacromedia. From 1991-97,the Hope CollegeComputerScienccRBU projecthsshadonly limiled successin recruiting groups.Twenty percen!of the pffticipants havebeenwomenandonly one pafticipantsftom undenepresented participantof the 40 hasbeena memberofa minority €thnicgroup.This hasb€tn in sPiteof.ffort on the part of the Foject director to r€cruit suchstudents.Eachycrr, at leasthalf of the positionsoffered to non'HopeColl€g€ studenlswere offcrcd to females.In 1997,30% of the applicationsrcceivcdwere ftom mcmbersof minority groups. Unfortunately,it hasprovendifficult to converttheseapplica s into participants.We have notrced,that thc rate of groups,maldng it much acceptrnceof offer€ to pmticipateis much lowcr ftom membersof thosoundcrrepresentcd moredifficult to rcalizc a higher level of panicipation.Regadlossof our limited success,we find the level of inlerestftom studonlr in thes€groupEto b€ cncouraging,andwc plan to continueto stlive for greaterParticipation throughthe stralegiesdcscribe-din the next sectionof this proposal. 3.2 Recruitment of the summer'sREU programare In late Januaryor early Februaryof eachycar,announc€menl! anduniversiticsthmughoutthe chairs at colleges to computer scietce d€paltmcnt Mailings are sent disFibutpd. Officrrs at latge univ€rsitresthroughoutthe are sent tro Minority Affai!:rs announcemcnls UnitEdStatrs.In additioq group the ACM SICCSEmail list placc Usenet ncws and on also on the are midwest.Announcemcnts pre-dominandy are concacted minority iostitutions dcpartments at over 50 of compuler science s€rver.Chalrs an announc€ment is to aPPly. At thc same time, especially encoungp their students via cmail lo individually y€ars application numbers fot the six of suftmer classes at Hope Collcge. The computer science distribuEd io all rcsearchsupportcdby the abovetwo grantsarc givenin the following table: undergraduate ApplicationProfile Bxtemal applicants loot 1993 t994 1995 1996 r99'.1 82 59 Externalparticipanls 65 a 57 62 3 3 3 2 Hop€ applicants 7 ll 12 t7 Hopeparticipants 3 3 3 3 3 4 Other undergaduateresearchers 2 3 2 2 0 I c-2 t7 3.3 Projects Bachsummer,the participantswere presenton the HopeCollegecampusfor ten weeksof research.The projectsandtheir panicipantsare summarizedbelow: (* indicatesthe participantwassupportedby non-REUfunds.) t992 An Object Ori€ntcd Application/Programmer Intcrfac€ for Network Pmgramming Faculty Mento.: Shirley Bro*rt€ Undergraduate Researchers:Jennifer Howe[, Ming Shu*, Rob€rt Wohlfarth Using the Computer to Visualize and Simulatc Mod€ls of Abstract Mod€ls of Computation Facdty M€ntor: Herbert D€rshem Undergraduate Rescarchers:Brett Folkert Ryan McFa Photosynthesis:An Object Oriented Test B€d for Parall€l Ray Tracins Faculty Mentor: Gordon St€sink Und€.graduate Researchers:Eric Matthews, Mik€ Shield 1993 Adavision and THREADS: Algorithm Animations and Experimental Labomtorics for Teaching a Datq Structur€s Cours€ in Ada Fcculty Mentor: H€rb€rt Dcrshem Undergraduate R€searchers:Wendy Darth, Chcri Bowsh€r' Bob chen* The Genetic Algorithm Parallel Programhing Project Faculty Mentor: Gordon Si€gink Undergrsduate R$earchersi Russell Nelson' Bryan Show€rs An Empiricrl CsseStudy of Software Integirtion Techniqu€s trrculty Mentor: MichaelJipping Undergradurt€ R€searchers:Jonathan Bcsrdr' Micha€l Crider*' SergeHrllyn' Nichobs Rahn 1994 Cr€ating an Integrat€d Concurr€nt Syst€mDesignEnvironm€nt FacultyM€ntor: MichaelJ. Jipping Undergraduate R€searcherstMike Criderl' SergeHa[yn*, John DUP€ron'Hcather Mintz Algorithm Visualization and Animstion Faculty Mentor: H€rbert L. Dershem Undergraduate R€searchers:Ch€ri Bowsher, Darrick Brown Electric Darwinism: Finding an ld€3l Path Usins Gcdetic Algoritbms Frculty M€ntor: Gordon A. Stegink Und€rgraduati Reff Rhers: Deborah Kaplar' Nick Slagcr 1995 Evaluating Parallel Software Design Tools Faculty Mdrtor: Michael J. Jippins Undergradoate R€icarchers: Johlr Dup€roo ad J€tr oeg€ma* Comparison ol the Useof tula 95 t! C++ for the D€vdopment of Object-Orientcd Prograns Faculty M€dtor: Herb€rt L. DeEhem Undereraduate Res€archers:Manud Caldemn and Andrew Van P€rnis* c-3 Construction of an Operating Syst€msLaboratory Faculty Mentor: Michael J. Jipping Undergraduate Research€rs:Darrick Brown and Michael Crid€r Dynanic Updating and Dynamic Visualization of Large Voronoi Diagrams Faculty M€ntor: Gordon A, Stesink Undergraduate ResearcheE: Robert Pow€[ and Dan Toth t996 Duildins a Networkins Laboratory Faculty Mentor: Michael J. Jipping Undergraduate Researchers:Michael Thelen and Victor Polites Java-OrientedTert Harncss FacultyMentor: Herbert L. DeNhem Undergraduate Res€archcr: Marvin Malkowski Java-Bas€dObject.Oricnted Fraction Visualization Faculty M€ntor: Herb€rt L. Dersh€m Undersraduat€ Res€arch€r:Marsha Jal\iecic A JDBC Implementation for Faculty Mehtor: Ryan McFall Und€rgraduatc R€searcher:Krthryn Boner Foundations of a Pascalto Java Compil€r Faculty Mentor: Ryan McFall Und€rgraduateResesrcher:JasonBucata t991 Visualization in Java Faculty Mentor: Hcrbert L, Dersh€m Undergraduat€ R€searcher:JamesvsnderHyde Edu(ational Animations of Algorithms Faculty Mentor: Herb€rt L. Dershem Undergraduat€ Rescarch€r; PeterBrummund Dynamic Aoomaty Det€ction in Java FacultyMentor: MichaclJ. Jipping Undcrgraduate Rese.rch€rs: Michael Bra&haw' Nathen Oo€tendorp,and Anifa Van Engcn* P€rsistent Annotrtio[ of ITTML Documents Faculty Mcntor: Ryan McFall Undergraduat€ Reearchers: Daryl Blood and J€ff Perney In addition to the researchwork that wascanied ou., the following activitieswere also held in someor all . . . . weekly seminarswherestudentspresenttheir researchwork Field trip to a University guduatecomputersclencedepartment We€kly seminarfor prepamtionfor the computerscienceGRE examination Field trip to computertradeshowwhenone is in the area c-4 . . Faculiy'led workshopson topics that are peninentto all projects Workshopon how to give t€chnicalpresentations Studentsarerequiredto makea formal final presentationof their researchduring the final we€k of the projectandto submit a final r€searchreport-ln addition,all shrdentsarc requiredto submit an ele.honic posterof their res€arch.Thesepostersare lhen placedon the world Wide W€b. 3,4 Post-SummerR€sults: Presentationsand Papers (* indicatesundergraduate co-author) 3.4.1 Paperspresented McFall*, R. 1992.Using the Computerto visualize andSimulateAbstmctModels of ComPutation.Pew MidstatesConsortiumUndergraduateResearchSymposium.Crinnell, lA., October Interface.PewMidstatcsConsortium Shu*, M. 1992.An Object-OrientedApplication/Programmer [4. Undergmduat€ResearchSyrnposium.Crinnell, An Object-Ori€ntedTest Bed for ParallelRay Matthews*, E. ahdM. Shield*. 1992.Photosynthesis: IL Rcsearch. Argonne, Tracing.ArgonneSymposiumon Undergraduat€ Application/Progammerlrterface for 1993. An Object-Oricnlcd How€II1,J., R. Wohlfa(h*, andM. Shu*. IndiaMPolis, IN. Network Programming.Symposiumon ApPlicd Computing. Engel,C., H. Dershem,R. McFall*, A. Lopez,ands. Wltz. 1993.ResearchBxperiencefor Panel.SIGCSETechnicalSympolium on ComputerScienceEducation.Indianapolis'IN. Undergraduates Nelsonr. R. and B. Showers*.193. The C€neticAlgorithm ParallelProgrammingProject Pew Midstates consortium UndergraduateResearchSympo6ium.chicago, IL. Banh*, W andC. Bowsher*. 1993.Adavisiol ,nd THREADS| Algorilhm Animationsand Experimental Laboraroriesfor Toachinga Data StsucturesCoursoin Ada. ArgonnoSymposiumfor UndergaduateResearch. Argonne,lL. Derahem,H. 1993.Algorilhm Animation for DataSauctues.Unit€d SlatesAir ForceAcademyComputer Science Colloquium.USAFAcademy,CO Jipping,M., S. Hallyn*, M crider*, N. R hn*, andJ. Betrd. 1993 AD Empirical CaseStudy of software lntegrationTechniqucs.NASA Langley SpaceFlight C€ntcrSymposium.Ilngley' VA. McFallt, R. and H. Dcrshem.1994.Finitc Stat€MachincSimulaiionin an lntroductoryLab. SIGCSE TechnicalSymposiumon ComputcrScienceEducation.Phocnix,AZ Dershcm,H.. Barh*, W., Bowsher*,C., andD. Brown+. 1996"Dat! Slructur€swith Ada Packages' Laboratories.andAnimations," First Annual AustralasianConforcrccon ComputcrScienc€Education,Sydney' AU, Penncy*,J, and D. Blood*. 1997.PersistentAnnotationof KIML Documcntr.PewMialstates ResearchSyhposium. Chicago,IL Undergraduate 3.4.2 PapemPublished 'An Object-OrientcdApplication/Programmer lnterface for Howell*, J., R. Wohlfaftht, andM. Shu*. 1993 APPlicd Computing' on of thc 1993 Symposium NetworkProgramhing," Prccecdings McFall*. R. andH. Dershem "Finite StatoMrchine Simulationin an IntroductoryLab"' SICCSEBulletin' 26,1(1994),pp. 126-130. Derihem.H., Bartht, W., Bowsher*,C , snd D. Brown*. "DataStructureswith Ada Packages' Labomtories.andAnimations,,'Proc€€dingsofthe First Austalasianconfelenceon computer scienceEducation, Sydney,Australasian,July 3-5, f996, pp. 32-38. Van Engen*, A., Bmdshaw*,M., andN. Oostendor?* "ExtenditrgJavato SupportSharEdResource ProtectionandDeadlockDetectionin TbreadsPrcgrmming", submiiledto Crossroads'Augult 1997Dershem,H. and P. Brummund*. "Tools for w€b-Basedsorting Animation," submittedto Pmc€edingsof SIGCSESymposium,August, 1997. Denirem. H. and J. vanderhydet "JavaCbss Visualizationfor TcachingObject-OrientedConc€pts"' submittedto Proce€dingsof SIGCSESymposiutrLAugus! 1997 3.4.3 Panelson Undergraduate Research Dershem,H., with Engelc., McFalt*, R., Lopez,A., andS. Wiltz*. ,'R€searchExperiencesfor Undergraduates," Twenty-fouth SIGCSETe.hnicai Symposiumon CompurerScienceEd;cadon,Indianapoth.IN, March,1993. Dershem,H., with Bard,G., andD. Berque."Finding andDevelopingResearchExperiencesfor Undergraduates in the Small CollegeSetting,"Third Annual CCSCMidwestemConf€rence,Greencastle,IN, Ocrober1996. Dershem,H., with Sanders,D., Eller-Meshreki,R., andC. pitts. "Underg"duate Research- Welcometo the 2lst Century," Twenty,eighthSIGCSETechnicalSymposiumon ComputerScienceEducation,SanJose,CA, February,1997. 4 NATUREOF STUDENTACIIVITIES 4,1 Studentlnyolvement The studentpanicipa s in this projectwill be expecM to spcnda minimum of zl0hoursper week for 10 veeks on thc researchproject to which theyare assigned.Eachstudcntwill bc assigneda faculty mentor,t*o or more studenti being assignedto eachmentorandworking as a team.Early in the program,the students*ill work closely with their mentors,but asthcy gainexperiencethey will bc cncouragedto work morc independcntly.Bach studentwill do libmry researchin additionto thc laboraroryresearchso that they becomefamiliar with techniques for searchidgand usingresearchliteratuc. 4,2 StudentOrientrtion The P,I. will serveasthe programcoordinatorsnd will be responsiblefor all of ihe administrativcdctails including housingarrangements, rtipendpaymcnts,mcnlor assignmcnts,rchedulingof startingdatesfor studentj, program, thc aeminhr organizingsocialactivities,andsubmissionof progess rcports.It will bc p6dcula y importantfor the P.I., wilh assistanccftom thc HopeColleg€liudcnt p4ticipants, to provide an orient{ion !o thc crmpus and the d€patment for the non-Hop€studcntpanicipants.All studentswill receivcan orient4tionto the departmcntallaboratoryfacilitics, bolh hadwarc andsoftware,and thc library facilitics, particularlythe useof variousresearchtools, During the orientationperiod,eachmentorwill alsoprovid€ her studentswith the prrticular information neededto cary out the assignedprojecl 4.3 WeeklySeminars Eachweck a scminarwill b€ hcld which will be attendedby all studentrand faculty. &rly h the projert period,eachstudentor teamwill p.esentoneseminardescribingthe nalureof the problem b€inginve,stigated anda proposcdresearchplan. At the endof thc projectpcriod,eqchstudetrtwill pr€sentthe resultsof the Esearchproject. ln addition to thesestuden!presentations, othcr semimrswill includefaculty Fesenlationson re$ench methods,technicalwriting, andthe useof variouscomput€rresourccs.Also, Hope alumni who are cwrendy attendinggraduateschoolin ComputerScicncewill prcsents€minalsandinformaly meatwith thc r.,search studentsio describ€lh€ natu€ of $aduale sudy in ComputerSciencc.Whcn possible,this neeting will be held on the campusof a $aduate school, 4.4 ResearchProjects The problemsdescribedbelow representresearchinterestsof Hopefacolty that could be madeavailableto undergmduaiestudentsas rcsearchprojeclsin this progran. EachFoje€t describeshow a studentcould to requiretle studentto apply experienceand informationgaircd in formal mcaningfullyparticipateandi6 d€,signed classroom instruction. c-6 Proj€ct 1: Algorithm and Code Animatiotrs on th€ Web Herbert L. D€rsh€m Many algorithm andcode animationshavebeendevelopedasa resultof previousundergraduate research. The web presentsa new environmentfor making theseanimationsavailable.Web,basedadaptationswill be developedof previouscoordinat€dalgorithmandcodeeimations involving tree"s.nd stdngs.Tecbniquesfor automadnganimationsby automaticallygeneratingthernfiom sourcecodewill be studied. Prcj€ct 2: Implementing Concurrrncy AnoDrdy Pr?ymtion ir C++ .nd Unix Thr€ads Michael J. Jippins This project will extendpreviouswork on the predictionanddelectionof concurency anomaliesfiom the IanguageJavato the Unix andC++ programmingarcas.This will implementdetectionme6ods asparallel threads that monitor concurent activity and detectwhenconcunentlhreadswill damagea sharedresource.We will be spendingtime with both threadsprogrammingandanomalydetectionmethods. Project 3: Implementing Para[€l Softwrre DesignTools Michael J. Jipping This project will focris on integratingdesigotools for parallelprogramsinto a workablesoftwarc developmentenvironmentanddemonstratingthe usefullncssof this environment.specifically, we will build prototypedesigntools andevaluateth€sctools for usabilily, accuracy,andlitness for existingenvironmenb. Project 4: Using radability melsures to €stimrt softwar€ complexity Herbert L. Dersh€m Previousstudentresearchhasdevclopcdscvcralmeaslresof Eoftwarccomploxiaybasedon formulasused to estimatethc readability of English text. This projcct would ext€ndthe work donc in fte following ways: (1) obtainempirical databasedon comparisonsof ncw mcsics *ith Eaditionalrnetricson samplesoftware;(2) experimentwith changesin parametersin the readabilitymctrlcsto further refinementthei accuracy:and (3) implementpars€rsto evaluatethesemettics in a varicty of languages, Pmject 5: Explontion and Refmement of Diftc't M.ripulation Sdection M€ch8nisms Kevin Den€lsb€ck While much work hasbeendonoin dct rmining thc usabilityof commonkinds of user-intedaceselection mechanisms(suchasmenus,buttons,anddialog boxcs),someiEsuesrcmainunclear. How big shouid radio buttons be? what is the optimal lsyout andoxtcnt for pie menus?Shouldhtndcdnessaffect the layout of buttonsin a dialog box? Through a numberof short, tightly-coaEolledsrudies,we will attemptto s€eif humanperformance follows best-guesses ftom existing theoryfor a $encrof qucstionssuchas these.This shouldyield a numberof small but usefulmetlics for WIMP-style oserintcdac€develoPment. 4.5 ExternalFacultyMentors It is proposedthat oneextemalfaculg mentorbe invit d to panicipatein the progran eachyear. This mentorwill be a faculty memberat an iNtitution th.t docsnot pr€sendyhavesufhcient infrastructureto support addencoumgesuchrescarch.It is expectedthatthe experienceof panicipatingin this prognm wil enablethis faculty memberto esrablishan activeunderyEduateprogramat her institution. Threefaculty membe.6haveexpressedintq€st in suchpafiicipationandPossibleprojectsthat lhey would supervisesre includedherc. Their vitae are alsoincludei in Seltion E of this proposal. Projech LinkiDg Progrsm Impl€mc atiors to Odginal Specifications Alyce Brsdy, KalamMoo Crlege This project will focus on developinga systemtha. will €stablishandmaintainhypert€xtlinks b€tween formal specificationsof objecr-orientedlibrtry c.mponentsandconespondingassertionsin the code that implementsthem.This systemwill help develop€rsof object-orientedclassesto pin-point codesegmentsthat must be updatedar a result of cfunging specifica[ons.We v,/ill useJavaand/orJavascript alongwith cgi scriptl, to c-1 maintainthe hype(ext link betweenspecificationsandprograms. Pmject: A Java Int€rface for a Docuh€nration c€treration Sysrem Keith Vander Lihden, Calvir College This project will focuson the designanddevelopmentof an interfaceto a syslen which auromaticay produceshypertextdocumentationfor graphicaluserinterfaces.We will exploredifferent modesof interaction wilh the underlyingdocumentationsystem,andwill implementthe inrerfacein Java. This work is part of a larger, ongoingproject on interfacedesign,so studentswill be ableto exploreorheraspectsof the systemandpotentially tailor the work to suit their own interests. Projech Using the WWW as the deliv€ry m€chanismfor interrctiv€, visualizetion-bas€dinstructfunal Mylas McNally, Alma College This project involvesdevelopingan interactivegraphicsanimationsystemthat wodd allow visualizarionbaled insaucdonalmodulesto be deliveredby the World Wide Web. The cli€nt would be createdby extendingan exteNible browser(suchas Hot Java)so that aUcomputationwould be doneat the clienr level. Problemsto be solvedinclude the definition of the $aphics systcm,the apFopriateextensionto browsersoftware,andthe constructionof prototypeinstructionalmodules. 4.6 Post-ProjectActivities All REU panicipantswill be requircdto submita final witr€n rcporron their rescarDh acrivities,an electsonicpost€rdescribingthei wo*, andan evaluationof the ovcrall proglam.The P.I. rhd the mentorwill recommcndfollow-up activities for eachparticipantto carry out dudng thc following academicyear.For extemal studentsthis might involve remoteaccessto HopeCollegecomputingfacilities aswell ascommunicationvia elcchonicmail betweenstudentandmeotor.For Hopc studcnts,this follow-up work may includeformal continuationof the projectby enrollmeotin the departmcntalSeniorProjectSeminarand/orthe tndependentStudy/ Researchcou$e. All participantswill be encouragedto mak€r pr€sentationof their work at their homeinstitution and at a scientific meeting.When appropriale,thc student'swork will be includedin a publicarionsubmittedto a profossionaljoumal. TT{ERESEARCHEN!'IRONMENT 5.1 Faculty The departmenfsfour faculty membersarea goodmix ofjunior ahdseniorfa.ulty, with two of each. Threeof the faculty hold a Ph.D. in ComputerScienceandall arc acrivein ComputerScienc€researchandhave experiencesupervisingundergraduate rcsearch.Thrc€mcmbcrsof the faculty havebeenprincipalinvcstigatorsof National ScienceFoundationprojectsin the p6stsix yea$. IIl additioq they havebe€nt]tc recipi€ntsof supporrfor researchfrom othergovemmentagenciesincluding the Depadnent of Energy,NASA, DARPA, andthe United StatesAir Force. In the six yearsof REU programsat Hope,all faculty in the departuientbavesup€rvisedundergraduate researchtea$s. Faculty participatingduring the next threeysrs ivill be H€Ib De$hem,Mik€ Jipping,and Kevin Denelsb€Ek.Thesefaculty will supervisethe researchofthe proposedprojectastheb availability permits. ln addition,we will atremptto encouragepanicipationby faculty ftom institutioosthat lack lhe infiasFucturefor undergradtrate r€search.In ord€! to do this, we will, eachyer!, irvite applicationsfrom faculty memberswho wish to pa(icipatEin this projerL Eachapplicantwill submit a gopose-dresearchpmject alongwith her application.From amongtheseapplicants,onewill be chosetrlojoin the programandwork witb two students during the couNe of this program.The faculty memberwil be .€quLedto b€ on the HopeCollegecampusworking with the studentsat leasttwo daysof every weekduring the ten weeksof the projerl Shewill alsoremainin contactwith the sodentselectronicallyon the remainingdays.It is expectedthat a differcnt ifftitution will be iepaesented by an extemalfaculty membereachof the tlrce yea$ of this proje.t. c,8 5.2 Facilities and Equipment The departmentsof ComputerScienc€,Mathematics,andPhysicsare housedin VanderWerf Hall. This building was constructedin 1964anda major renovationu/ascompler€din 1990,resultingin tle building being joined to Van ZoerenHall. The complexnow includes,in addition!o the tlrc€ laboratoriesthat areexclusivelyfor ComputerScience,threecampus-widecomputerlabomlori€sthatcontain53 Pc-compatiblesystems,6 Macintosh computers,50 X-terminals, anda wide variety of workstations,all connecredvia a campusnetwork backbone. The ComputerScienceDepartnenfs hardwarefacilities arecurently 34 Sunworkstations.Theseare shownin thetablebelow: Unit fr E EI <H', x.f B Memor'y DfuK Capacity Notes SPARCserver 1000E 128 MBytPs 10 GByteB Thie is our main server. 2 processors SPARCBtation5 32 MByt€g 5 CBrtes Usenet News ger:ver. 7 SPARcstatiotr 5'g 32 MByt4s 1 GByte I Ultta-l 32 MB,+eg 2 GBytes 1 ltltra-2 64 MByteB 2 CByteg Two processors 1 SPARCstation 20 64 MBytes 2 GByt€B Two proceasors 1 SPA.RCstatioa20 32 Mb,'t€B 2 GB,'t€B 2 SPARCstation 5's 32 MBytas 1 GBytes r ultra'r 64 MBt'ter 2 GBytes 2 Pentiuro120'8 16 MByieg I GBytes 2 SPAiCBtation 5's 32 MBytes r.u ubytea 1 Ultra-2 64 MByt€s 2 GByteg 13 Ulha-1'6 64MByt€B 2 GBytsE Two processors o @ Exabr{€8606 8mm taDe&ive on Server 3 Laser Printerg cd LivingEton PM2 10 Dort codmunicatioD serve! o 5 Modems USRoboticg,56Kbaud Networking Equip ment Various hub6 a|ld cablins E Lab softwar€includ€sthe scandardSunop€ratingsystemanddocumentation,windowing system,and refercncematerial.UnbundledcomponentsincludeC andC++ compilers,netwo* managementandpmtocol implementatiods,word processors,andcodedebuggingenvironnents. Many public dornaintools are in use. The lab is currendyadhinisteredby oneindividual.About 7 hoursper week aredevotedto lab c-9 administration.Borh softwareandhardwareadministrationis handledby rhis individuar-operarorduties,e.g., fire systen backupsandpreventalivemainrenancearemostly auromated.The deparrnenthandlesm.intenanceof its facilitiesby irself.It negotiates maintenance conlracrs, keepson handsupplies for its pnnrersandotherperipherats, providesthe 'rawmatcrials"(e-9.,cable,connecton, etc.)andtoolsfor hardware maintenance, andmaintainsa ''spareparts machine"for computerhardware maintenance, 5.3 Depa mental Statistics Graduating Studyand GradSchool 1983-84 16 2 zz 0 1984-85 29 3 1985-86 1986-8? l8 l5 2 3 34 t2 5 0 0 0 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 16 2 t7 I 9 z 3 2 1990-91 199t-92 t992-93 1993-94 1994-95 l4 lo t4 2 5 2 1995-96 1996-9',7 8 l4 t2 6 8 2 4 ,| l3 3 3 8* 8* 8* 3 6 2 5 6* * Thesefiguresinclude6 student!eachsummersuppone-d by NSFRBU ** These positions figuresinclude plus6 eachsummer already funded whichwouldbefunded by thisproposal. 6 STUDENT PARTICIPANTS 6.1 Recruitment of Participants 6.1.1 HopeCollegeStudents The summerresearchprogramin Conputer Sciencewill be anlouncedin all upperlevel Computer Scienceclasses,in the departmentalseminar,throughnoticeson the departnentalbullerin board,andthroughan electronicmailing to all ComputerSciencemajors.A packetdescribingtheprogmm,researchareas,participdr benefilsandobligations,and applicationsprocedureswill be availableftotrl the depaftnentaloffice. Sinceupperlevel classesin ComputerScienc€ar€ typically smallerthan20 shrdenb,the professonwill b€ ableto individually encourageespeciallypromising studenbto apply including womenandninorities. 6.1.2 Non.Ilope CollegeStudents Five of the eight participantseachsurnmerwill be from institutionsotler thanHopeCollege.Two of these will be chosenfrom the institution of the outsidefaculty memb€r.Recruitingat tha(institution will follow $e same pattemasthat describedabovefor HopeCollegestudenb.The selectedoutsidefaculty menber will direct lhe c-10 processof recruiting studentsat her institution. Thrce participantswill be selectedftom institutionsotherthan HopeCollegeandthe insrit'.rtiorof the outsidefaculty mentor.A specialeffort will be madeto encoungewomenandminorities ftom otherinstitutionsto apply. A prograrnannouncementwill be sentto the MathernaticsandComputerSciencechairsandthe Officer for Minority Affairs at all collegesanduniversitieswithin an approximate50Omile radiusof HopeCollege.These Chairs andOfficers will bc askedto sendthe namesof womenandminoritieswho are majoring in Computer Science.They will alsobe askedto pos.the announcement of the program.The P.I. will coniaciall shderts whose namesale submittedthroughthis processto encoumgelhem to apply to the program. Extensiveusewill be madeof the Intemet.Announcements will be disldbutedto a mail list of Compurer ScienceDepartmentsvia email. This mail list hasbeenconstructedfrom inquiriesrec€ivedduring the pastsix years of the HoPeCollege ComputerScienceREU program.In addition,publicity andapplicationforms will be made availablevia World Wide Web. Informationwill also be sentto,a USENETnewsgroups,andto the listserverfor ACM SpecialInter€stCroup for ComputerScienceEducation(SICCSE). Contactswill be madewith ComputerSciencedepartmentchairsat institutionswhich havehistorically enrolleda large percentag€ofminority stdents, inviting faculty aonominatemino ty studentsat their institulion for pafticipationin the Fogram. Pastexperiencebasshownthat this mailing hasrEsultedin a largenumberof applicationsto our proglam,thoughwe havebe€nlesssuccessfulin tuming thos€applicationsinto participants. All promotionalmaterialswill b€ distributcdby January31. Applicationsand transcriptswill be dueby March 15 and notification of the awads will be madeno laterthanMarch22. 6.2 SelectionProc€ss Therewiu be eight studentparticipant!in the program,thrc! iiom Hop€College,two from the visiting faculty mentoasinstitution, andthreoftom othcr institutions.During lhe applicationproc€ss,the Hope studentswill be considercdar onc pool of applicants,applican6from lhe visiting mentor'slchool another,and the non-Hope studentsstill another. All applicantswill be arkcd to submita written statementindicatingtheir carc€Igoalsandthe role of res€archin thoir futurc plans.Studentsftom otherinstitutionswill also be alked !o provido a tanscript and a letter of referrnceftom a faculty member.Thcsciicms will be oblaineddirccdy by the P.l. for Hop€ studentapplicants. A numberof cdtcria *ill b€ considcrcdin lhc selcctionof panicipantswithin eachpool of applicants. Thescare the applicant's(l) acadcmicrecord;(2) demonstnM interestin ComputerScienceandreEearch;(3) potentialfor successin r€scarchas indicatedby independence, cleativily, andmotivationi and (4) care€rplans.Th€ faculty paflicipants in lhis pro$am will comprisctho sclcctioncommitteelhar will makethe final selectionof studentparticipants. Thc overall aim of this processis to provideflexible guidelinesfor the s€lectionof paticipants to insure that the Fogram will hsve the maximumimpacton the participantsin their choiceof a careerin ComputerScience and on the discipline ofcomputer Scienc€itsell 6.3 MatchingParticipantswith ResesrchProjects After the studentpanicipa[b ale s€lectt4 the P.l. wiu coordinatethe assignmentof studentsto specific faculty mentoN andrese€rchprojecls.Eachfaculty mentorwill be askedto seleclftom the particiPantsth$e studentswhoseinterestsandqualificationshatch the requirementsof oneof the hentois resealchprogramsand interview that Foup of stuilents.Thosestudeotsat institutionsotherlhan HopeCollegewill b€ interviewedby phone.As a result of thes€interviews,eachmentotwill providea Priority list of thoseparticipanbihat shewould basedon thesepriority lbts as we as consultation liko to supervise.The P.I. will thenmakethe final assignments padicipants. will No assignnent be madethat is not enthusiasticallysupporledby and the student with the mentols participanl lhe mentor and the stud€nt both c l1 7 ProjectEvaluation The evaluationcomponentswill be associatedwith eachof the goalslisted in Section1 of this DroDosalas specifiedbelow: . to sLppo4 and enhancethe undergraluate rcsarch prc8run ofthe HopeCoqegeComputerScierce This will be evaluatedby the amountof researchactivity asmealuredby grantsreceived,articles published,andpaperspresentedby the sludentsandfaculty at HopeCollege. . to proyide a tadel for Compukr Scienceundery.adtnteresearchto otherpinaity undzryraduatei[ttitutians This will be evaluatedrhroughthe numberofparticipantsof this programwho appea!in panelsat national or regionalmeetingsandthe numberof aticles written by participantjencouragingundergraduate Computer Scienceresearch.In pafiicular, the Principal Investigatorhopesto write an article for the Council on Undergmduate ResearchQuarterly. . to encouraeeand suppott mdergraduak rcsearchat httitutions thatpresentb lack the bfrcstmcture to suppottsuch research The successof researchprogramsat insriturionsof the externalfaculty mentorswill be measuresby $ants, articles,andpapers,andby the undergraduate rescarchaciiviry at rheseinstitutionsfollowing the faculty hentor's participalionin this project. . lo moti\tateunderyraduatepanbipdnts to pursuecaracrsin CohputerScietce rcsearch AII participanh will completean exit intervicw suwcy uponcompletionof their summerpadicipation and they will be askedto completeanothersurveythreeyearsfollowing their pa(icipation. . to increasethe nunber of undergruduates fron 8rcups undeteprcsentedin ComputerScicnceresearchto considersuchcaree$ groups. Datawill be collectcdthat will quantify 0le participationof undeneprcscnt€d c-12 E. BiographicalSkerches HerbertL. Dershem Departmentof ComputerScience HopeCollege Holland.MI49422_9000 Academic Rank Professorof ComputerScience Education: B.S.UniversiryofDayton,1965 purdueUniversiry,1967 M.S.(Compurer Science) purdueUniversiry,1969 (Computer Ph.D_ Science) Experience: AssistantProfessor. HopeCotlege,1969-1974 AssociateProfessotHopeCotlege,1974-t 98l Professor, HopeCollege,l98lVisitingResearch Scientisr, OakRidgeNarionalLaborarories, 1977,1928 VisitingProfessor, BostonUniversiryOverseas hogran, 1992_1983 Distinguished VisitingProfessor, UnitedStares Air ForceAcademv,1993-1994 Honorsand Awards: NDEA Fellorr,PurdueUniversity,I965-1968\ ProjectCOMPUTeAwardee,DarrrnouthCollege,1972 NASA,/ASEESumner Fellow, CoddardSpaceFlighr Cenrer,1976 Oak RidgeAssociatedUniversiaiesSummerFellow. 197? Grants: co"director, "rntoduction of the computer in the statisticscurriculum," NsF office of compuung Activiries, r91t-'73 Director, "A Modular Approachto the IntroductoryCoursein ComputerScience,,'NSF Local Course Improvement Program,1978-1980 Co-Director, "A Microcon'puterlaboratory for usein TeachingStatistics,"NSF lnstructionalScientific EquipmentProgram,1979-1980 Dir€c(or,"CSNET Mcmbershipin Supporrof ComputerScienceResearch,"NSF RUI program, 198?_1990 Director, "REU: An Undergraduate Researchpa(icipation pfogramin CompurerScience,;NSF CISE, 1992_ t994 Direclor, "Use of Ada, Labomtories,andVisualizationin the Teachingof DaraStruchrresandDiscrete Mathematics,"DARPA Cuniculum Developmentcrant, 1993-1994 Director, "Curriculum andTexrbookDevelopmentUsing Ada 9X for the Teachingof Object_Orieoted Concepts," U.S.Air Forc€Contsact, 1994-1996 Director, "REU: An UndergraduateResearchpanicipationprogramin ComputerScience,"NSF CISE, 1995_ t991 Publications: (25 total, thosesince 1992includedbelow) Prcgraftning lAnguaees:Modelsand Structures,2nd Edition, H.Delf;tt,m ^^d M. Jipping, pWS publishing, 1995 "Finite StateMachineSimulationin a IntroducloryLab,', RyanMcFa[* andHerbeftL. Der1lhEm, prcceedinps of the 1994SIGCSETechnical Buuetin,,L,t:26-t3\,Met:ch, tg94 Emposiua SIGCSE "DataStsucturcswith Ada Packages,Laboratories,andAnimations,.,H. Dershem,W. BaAh*, C. Bowsher*, a dD. Brcwn*, Proceedingsof the First Austrulasitn Confercnceon Conpukr ScienceMutarirn.32-38, July, 1996. Collaborators: AdvisoN, andAdvisees:RobertLynch, David Cook,Rick Sward E. BiographicalSketches MichaelJ. Jipping Departmentof CompulerScienc€ HopeCollege Holland, MI49422-9000 Academic Rank: AssociateProfessor Education: B.S.,CalvinCollege,I981 M.S., University of Iowa (ComputerScience),1984 Ph.D.,Universityoflowa (ComputerScience), 1986 Experi€nce: AssistaltProfessor, Universityof lowa, 1986-1987 Assistant Professor, HopeCollege,19871995 AssociateProfessor,Hope College, 1995-present ResearchF€llow, NASA Langley ResearchCenter,Summer,1992 Grents: Director, "A New Coursein ParallelProgrmming for Under$aduates,,'NSF Instrumentationand Labomtory Improvement,1990 Re.ipient, NASA Joint VentureAwad, 1992-1995 Director, "Brilding a SoftwarcInftastructurefor ParallelSoftwarcDesign,"NASA LangleyRosearchCenter, 1993-1996 Reaipient,NASA.{ove AugmentationAward, 1995-196 Director, "Laboratoryfor Experimentingwith Openting SystlmsandNetworkingConceptj,"NSF lnstrumcnladonand LaboratoryImprovement,1995-197. CoDirector, "An InaegratedClassroom^tboratoryfor Int oducingStudentsto Obje.t-Orient€dConcepts," NSF InstrumentationandLaboratoryImprovemcnt,196-1998. Publicrtions: (Undergraduateco"authorsindicsredwith an astcrisk) M.J. Jipping and B. Kim, "ImperativeLangsge Paradigm",inThe ComputerSciencea bro,q A. Tucker,ed, CRC Pr€ss. EngineeringHa d- H.L. Dershemand M.J. Jipping,Proeranming languaget: Stuctures and Modzls,SecondEdition, pWS-Kent Publishing Co., 1995. M.J. Jipping, "Using Tcl asa Toollalk EncapsulationMechanirm', Proc"rdrr8s olthe 1993Sun User Croup Confercnce, Decembet1993,pp. 161'174. D.B. Ecktardt, M.J. Jipping,C.J. Wild, S.J.Z€il, andC.C. Robens,"OpenBnvironmentsro SupportSystemsEngineeringTool lntegation: A Study Using the Porable CommonTool Environment(PCTE)", NASA Technical Memomndum4489, NASA Langley ResgarchCenter,September1993, M.J. Jipping,"Devcloping a FormalModel for ConcurrencyConaol Design",Proceedingsof the Secondcreat I^kes Conputer ScienceConference,Aptil1991. R. Ford,M.J. Jipping,R. Schultz,andB. Wenhardt,''On thePerformance of ConcunenrTreeAlgorithms", Ja,rrMI of ParuUelard Dishbuted Conautins, I,MarcA 1990,W. 253-2.66. M.J. Jipping,J.R. Toppen*, andS. We€ber*,"ConcurrenrDistlibut€dPascal:A Hands-onlrtroduction to Con$ftency", ProceedinSsof the 1990SIGCSETechniul Enposiua SIGCSEBullzr,a VoL 22, No. 1 (Febluary, 1990),pp.9499. Collaborators, Advisors, Advis€es:Ray Ford E-2 E. BiographicalSketches Kevin M. Denelsbeck Deparhnentof ComputerScience Hope College Ho\and, MI 49422_9ON Academic Rank Assistanthof€ssor Education: 8.A,, RutgersUniversity- CamdenCampus.1988 M.s., Universiryof NonhCarotina(Compurer Science). 1992 Ph.D.,Universityof Noni Carolina(Compurer Science), I 98 {expeated) Exp€rience: AssistantProfessor,HopeCollegq 1997-present Publicstiotrs: (Undergraduateco-authorsindicatedwith an asterisk) "How mahy scre€nsdoesa CT workstationneed?',D. V. BeA'd, B. M. Hemminger,K. M. Denctsb€ck,andR. E. Johnsron, J. Digibl Imaging,6(l),t-9, Feb1994 "CT Int€rpretationswith a Low Costlvorkstation:A Timing Study," D. V. Beard,B. M. Hemminger,E. D. Pisano, K. M. Denelsb€ck, D,M. Wa$hauer, M. A. fr4"*o,fi. X""f", W.i. il"i"*"",-""a C.g. Wilcox, J.DigitslImaging, 7(3),133-139, Aug1994 "Eye-Movemcnt DuringCTlnteerotation: Eyetrackcr Result!& Imagc-Display_Time Implications,,, D.V. pi6ano, B€ard, E. D. K. M. Denelsb€€k, and R. E. totrnson, r. Oiiiratrmagi"g, .._ iizt,-iii. ir." rSSl "stacked-Motaphor worksr4rion vcrrusFirmAhema! tnt".pr.dtioooi si.ii ii*i'ci i*o,i""ri-r,, p.L. Motina, D,v. Beard, K.E.Mu er,K.M.D.net6bcck, i!. M.Hcmnide;,1. p. n.'p"rry,lrl. Bmcuning,_D.It. ctueck,w. D,Bidgood, M.A, Mauro,n. c. Sen f** A.'s.iiiri,"'-i]w"..r,"u*, s. D. Pisano, Radiology, t97,753-158, 1995 "QGOMSjA Dircct-Manipularion Toolfor SimpleGOMSModcb,,,D. V, Bcard,D. K. Smith,andK. M. Denelsbeak, ACtvt/CHI1996,n,25, 1996 "Quick6ndDirty GOMS:A CaseStudyof Computed TomogrrphyIntclprc(ation,,, D. V. Beard,D. K. Smirh, andK. M. Denclsboclq Human-Conpu0cr Inrqaction, 11,t5?_180,i996 _."QuickGOMS:A VisualSoftwdeBnginerringToolfor SimplcRapidTime_Motion Modeling,,. D. V. Beard, S.Entdkin,P.Conroy,N. C.lvingerr,C. D. Schou,O. f StOr, f U. O"*i.U."t ,tCir,l'in..""tion., , 4(3),3l-36,Mayrune1997 "Modchof R6pidAime-dMovcmentfor VirtualEnvironments ph. D. thesis, with Lag,. K M. Donelsbeck, Univorsiryof NorrhCarolina,1998(exp€ct€d) Collaboretors,Advisors,Advisees:JamcsCoggins,DavidBerrd E-3 E. BiographicalSketches External FacultyMentor Candidates Keith N. VanderLinden Departmentof ComputerScience CalvinCollege GrandRapids,MI 49546 Academic Rank: Assistantprof€ssor Education: B.S.,CeoFalColtege,1983 M.S.,Universityoflowa (Compurer Science), 1985 Ph.D,,University of Colorado(ComputerScioncr), 1993 Experienc€: SoftwareEngineer,Rockwell International,1985-l9gg ResearchFellow, Infonnation TechdologyResearchInstitute, 1993-1996 AssistantProfessor,Calvin College, t996present Publicstions; (Undergraduateco-authoruindicatedwith an asterisk) Paris'c. and vander Linden, K. Dmftcr An intcractive'upport tool for writing multiringuatinstructions. /EEE Conp uter, 29(7)t 49-56. Paris,C., Vandd Lindcn, K., Fischer,M., Hadey, A., pembcrton,L., power,R., andD. Scott.A suppon rool for writing multilingual instructions.In p&ceedlngr of thc FounaeflthInurnationa! Joint conference on Artifcial InteLLigencet Attg 20-25,Monteal, Canada1398_1404, DRAFIER (1993-96),a projecrfun(M by the UK BogineeringandphysicolSciencesRes€archCouncit, builr a syatemthat allows its usersto build a formal speciricalionof rheprocedureinvolv€d in using a panicular graplfcal us€rintcrface.[t thengenerat€sd."fts of the instuctions for this intedacein English and Frcnch. _GIST (1993-96),a multi-nationatEuropcanprojcct fundedby the BC tlnguagc ResearchBngJr@nng initiative' buih a systemthat allows it" useNto speciff the informationtobe solicited uy an aaminisrative form. It then generatesthe t€xt rnd layoutof that form in English,German,andItalian. ISOLDE (1996-99),a project firndedby the Office of Naval Researctlis building a sysrDmrharintegraresrhe proc€ssesof interfacedesignanddocumentstionby taking theinterfacesp€cificationproduced by an interfacedcsign tool andpassingit to a panially autornateddocumentgeneration6yst€m.It allows the inqcmental gencntion codeprototypcsaccompaniedby drsfts of the on_linedocumentatiot. Collaborators, Advilors, Advisees:None Myles F. McNally Depadmentof MathematicsandComputerScience Alma College Alma MI Academic Rarft: Aisociare hofessor Education: B.S., Drcxel University (Humanitiesand SocialSciences),1974 Ph.D.,TernpleUnive$ity (Philosophy)1982 E4 E. BiographicalSketches Expcri€nc€: Assrciant Professor, WashburnUniversiry,1982-r873 DrexelFellow,DrexelUriveniry, 1983_1985 Assistan(Professor,Drexel University, 1985_1992 AssociateProfessor,Alma College,1992_present Publications: (Under$aduateco-authorsindicaredwith an asterisk) "using the www as rhedelivery mechanismfor interacrive, visualization-based insrrucrionalmodures,,, To appearin rh€ Proce€dinssof the 2nd sTCCSE/Src,cUeco"r*** ." I"teg;,i"C i;;_.g" In. Computer5cience Educarion, (*ith JosephBersrn,ni.*ao ri.en"r_p".i","oi ii*" proulx, Manfnez,Viera K. JormaTarhio) ""r_, "An Overviewof Visualization: Its UseandD€sign,,,SIOCSE Bulletin,(V. 28,SpecialIssu€),1996and olitlook,(v. 24,N.3),1996 (withJ.Bergin, x. s.oa",M.bola*"b;, n ii,"",i""-"*,., s. 9-lcgu.E, M. Padno-Manjn€2. T. Naps,S. Roger,andl. Witson) -Khuri. "Calaloging Self-Comptem€nrary craphsof OrderThirreen,,, Congressus Nuneratium,(V. 108),Dec.1995 (with RobenMolina) phitosophy "Reviewof Alvin Cotdman's andCognitiveScience,,, SICARTBulteti, (V. 6, N. 2), 1995 Collaborators, Advisors, Advirees: None AlyceBrady Departmentof MathematicsandComputerScience Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo,MI 49006 Acadcmic Rrnk; AssistantProfessor Education: A.8., BowdoinCollege,1983 M.S.,Rensselaer Polytechnic Institutc(ComputerScience), l9g8 Ph.D.,RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute (ComputerScience),1994 Experience: Memberof ProgrammingStaff, AT&T Commuoicarions.1983-1986 AssistantProfessor,KalamazooCollege,1994-prcsent Public-ationsr(Undergraduateco-auihorsindicatedwith an asterisk) Brady, Alyce F. Axiomatic Specificationfor tlrc Synctuonizationof Obj€xl-OrientedServrces.phD. thesis, RensselaerPolytechniclostitute, Troy, Ny, September1994. Faulstich-Brady,Alyce. "A Taxonomyof InheritanceSernantics.,, In prcccedingsof the 7th Intemational Workshopon SoftwareSpecificationandDesign(IWSSD-?),RedondoBeach,CA, December1993. (Sponsoredby IBEE ConpurDrSociety.) Faulstich-Brady,Alyce. "Axiomatic DesignandSytrchrcnizarion:A Model for MaintainingMulriple LanguageVersionsof Object-orientedServices,,'TechnicalReport93_25,Departrnentof Co-pore, Scienc€,RensselaerPolyt€cbnicInsrirute,Tmy, Ny, Ociober 1993. Colhborators, Advisors, Advis€$: David L. Spoon€r First Year SUMMARY FORNSFUSEONLY ORGCNIZATION PROPOST NO. DURATION (MONTHS) PRINCIPAIIM/EST|GqTOFYPROJECT DIRECTOR HerbertL. Dershem SENToRPERSONNELPI/PD,CaPl's, FacultyandOths SsiorAss6iar6 (List€acnsepaElelywithtitle,A7. Sho!\' numbs in brackets) CAL ACAD SUMR 1 HerbertL. Dershem 2. KevinDenelsbeck 3. MichaelJ. Japping 4. ExternalFaculty .5 2 $3,500(a) 1,s00(b) '1,s00(b) 1,500 (b) 5. 0. ) OTHERS(LISTINDNNDUTLYON BUOGETEXPI.AMTIONPAGE) ) TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL 11{) .5 (SHOWNUMBERS B. OTHERPERSONNEL IN BMCKETS) 1. {1) f\OST DOCTORALASSOCTATES (TECHNICIAN,PROGRAIVTMER, 2. ) OTHERPROFESSIONALS ETC,) 3. GMDUATE STUDENTS ) STUOENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE (F CMRGED OIRECTLY) 5. SECRETARIAL CLER|aqL ) 6. ) OTHER TOTALS.{ARIES ANDWAGES(A + B) (F CTIARGED C. FRINGEBENEFITS AS DIRECTCOSTS) TOTAL9q!ARIES, WAGESAND FRINGEBENEFITS(A + B + C) D, EOUIPMENT{LIST IIEMANDDOLLAR AMOUNIFOREACHITEMEXCEEDING $5.OOO.) 5 IOT/tr EAUIPMENT (NCL CA'{ADA,MEXICOANOU.S.POSSESSIONS) E. TRAVEL 1. DOIIJIESTIC 8,000 8,000 600 {cl 9.600 1,s00(d) 2. FOREIGN F, FARTICIPINTSUPPORTCOSTS 1.STIPENDS s 25,600(e) 2,800(D 3.sUBslsTENcE 2.000 (g) 4. OTHER ( ) TOIAL PARICTPANTCOSTS G. OTHERDIRECTCOSTS 1. MATERIALS ANDSUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTgDOCUMENTATIONDISSEMIMTION 3, CONSULTAIITSERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWAROS 6. OTHER TOTAI OTHERDIRECTCOSTS H, TOTALDIRECTCOSTS(A THROUGHG) I. INDIRECT COSTS GAA GPECIFY RATE ANO &1SE) 30.400 1.000{h} 1,000 42,500 it:',;$$i.{ 25oloof studentstipends :r1,r,gS.:! TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS(FEA) J. TOTALDIRECTAND IND'RECTCOSTSfi + D 6,400 48,900 K RESIOUALFUNDS (IF FOR FURTHERSUPPORTOF CURRENTPROJECTSEE GPG II.D.7.j,) (J) OR(J MINUSK) L. AMOUNTOFTH1SREAUEST M, COST-SHARING'PROPOSEDIEVEL $ PI/POTYPEOi|AME ANOSIGMTURE . ^ I I od\*\'lF Herbert L.Dershem ^*Q ^Ll 48,900 AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: g . OAIE 9t12J97 ORG,REP.TYPEDMI!4E& SIGNATURE' DATE James M.Gentile A'-.-" n0 Llru- 9t1497 MiF Fonn '030 (10/97) S.tfgs€@s ar, ftslnrus &,ldons FORI{SF USEONLY INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION Dde Ch€cked DaE of Rate lnilialsORG Sheel .SIGMTURESREQUIREDONLYFORREVISEOBUOGET(GPGIIIB) SecondYear SUMMARY EORNSFUSEOiILY ORCAqNEATION PROPOSALNO- DURATTON {tVONTHS) Proo6ed I s3.500re) $ G@ted He{bertL. De6hem pt/pD, Cop|s, Fettty ;;G;Gi;EGiG sENroR PERSONNETj (ust @h sepaEtelyeith title,A.7. Shtu numb6 in bEkers) SUMR 1 HerbertL. Dershem .5 2 KevinDenelsbeck 3. MichaelJ- Jipping 4. ExternalFaollly 1,500(b) 1,500(b) 1,500 (b) 5. ( ( 2 ) oTHERS(L|ST|ND|VIDUALLYbN zumEr EXpmroNFftE ) TOTAISENIORPERSONNEL 116) t-new NUMBEKI' rN sriAcKtl .5 8,000 s) 1. ( 1) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCTATES 2. ( )OtHER PROFESSTONAL@ t erlruuArE 5 tuuEN ts 6. ( ) OTHER TOTA! SAI.ARIESANDWAGESIA + BI c. FRTNGE BENEFTTS COSTS) {tF CHARGEDAS DTRECT TOTA! $qT-ARIES, WAGESANOFRINGEBENEFITS(A iE;'J 8,000 1,600 (c) (LISTITEMANDDoLIARAMoUN-FoR EACF'IiEM&EE6iNG $5 D, EQUIPMENT 9.600 )- TOTALEAUPMENT E. TRAVET 1. OOMESIICONCL,OqMDA MEXCOAND U.5. POSSE-'iOiE'' 1,500(d) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSIS 1.S]|PENOS $ 25,600 (e) 2. TRAVEL 2,800(D 3.SUBSISTENCE 2,000(s) 4. OTHER ( COSTS ) TOTA! PARTICIPANT G. OTHEROIRECT COSTS 1-I'IATERIALSANOSUPPLIES 2, PUEUCATIONCOSTS|/DOCUMENTATIOiI/I'ISSEMINATION .,,, ' lrrr: ' ''l _-.: .,t ,., ,'',.i:ill;. 30,,100 1,000 (h) 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 6, OTHER TOTALOTHERDIRECTCOSTS H. TOTALDIRECTCOSTS1ATHROUGHG) I. INDIRECTCOSTS(FEA)(SPECIFi RATEANOB,'6E) 25% of studentstipends 1,000 42,500 vr+zffirji SEed, , ,- ,-4t :i :F r:l -, TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS(F&A) 6,400 48,900 J. TOTAI DIRECT AND INOIRECT COSTS (H + O K RESIDUAIFUNDS{IF FORFURTHERSUPPORTOF CURRENTPROJECTSEEGPG|I.ii.7'L) (J)OR (J MINUSK) L AMOUNTOFTHISREOUEST 48,900 M. COSI-SHARING:PROPOSEDLEVEL S AGREEDLEVELIF DIFFERENT:$ P|/PDTYPEO MME ANDqrQM4{uRi OATE FORNSFUSEOIILY r ,/. \\ HerberlL. Dershem .N".\L;t*}\ INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIFICATION 9t12197 -^-J--!- ORG.REP.TYPEO MME &SIGMTURE' OAIE M.centile James 9t1ZS7 fr,"-- Ar'l fU;/l l{sF Fod lO3O (10,€7) Su,lf,G€da AI PrEvl@s Edmons lnitials€Rc .SICNATI',RES REQUIREO ONLYFORREVISEDBUDGET(GPGIII.B) Third Year SUMMARY FOR I{SF USE ONLY DURATION (MONTHS) ORGANIZAIION WEtsKUJEEI UIXEU I Of( HederlL. Dershem SENIoRPERSoNNEL: PtlPD,ccprs, Feulty;; ou'€r-;E (List 6h s€p*ddy wilh tiuq l\.7. Shtu numbs in b-*kds) AssociG SUMR 1.HerbertL. DeBhem 2. Kevin Denelsbeck 3. MichaelJ. Jipping 4. ExternalFaculty 5. 6. ( 7. ( .5 2 1 1 $3,500(a) 1,500 (b) 1,500(b) 1,500(b) $ oN BU-GEaEXPLAMT|oNF;EE)) oTHERS(Lrsr rNDtvtDUALLy (16) ) TOTALSENIORPERSONNEL .5 n. u rHEK PERSoNNEL(SHOW NUMBERStN Bf{ACKETS} 5 8,000 '1. (1) POSTDOCTORAT ASSOCTATES 2. ( 3. ( ( 5. ( ) orHER pRoFEssroMLs{TEcHNtctAN, PRoGRAMMER. Ei6J) G'IADUATESTUOENTS STUOENTS ) UNOERGRADUATE - cLERtcAr(tFcHAEgEoDtREciry) ) SECRETARTAL 6_ ( ) OTHER TOTALS'qLARIESANDWAGESIA + B] (F CHARGEOA6 DTRECT c. FRTNGE BENEFTTS COSTS) TOTAL$qURIES, WAGESAND FRINGEBENEFITS(A + B + c) O. EAUFMENT(LISTITEMAND OOLTARAMOUNTFORFrACHITEMEXCEEOING S5,O@.) TOTAL EQUIPMENT (INCLCANADA, E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC MEXCOANDUSfOSSESSIONS) 8.000 1.600 (c) 9,600 1,500 (d) 2, FOREIGN F. PARTICIFANTSUPPORTCOSTS 1.STIPENDS $ 25,600 (e) 2,800(0 3, SUBSISTENCE 2,000(s) 4. OTHER ( COSIS ) TOTALPARTTCTPANT G. OTHERDIRECTCOSTS 1. IiIIATERIALS ANDSUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMIMTION 3. CONSULTANISERVICES 4. COMPUTERSERVICES 5, SUAAWARDS 6. OTHER TOTA OTHERDIRECTCOSTS H. TOTALOIRECTCOSTS(A THROUGHG) I. INDIRECTCOSTS(F8A) (SPECIFYBATEAND&OSE) 25% of studentstiDends 30,400 1,000 (h) 000 42.500 TOTA! INDIRECTCOSTS(FAA) 6,,1O0 J. TOTA OIRECTAND INDIRECTCOSTS(H A I) 48,900 K RESIDUAL FUNDS(F FORFURTHER SUPPORT OFCURREMT PROJECT SEEGPGII,O.7J,) (J) OR(J MINUSK) L AMOUNTOF THISREOUEST 48,900 M. COST-SIiARING:PROPOSEOLEVEL S AGREEOLEVELIF OIFFERENT:$ /_\ PI/PDTYPEDNAMEINqqGN$TUEE'. DATE FORI{SF ITSEONLY )HerbertL. Dershem <\\,.\r:l -{ \ . \,t * INOIRECTCOSTRATEVERiFICATION 9t12t97 ORG.REP.TYPEDMME & SIGMTURT DATE lnilids.oRG James M.Gentile 0,a*^ ,n 'tlr"l-L NIF Fonn l03O(10/97) Srrpfsodes A Previous Ediai@s she€t 9t12J97 .STGMTURESREOUIRED ONLYFORREVISEDAUDGET(GPGIII.g) Cumulative SUMMARY FOR}ISF USEONLY ORGANIZATION PROPOs,qLNO DURATION (MONTHS' HerbertL. Dershern pt/pD.ccp s tadAG;6EE;GF A sENroRPERSoNNEI: (list edh separady wrhitte.A i. Shoi/ nLmbqin bEkds) L HerbertL. Dershem 2. KevinDenelsbeck 3 MichaelJ. Jipping 4. ExternalFaculty 1.5 6 3 3 3 '10.500(a) $ 4,500(b) 4,500(b) 4,500(b) 1.5 15 24,000 5. ) OTHERS(LISTINDIVIDUALLY ON BUDG- EXPMT|oNEEi (1€) PERSONNEL ) TOTATSENIOR ts. u tHEnPERSoNNEL (SHOWNUMBERS tN BMCKETS) 1. {1} POSTDOCTORIA€SOC|TATES 2. { ) OTHERPROFEISIOMLS (TECHr.ltCtAr'1, PROGRAMMER, ETC ) 3. ( ) GMDUATE STUDENTS 4. { STUDENTS ) UNDERGRADUATE - CLERICAL(tF CHARGEDD|RECTL,T.) 5 ( ) SECRETARTAL 6. ( )OTHER TOTALSATARIES ANDWAGES(A + B) C, FRINGEBENEFITS (F CIIARGED AS OIRECTCOSTS) TOTALS'qTARIES. WAGESANOFRINGEAENEFITS(A + B + C) (LISTITEMAI.IDOOLLARAMOUNTFOREACHI-EM EXCEEDING D. EOUIPMENT $5'oOO)6. { ( TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. OOMESI|C(|NCL.CANADA,MEXCOAND U.S.POSSESSTONS) 24.000 4,800(c) 28.800 4.500 (d) 2. FOREIGN F. PART]CIPANT SUPPORTCOSTS 1.STIPENDS I 76,800{e) ,irir-/,:i'ln ,::.i 8,400 (0 3, SUBSISTENCE 6,000 (q) 4. OTHER COSTS ) TOIA! PARTICIPANT G. OTHERDIRECT COSTS 1. iI|ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION COSTS/OOCUMENTATIOiUOISSEMIMTION " i',Iq s1.200 3,000(h) 3. CONSULTAIT SERVICES 4. COMPUTERSERVICES 6. OTHER TOTALOTHERDIRECI COSTS H. TOTALDIRECTCOSTSIA THROUGHG) 3.000 127,500 I, INOIRECT COS-IS(F&A)(SPECIFY RAIEANOBASE) 25%ot sludentstipends I ,'t ,' TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS {F&A) 19,200 J. TOTALOIRECTANDINDIRECTCOSTSfi + O 146,700 K. RESIOUAL FUNDS(F FORFURAER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEEGPGII.D.7J,) '146,700 (J)OR (J MINUS$ L. AMOUNT OFTHISREAUEST M. COSTSHARING.PROPOSEDLEVEI. I AGREEDLEVELIF DIFFERENT:S PI/PDTYPEDMME ANqSlGtt&IURE ,-rOATE FORIISFUSEONLY { \ INDIRECTCOSTRATEVERIF|C,qION HerbedL. Dershem i\\"\,-l\"L'J 9t12t97 -u\i^ DATE DdteCh€c*€d ORG.REP.TYPEDMN,IE& SIGMTURE' h iars€Rc M.centile James IV^,^ NsF Fod 1030 (10/97) so!.*edes 111 !b*dr. AI P@ious Ecfti@s 9t12t97 SIGMTURESR€OUIRED ONLYFOR r[.8) 1997REUProposat Scplember 2, 1997Drafr BudgetExplanation (a) The salarvfor the projecrDirector includes$2,000for adrfnisrration of rheproject andril,500 for direcdng the work of two undergraduates. (b) The salaryof the Facully Associatesis 91,500for dire€ringthe work of rwo undergradua@ paftcrDanrs_ (c) Fringe benefitsis basedon 20q, of rhefaculry salaries. (d) Travelis providedfor externalfacultymenlorfor travelfromhometo Hope Cojtegecanrpus (e)Studentstipends arc$320perweekfor l0 weeksfor 8 shrdenrr. (0 Tmvel budgetincludes$350 per srudenr.This will be usedto reimbursepanicipants for travel berween homeandcampusarthebeginningand conclusion of theprogram,andto payparticipant travelexpenses .o makepresenrations ofrheirresulrsduringthefollowingacadenicye'. Loc;tfunis wrll be usedto supplement theserravelexpenses. (g) Thecosrof studenthousingis approximately $50perweekfor a totalcostof $50Opcr student.Hope Collegewill subsidize one-halfofthis amount,Ieaving$2jOpersrudontto be paid-bythegranr. (h) Othercostsarebudgcted ar$ I,000persurnmer. This wilt be usedfor posrage, Glephone, copying.andorher generalexpenses.It willalso be usedro helpdefraythecosrofoff_campus speakers. ItemI.IndirectCosls:Thecurrentchargeby rhecolegeis63.32,.As requiredby thisprogram,thecoltege will forgotheamounrin excessof25qo(nerof 38.3%)asa contribution to rhepro;ra;. InstitutionalSupport TheComputerScierceDepartmentand HopeCollegearecommirledto theprinciplerhatexcellence in undergraduate education mus(includeactivesrudent involvement in significantresearch.In supportof this commitnent, the collegewill contribulc a substantialpart of the resourc€srequiredto carly out rhis REU project. Thecoltegewill providehousingto thesrudents arone-halfofthenormalcosraswell asprovidingall of rhe servicesnormailvavailableto Hopesummersrudents. Theseservices includeuseof thephycialacdvrues cenrer, thecarcerandcounseling center,library faciliries,andcomputingfacilities. The collegesupportsthe researchefforb of faculty andstudentsrfuoughreleasetime for facul(y, faculry developmentgrants,travel fuodsto scientific meerings,acquisirionandmainr€nanceof hardwareand software, generalsecretarialand clerical support,andfunds for expendablesupplies. Thecunentrateofindirectcostsfor proposals at Hopeis 63.3q.ofall salaries andwages.HopeCollege will pay all overheadcostsin excossof the 259oof srudentsalariesrequestedin this proposal. A summaryof HopeCollegecontributionsro rheRBU programis given in the table belowi Contributionsof HopeCollegeto PIEUProjec. Housing,8 students @ 10weekspersrudeni Excludedindirectcosts,63.370 all salaries rninusrequesl Annuar $ 2,000 $14.000 TOTAI- $16,000 F-5 Total(3 yrs) $6,000 $42,000 $48,500 Cunentand PendingSuppod SeeGPGS€ctionll.D.8tor agsl(lrF (indudingNSD to si|ich lhis proed hE Inves{igator: HerbertL. Dershem Support E Cunent Prcjeci/Proposal Title: on inlotmationto lncludeon this fo tr penOing Computer ScienceResearchExperience for Uadergraduates sourceofsuppoft:NsF/clsgREU TotalAwerd pe.iod Amount9145,700 ToiatAward Cov6r€d: Feb.1, 1g9g_Jan.31,2OOl Location of Project:HopeCollege P€fson-Months PerYearCommitted toth€Proje.i. Cal: Acad:1.s S!mr:2 Submission Plannedin l,l€arputure El TEnsteiof Suopot Uslngan Integrated, WeFBas€dLeamingEnvlonmentin CompubrScience Coursesfor GeneralEducationStudentsandMaiors Sourceof Support:NSF/DUE/CCD TotelAwardAmount $147,866 TotalAwafdPoriodCov€r€d: Mdy 1, I S98- July 31, 2000 Locationof Projsct HopeCollege Poraon-Months PerY€arCommltted to theProj€d. Cal Fo8dt2.25 Sum.j 2 support E cunent f] p€|ding tr sub@ Proj€d/Proposal TiUe: An lrtegrated Classroorn/-aboratoryfor IntncducingSMent€ to Obj€ciOrientedConc€pts Source of SuDoo(iNSF/DUE/ILI Tot l AwEdAmount $4{1,356 TotatAwardP.riodCow€d: June 15, 1996- May 3,1,1998 Looation of Project HopeCollege Person-Months P€rYaarCommittod to thgProj€at. Cal: Aoad:o Sumr:0 Support Ll Cunent Proj€cuProposal Title: ! Pending Planned tnNearFuture E fEn.+erEsuppoi I Submission Sourc€ ofSupport: Tolal AwardAmounl: $ Locationof Projed: TotalAward PedodCov6aed: PeGon-Monlhs P€rY€a.Committed to thePbject. Support [-l Cudent U Peflding Sourceof Support: Total AwardAmounl $ Locationof Project: Parson-MonihsPer Year Committedto the 11 5 old€ct h* mli@lv 1239O/95) CaI Acsd: Sumr: Plannedin l'ler Fuhlre n T|anEferof Support I Submissioo TotralAwerd PeriodCov€r€d: ben tuded bv.nohg SHEETSAS NECESSqRY Curent and PendingSupport SeecPG Secdonll.D,8forguidanceon Intoimationto includeon lhla lo.m. $dld b6 powed br ech tNestilab. dd otrs Otler ageitle linclding NaD toffiTE.m-h6 Invedigator: MichaelJ. Jipping Subrnission Ptanrted in Hearfuture be€dwl be suwnihed. -E .TransferEEi;po( Ucingan Integrated,Web-.BasedLeamingEnvironmentin ComputerScience Coursesfo. ceneral EducationStudentsand Maiors Sourceof Supporl NSF/DUF/CCD TotalAwardAmount g147,866 TotalAwardPedodCov€t€dtMay 1, 1998- July 31, 2OOO Locationol Project:HopeCollege P€rson-Months PerYearCommitted to theproje.i. Cal: ,(adt 2.25 Sumr:2 Support: Elcunent i pen Prcjeci/ProposalTill€: An IntegratedClas€rcor/Laboratoryfor lrtroducing Studentsto Objecl_ Orient€dConcepts Sourceof Support NSF/DUglLl TotalAwerdAmount 946,356 TotalAwardp€dodCov€r€dtJunE15, 1996- May 31, .1998 Locatonof Proj€.i: HopeCollege Per6on-Months PerYeerCommltted to thePaojed. Cal: Ac€d:o sumr:O support I Cunent tr penoing Prdod/Proposal Tltle: Sourogof Support: TolalAwa.dAmount $ TotalAwadperiodCowr6d: Looationof Prolect: P€.6on-Months P$ Y€arCommltt€d to the PrcJe.t. Cal: Support: ! Cunent ! Pending Sourceof Support: TotalAwardAmounl $ TotalAwardPeriodCov€redl Locationot Projecl: Pea8on-Months Pe(YeerCommitt€d to lhe P(iect. Cal: Suppo.t E Cunent ! Peoding Aced: Sumr: Acad: Sumr: PlantEdin NEarFuture [ *Transferof Support Plannedin llear future E Submlseion Projod./Proposal Title: Sourceof Support: TotalAwadAmount $ TotalAwardP€.iodCovered: Locationof Project: Pe6orFMofthsPerYe€rCommitted to theProj€d. Cal: llSF Fdm 1239O/95) Acad: E transter ot Support Sumr: ADOITIOML SHEETSAS NECESSARY I. SupplementaryDocumentation Hope College Department oJ Computer Science UndergraduateResearchin ComputerScience Summer1997 The Computer Science Deparhnentat Hope College with support trom the Research Experiences for Undergraduater rrogru- oi t," ^""LJT"r"ri5i'"undation, is providrnganopportunity for a numberof undergraduate computersciencestudentsto participate rn a ten-weekresearchprogram. Datcs:May27,1997to August1, 1997 Stipend:93,000 HousinglOn-campus housingprovidedatno cost Tfavel: Lirnitedtravelfundsareavailablefor participants Eligibility: Any u.s. citizen who hasnot receiveda baccalaureate degreeand will be enrolledin anundergraduale degreeprogramin Fall, 1997i;figible. Women andmembersof minoritygroupsareparticularlyencouraged to apply. Projects:Research opportunities areavailablein a varietyof fieldsof computerscience. ApplicationDeadline February28, 1997 Applicationsand Further Information: Availablefrom yourComputerScienceDepartmentor from Herbert L. Dershem Departmentof ComputerScience HopeCollege Holland,MI 49423 (616)395-7508 FAX: (616)395-2123 Internet rhere is more bforrnation availablevia anonymousFTp from the site Ernaug.c6.hope. edu underthe ./pub/reu directoryAlso,information is availableon theWorldWideWebat trttp : ./,/$$w. cs. b.ope. edu,/ -der6hem/ itrf o. htnl I,I c sh o p e ' e o u > R d s e n t : M e s s a g e - T d : < 1 9 9 9 0 3 1 2 1 6 3 1 'L A A o ? 1-0035@ 0 0 Resent-Date: FrL, !2 Mat 1999 11:26:58 R e s e n t - T o : d e r s h e n @ c s .h o p e . e d u X sender: Arndt@rnai1. hope. edu -Osoa Date: Fri, a2 Mat L999 aLt2'7|2'1 To: iacobson@hope. edu, dershem@hope edu l-rom, Tracey ArndL <Arndt@hope. edu> AWARD9732339, Dershem, Herbert subject: Cc: gentile@hope. edu, kraay@hope. edu Mime-Versionr 1.0 >Date: Fri, a2 Mat 99 10:46:42 EDT >To: <arndt@hope. edu> >From: "award" <AwARD@nain.nef . gov> > s u b j e c t : A W A R D9 7 3 2 3 3 9 , D e r s h e m . H e r b e r t March l-2, a999 ErA-9',732339 001 Award Date Grant No. Amendment No. ,.fr. >Dr. (fohn H. itacobson, >President ru^-a a^l I ^dF > P .O . B o x 9 0 0 0 >HoI1and, MI 49422 -9000 >Dear Dr. .facobson I lrhe uatiorrat science Foundation hereby altards $48,900 to Hope college >for additional- support of the project being funded by the >above- referenced award. under the direction >rhis proiect, >comDuEeS r c i e n c e , i s e n ci t 1 e d : of Herbert L. Derehem, Departnent of >'|REU: Computer Science Research Experience for Undergraduates ' " >This award w i E h t h i s 2000. amendment toEals $9?,800 and expires awarded pursuant to the auchority of the National science >Foundation Act o f 1 9 5 0 ( 4 2 u . s . C . 1 8 6 1 e t s e q . ) a n d i s s u b j e c t t o G C - 1 llo /98) . >Grant General conditions r'r'hic d?=h1- iR >Except as modified >uncnangecr, by this amendment, the >The attached budget indicates > h a s b a s e d i t s suDporL. the grant conditions arnounts, by categories, for i:his grant NsF program official >The cognizant > ( 7 0 3 ) 3 0 6 - 1 9 8 0. the eognizant NsF grants official - /r^?\ is is remain on which NsP Harry G. Hedges stephanie Gorman rn4-1r11 stephanie Gorman crantg officer 3 @ c sh'o p e ' e d u > R a s e n t ' M e s s a g e - I d : < 1 9 9 9 0 3 1 2 1 6 3 1 'L A A O 7 1- 0 0 500 12 Mar 1-9991L1.26:5a Reeent-Date: Fri, Resents-To: dershem@cs. hope. edu Arndt@mail . hope. edu x-sender: -0500 Date: Fri. 12 Mar 1999 ll 21 :2'7 To: j acobson@hope. edu, dershem@hope. edu From: Tracey Arndt <Arndt@hope. edu> S u b i e c t : A W A R D9 7 3 2 3 3 9 , D e r s h e n , H e r b e r t Cc: gentife@hope. edu, kraay@hope. edu Mime-Version:1.0 12 vlar 99 70:46242 EDT >Date: Fri, >To: <arndt@hope. edu> nsf. gov> >Fron: " ar^/ard" <AWARD@main. D e rshem, Herbert > s u b j e c t : A W A R D9 7 3 2 3 3 9 , March 12, a999 ErA-9732339 00 1 Award Date Grant No. Amendment No. >Dr. irohn H. .Tacobgon, ,fr. >President ru^h6 a^1 1 adF > P ,O . B o x 9 0 0 0 >Ho1land, MI 49422- 90AA >Dear Dr. Jacobson: science Foundation hereby a w a r d e $ 4 8 , 9 0 0 E o H o P e C o l l e g e >The National s u p p o r E o f ! h e p r o j e c t being funded by the 'for addicional award. >above referenced of Herbert L. Dershem, Department of >This proj ect, under the direction >Comput.erScience, ls >,,REUr Conputer Science >This award with this >January 31, 2000. Research Experience amendmenc tota16 Undergraduates. for $97,800 and expires of the National >This grant is altarded pursuant to the auEhority and is subject ( 4 2 s e q . ) 1 8 6 1 e r U . s . C . >roundition Act of l95o ( 1 0 / 9 8 ) . >crant General condibions >Except as modified >unchanged, >The attached budget by this amendrnent, the indicaEes the anounb6, " grant conditions by categories, for Lhis grant >The cognizanE NsF program official grants official N S F >(703) 306-1980. The cognizant >(703) 306-1213. is is science to Gc-1 remain on which NSF Harry G. Hedges Stephanie Gorman sincerely, stephanie Gorman Grants officer >Emai1 address >arndt@hope . edu SUMMARY PROPOSA], BUDGET ( 4.OO) Total Senior Personnel- >A, Other Personnel o.oo) Post doctoral associates O.oo) other professionals 0.00) Graduate students >B. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6- PERSON MOS sumr acad cal 0.50 5 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. oo) secretarial -cferical students O.o0) Undergraduate 0.00) Other To tal- salaries and wages (A+B) (if charged as direct cost) Fringe benefits ToEal safaries wages and fringes (A+B+c) >D. >E. >!'. >G. >I{. >J. >M. Total permanent equipment Travel 1. Domestic 2. Foreign suPPorE costs Total Participant other direct cost s 1. Materials and supplies 2. Publication costs/page chargee 3, Consultant services 4. Computer (ADPE) services 5. Subcontracts 6. Olher Total other direct costs TotaL direct coets (A chrough G) Tota1 indirecc costg cogCs (H+I) Totat direct and indirect Residual funds / Smal1 business fee 1. Residual funds (if for further support of currents p r o j e c t e G P M2 5 2 a n d 2 5 3 ) 2. Snal1 business fee Anount of thie request (.J) or (.T - K1 + K2) Cost sharing Tracey Arndt Assistant Administrative sciences Dean of Natural Hope college Peale Science Center Rn 175 MI 49423 Hofland, 616-395-?190 5L6-395-'7923 lfax) F,rrda dr:nf ad By NSF $8, 000 $0 $0 $0 $8,000 $1,500 $9,600 $1,500 $0 $30,400 91,000 s0 $0 $1,000 $42,500 $6,400 $48,900 $0 $0 948,900 .4f ,,o*corr.Ecp IN o F F I C EO F T H EP R E S I I J E March15, 1999 Gorman,GrantsOfficer Ms. Stephanie NationalScienceFoundation 4201WilsonBoulevard Arlington,VA 22230 DearMs.Gorman: SUBJECT: Grant# Amendment# EIA-9732339 001 yourletterof March12,1999,regardingthegrantawardof I ampleasedto acknowledge $48,900for additionalsupportofthe projeotbeingdireotedby HerbertL. Dershem, DepartnentofComputerScience.Theprojectis entitled: for Undergraduates." Rosearch Bxperience "REU: ComputerSoience 3l, 2000. January andexpires totals$97,800 Thisawardwith thisamendment with theterms wiselyandin accordance Wepledgeourbesteffortsto usethoseresources andconditionssetforth. With all goodwishes, 99n.*tPresident JohnH. Jacobson, JIIJ/mjw pc: Dr. JaoobE. Nyenhuis,Provost 1 Dr. JamesGentilo,Deanfor the Natural Sciences v ProfessorHerb Dersh€m,DepartmentofComputer Science Mr. Barry Werkman,Controller 14] E ]2THST DEWTTCENTER, 494229000 POBOX9000,HOLIAND,MICHTCAN 616-395-7780 / rAX616-395'7111 A tto*our-E.E O F T H EP R O V O S T OFFICE April1, 1999 HerbDershem Professor Science of ComPuter Department HopeCollege DearHerb: letterof March15 Jacobson's I wasverypleasedto receivea copyof President a grant in whichheacknowledged Gorman, io f.lsf crdntsotncerStephanie supportforyourREUgrant' awardof $48,900in continuing youonthegood. I congratulate Sincerenewalgrantsarenotautomatic, to thatvouhavemadeon yourproject.Bestwishasas youcontinue Drooress Research "REU: Science project, Computer research on yourimportant wor-k for Undergraduates." Experience Sincerely, JacobE. Nyenhuis Provost JEN:bm/apr99 pc: DeanJamesM.Gentile 141E ]2THSI DEWITTCENTER, MICHICAN 494229OOO HOLLAND, POBOX9OOO 7111 FAX 616-395 616395-7785 / ANNUAL REPORTT'ORAWARD # 9732339 HerbertL Dershem; H ope College REU: CornputerScienceResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates Participant individuals : Seniorpersonnel(s): GordonA Stegink;MichaelJ Jipping;Alyce F Brady E Weinhold; PatariciaR Marcoux;DavidB Christian;Ilya Lipkin; Rebecca Undergnduate student(s): Daisy E Parker;RobertMurillo; Daron Vroon; JonathanPater Participants'Detail Partner organizations: Activities and fi ndingsl R€lealcb lcti,vltlc!: Five projecls were conducted during the sunmer of 1998. Thev were: l.Alsorith,n and Code Animat.ions on che Web 2.concurrency Anonaly Prevention Using PosIx Threads 3.Explorinq Dtmamic Web Page ImPlenentacions of Eunction calls and Execution 4.visualization specificalions 5. Linking Prosram Inplementations lo original Environnen! 6.Java Interactive R€raarch TlaLdLDg: received Atl undergraduate participants techniques and presenlalion skil1s. crainingr in research Journal Publications: Stegink,G.A., Pater,J. andVroon,D. , "ComputerScienceandGensralEducation:Java, Graphics,andtheWeb",SIGCSEBulLetin,vol.31,(1999).Accepted Book(s) or other one-time publication(s): Internet Dissemination: ht http://www.cs Other specific products: Special Requirementsfor Annual Proiect Report: Unobligated funds:lessthan20percentof cunentrtmd.s Categoriesfor which nothingis reported: Participatrts:Partnerorganizations Participants: OtherCollaboratom Education and Outreach Products: Book or otherone-timepublication Products: Otherspecificproduct Contributions Within Discipline Contributions to Oth€r Disciplines Contributions to Education and Euman R€sources Contributions to Resourcesfor Scienceand Technology Contributions Beyond Scienceand Engineerhg Speclal Reporting Requlrements Animal, Human Subjects,Biohazards Submit | | We wetcomecommentson this system Other ProjectParticipants Stegink A Gordon r Seniorpersonnel IIas worked for more than 160 hours i No Contribution to project : Faculty Associale Jipping J Michael : Seniorpersonnel Has worked for more than L60 hours ; No Contribution to project : Faculty AssociaEe Brady F Alyce : seniorpersonnel Has worked for more than 160 hours : No Contribution to project : Externaf Faculty Associate Marcoux R Pataricia : Undergraduatestudent Has worked for more than 160 hours I Yes Contributionto project I Christian B David : Undergraduatestudent Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes Contribution to project : Undergraduate Par!icipant Lipkin Ilya : Undergraduatestudent llas worked for more than 160hours : Yes Contribution to project : Underqtaduate Par:licipant Weinhold E Rebecca: Undergraduatestudent Has worked for more than 160 hours : Yes Contribution to project : Undergraduate participant Parker E Daisy: Undergraduate student Hasworkedfor more than 160hours : yes Contribution to project ! UndergraduaEe part j.cipant Murillo Robert : Undergraduate student IIas work€dfor moretllan 160hoursr Yes Contributiotrto project : Unalergraduat.e participant Vroon Daron : Undergraduate student Hasworkedfor morethan 160hours: Yes Contribution to project : Undergraduate participant PaterJonathanl Undergraduate student Hasworkedfor morethsn 160hours: Yes Contribution to project : UndergratluaLe part icipant Retum | | We welcomecomments on thissysrem FINAL REPORTFORAWARD#9732339 HerbertL Derchemi Hope College REU: ComputerScienceResearchExperiencefor Undergraduates ParticipantIndividuals: : GordonA Stegink;MichaelJ Jipping Seniorpersonnel(s) E Weinhold; student(s) : PatriciaR Malcoux:DavidB Christian;Ilya Lipkin; Rebecca Undergraduate Pater Vroon; Jonathan Daisy E Parker;RobertMurillo; Daron : MylesMcNally Seniorpersonnel(s) RowlandiMarcia Hovater;JosiahDyksta; Chdstopher : JessieLinki Jessica student(s) Undergraduate Zangrilli;MariaCasipe;Keith Suppes : Garykwandowski Seniorpersonnel(s) Sandro;Abigail walker; Joshua SarahDieter;Samantha : MichaelBranstein; student(s) Undergiaduate Krikke;SamhAllen: StevenMarlowe;NgoziUti : AlyceBrady;An&ew Van Pemis Seniorpersonnel(s) Detail Participants' Partner Organizations! Activitiesand fi ndings: Rc..uch atral Ealucetlon lctlvltl.r: Six projects were conducled during the sr]finer of 1999. They were: 1. Dynamic Anomaly DeEecllon 2. ALAN: The Algoriihm Aninator 3, .,lava Development Enviro nenl 4. $'nchronize Implenenlation of Classes 5. The Aunc!ion Visualizer 6. WALDO:Web Accessible Learning Desisn Options Five projects were conducted during lhe sununerof 1999. Thev were: Thin Clienl Technology on Hantlheld Computers l.Exploring Using Handheld Conputers 2. Supportsing Classroorn Interaction 3.Algorithm Visualizalion 4. Program Execution Animation and visualization Applied !o Game Plaving 5-Learnins Algorilhrs Three projects were conducted durins 1. Supportsing Classroon hleractsion 2. Snart ( ? ) LEGO Robotss 3. Comparing MeEhods for Timelable Schedullng Three projecrs received parlial lhe sutnmerof 2000. Thev were: Using Handheld Computers Conslruction supporl durins and Sluden! Course the suirmer of 2001r Readers and Softswarei The Texlbooks 1. Electronic 2- J v A ! L: irava Visual Aulonated Linked List 3. Hardware Design and Testing Over a LAN Training of the Futsure and Dev€lognent: AlI unde'sraduate par-:croanEs rece:veo Lraining ir techniques and presentation skills research Out!6acb activitiea: lo and seleclion process we have made str:ong efforts h our reciuiting ln addi!ion, involve underrepresented groups in their participation nemlcer and two sludents from an one faculty each year we hawe invited lhal does not presentl'v have an actsive undergraduate inslitulion undergraduate xesearch Progran. Journal Publications: Stegink,G,A.,Pater,J, andVroon,D. , "ComputarScienceandGcneralEducation:Java, Graphics,andtheWeb", SIGCSEBulletin,vol. 31, (1999),p. l. Published Dershem,H.L., Parker,D.E.,Weinhold,R., "A JavaFunctionVisualizer",Joumalof Computing in SmallColleges,vol. 15,( 1999),p. 222.Published Dyksba,j.,Dershem,H,, andK. Suppes,"An AbstractWindowToolkit Visualizerfor Computer of the33rdMidwestInstuctionand ComputingSymposium, ScienceInsffuction",Proceed.ings vol. CD-ROM,(2000),p. CD-ROM.Published in theClassroom: Jipping,M., Kdkke,J.,Dieter,S.,andS. Sandro,"UsingHandheldComputers (l), p 169 vol.33, Machines", SIGCSE Bulletin, on Handhald Laboratories andCollaboration Published Book(6)of other one-timepublications(s): Other SpecificProducts: Internet Dissemination: http://www.cs.hope.edrt-dershen/reu This site contains lhe papers, presencations, and posters of alL projecls. materials that were It also conlains the publicily each year. distribured Contributionsi Contributions within Discipline: undergraduate has resulted in seventeen successful Thas projecl and trom four inslitutions It has involved facully research projecls. s.Loents frol 'ourleen instiLut io_s. This has proved Lo be an Two studenls sr.rpported research. ouCreach for. undergraduale effective under thls gr.anE have been awarded best student research at varrous In aaldition, the results of Lhe projects have conlributed lo the field noteworEhv have been particrilarly of computer science. These results and handheld in two ongoing proiecEs on program visualizalion computing in education. Contributions to Education and Human Resourcesl participants Twelve oub of 23 studenl rninorily nembers of underrepresented and three were groups. for Scienceand Technologlr: Contributionsto Resources A11 of lhe projecls have resulled in papers and electronic poslers lhaE are available on lhe World Wide Web. Many of these provide Eeaching resources in conpuEer science. for whichnothingis reportedl Categories Pannerorganizations Participants: Participants: OtherCollaborators Findings Products:Bookor otheronetimepublication Product Products:OtherSp€cific Dlsciplines to Other Contributlons andEngineering BeyondScience Contributions Submit Retum ! @ we wetcome comments onthissystem User: dershem Host: gandal f Class: gandal f r^l- . cF:r/l>-A i nnrrI AnnualRepof 0097464 Submittedon: 12262001 Award ID: 0097464 Annual Report for Period:012000 - 0U2000 Principal Investigator: Dershem,HerbortL. Organization: Eope College fifl€: REU Sites:An UndergaduateReseaichParticipationhogram in ComPuterScienc€ Proj€ctPqrticipantx SeniorPersonnel Herbert Name:Dershem, Workedfor morc than 160Hours: Contributionto ProJect: Jipping,Michael Workedfor mor€thtn 160llours: Contrlbutiotrto Project: Facultymentor Name:McFall,Ryan Workedfor morethan 160Hours: ContrlbutioDto ProJect: Facultymentor Ntme: Vanderlinden,Kcith Workedfor morc thon 160Hour6l Contrlbutionto ProJectl VisitingFacultyMentor Yes No No No Post doc GradurfeStudeut UDderglrdurieStudent Derek Name:Augsburger, Workedfor moretbotr 160Hours: Contributionto Project! Yes Ntme: Boes,Matthew Work€il for dore then 160 Hou$l Coutribution to PmJectl Yes Nam€: Ku, Joseph Worked for more lhrn 160 Hours: Contributiotr to Projectl Ycs Name: Halvorsen,Canie Worked for more thaD 160 llours: Yes Contdbution to Project: Name: Kelley, Timothy Worked for morc than 160 Hoursr Yes Page1 of 3 Annual Repo{: 0097464 Contributionto Project: R€searchExperience for Und€rgraduates Organizational Partners Other Collaborators or Contacts Activities and Findings Researchand EducationActiviti€s: duringthesummerof 2001: Thefollowingsevenprojectswereconducted L lnfrastruclureDesignfor a Mobile Ad Hoc Network for ParallelProcessing of theFuture andSofiware:TheTextbooks 2. ElectronicReaders 3. Obvis:TheObjeltVisualizer Cryptography 4. One-to-Many with DynamicWebPages 5. ServingUserDocumentalion CreationOf UserDocumentation To SupporlTheAutomated Evenl Recorder A GUI 6. Enhancing Over aLAN 7. HardwareDesignandTesting 8. J V A L L: JavaVisualAulomatedLinkedList Findtngs: Training snd Development: who pffticipat€d. research skillsin thestudents This projectdeveloped Outr€achActlvities: thatdo not haveactiveresearch goups andfrom instihrtions fromunderepresented participants to includestudents We recruitedandselected programs. JournalPublications Booksor Other One-timePubliotlons Web/lntern€tSite Other Specific Products Contributiotrs Contributionswithin Discipline: Cont.ibutions to Other Disciplines: Contributions to Hunran R€sourceDev€lopment: Contributions to Resourcesfor Researchatrd Eilucation: Page2 of 3 Arnual Reporr 0097464 Contributions Beyon.rS€ienc€ald Engin€ering: Spe€itl Requircmenfs Special rcporting requirements: None Change in Obiectives or Scoper None Unobligat€d funds: lessthan20 Perc€ntof cunent tunds Animal, Human Sublects,Biohazsrds: None Cat€gorie6for which lothitrg ls reported: Oganizational Partners Acrivities andFindings:Any Finding6 Any Journal Any Book Any Web/lntdnet Site Any Product ContdbutionsrTo Any within Discipline Contributions:To Any OtherDhciplincs Contibutionsr To Any HumanRcsouce DeveloPmcnt ContributronsrTo Any Rcsourcesfor RescarchandEducation Contributions:To Any BeyondScicnceandEnginc€ring Page3 ot 3 User: dershem Host: gandalf Class: gandalf Job: / tmp/Acro. HaqYV F.oE Amdt@flOPE CIT.HOPE EDU rri Feb 20 09:50 f,ST 19'8 From: Traey Amdr <AmdI@HOPE.CIT.HOPEEDU> To: Jacobon@HOPE.CIT.HOPE.EDU Cc: Dershem@HOPECIT.HOPE.EDU, Gentile@HOPE.CIT.HOPE.EDU, Icaay @HOPE.CIT.HOPE.BDU Subj€c! AWARD 9732339,Dershem,Heftert Daae:F.i, 20 Feb 199809:51:32 -0500 >Retuln-path: <AWARDoMAIN.NSF.GOV> >Da!e: rhu, 19 Feb 1998 11:16:15 0400 (EDr) >Fron: award <AWARD@nain, Esf, gow> >subjecE: awARD 9?32339, Dershs, Ferberr >To : axndlOHOPE.CIT-HOPE.EDU February 19, 1998 ErA-9?32 339 ErA-9?32 339 >D!. ,rohn H. JacobsoE, .tr. >Ho]laal, [{I 49422-9004 >Dea! Dr, Jacobson: >The National science Foundarion hereby awards a g!an! of 548,900 !o Eope >college for suppoll of lhe projecl desclibed in lhe proposal referenceal >This plojecr, unde! rhe dlrectlon >cornpuler sclence, ls entiEled: >"REU: conpule! science >This awald is effeclive ot Eerber! Research Expelience Febluary IJ. Dershenl fo! Deparlmen! of undergraaluales. " 15, 1998 and expires Oanuary 31, 1999. >This is a conlinuinq / slanl which has been apploveat on sclenrlllc >lechnical nelit fo! approxiMEely 3 yearE. conElngenE on che progress oi the projec!, >availabillry NsF of funds and the Ecienllfic >expecls !o conlinue suppoll aE approxina€ely €he followtng levels: F V 2 0 0 0$ 48 , 9 0 0 FY199t 948,900 >Foundation awalded pulsuan! ro lhe aulholily of lhe Na!1onal sclence Act o f 1 9 5 0 ( 4 2 u . s . c . 1 8 6 1 e l s e q . ) a n d i s s u b j e c ! ! o G C - l and the followinq tenE and condiEion6: condirlons lI2/91) >Funds plowided by >for Undelsraduates" lhis in award include suppolE fo! Expelience6 "Resealch accolddce with NsF AsouncemenE 96-L42. >ehe attaclredl budget indicales >has based lls suppoft. NSF progrd the dosts, by categolieE, gldt official for this NsF grantE offlcial > ( ? 0 3 ) 3 0 6 - 1 98 0 . The cosnizant >(?03) 306-1213 i6 is on which NSF .tohD C. Cherniawsky Mavi6 ir. sinkular Shalon P. crahan > SUMMARYPROPOSAI,EUDGEf ( 4.00) roEal senior persoEel O!he! PerEoheL 1. 0.00) Pos! dlociola1 associatea 2. 0.00) othe! plofeE6iorlalE 3. 0.00) craduale sEudentg A. 0 . 0 0) s e c ! e l a r i a l - c 1 e ! i c a l 5. 0.00) undersradluale sludlenlE 6. 0.00) other otal salarieg and vraEes (A+B) Fring6 benefils Total salarieE ?::2 PERSONMOS ca1 acad suM 0.00 0.50 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Foreign Total participanr Euppor! cosls olher direc! cogcs 1. I'4aterlal6 and supplies 2. Pu.blication coEls/page charges 3. coneullan! services (ADPE) E6rvic€E 4. conpule! 5. Subconllect8 tolal other direct coelg dlr€c! co€Es (A rhloush c) Eola1 indlirec! coe!s coErs (H+r) Tolal dlrec! end indirect Re€idlual fundE / small buelness lee suFpor! of current 1. R€sidual fund6 (if lor !u!!he! projectE c!,M 252 and 253) 2, sna11 business fee ('t) or (,t - Kl + A2) arnount of thiE leques! > H . rolal >r, >l{. AssiEEel AdLninislralive Dean of NaEural sciences Peale science center Ho1land, MI 49423 615-395-7X90 515-395-?923 (!ax) 90 90 90 90 90 $0 $8,000 (if chargeal a6 aulecl cogl) (A+B+c) nagee andl lllnges > D . to€al penEnenr equlpment > E , traveL L. Domeslic >r. 0.00 0.00 *€@ Rn 175 $0 s1,500 s1,000 s0 s0 $0 $0 $0 91,000 942,500 $6,400 948,900 $0 $48,900 AnnualReporti9732339 Anf,ualR€po for Period:Orl999 - 01i2000 Principal Investigatorr Dershem,HerbertL. Submittedon: 11/06/1999 Award ID: 9732339 Organization: HopeCollege REU: ComputerScienceResearchExp€dencefor Undergraduates Proiect Participsnts Sedor Personnel Nam€: Dershem,Herbet Worked for more than 160 Hours: Nu Contributionto Project: NamerStegink,Gordon Work€d for more than 160 Hours: No Contribution to Proiect: Fa€ultyAssociate Nsme:Jipping,Michael Worked for morethan 160Hours: No Contribution to Projeci: FacultyAssociale Nam€rMcNally,Myles Worked for more thrn 160 Hours: No ConiributionaoProJ€ct: ExternalFacuhyAssociate Post-doc Gradua,eSaud€nt Undergraduate Stud€nt Nam€:Suppes, Keith Workedlor morethsn 160Hours: Yes Contributtonto Proiect: Undergraduate Panicipanr Name: Casipe,Maria Worked for more than 160Hoursr Yes Contribution to Prolect: UndergraduateParticipant Name:Zangrilli,Marcia Worked for mot€ than 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Pmject: Participant Undergraduate Nam€:Rowland,Christopher Worked for mor€ than 160Hours: Yes Contribution to Project: Panicipant Undergraduate Name: Dykstra,Josial Workedfor more than 160Hours: Yes Cotrtribudon to Project: Pag€1of4 AnnualRepot 9732339 Pdicipant Undergraduate Name:vroom,Tirn Worked for more than 160Hours: Yes Cotrhibution to Project: UndergradualeParticipant Name: Hovater.Jessica Worked for more thatr | 60 Hours: Yes Contribution to Proi€ct: Undergraduat€Participant Name: Rasche,Karl Worked for more than 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Project: UndergraduatePanicipant Name:Link, Jessie Worked for mo.e thsn 160Hours: Yes Contribodonto Proj€ct: Undergraduateparticipant Name: Pater,Jonathan Worked for mor€ than 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Project: participant Undergraduate Name:Vroon,Daron Workedfor more tban 160Hoursi Yes Contributionto Projectl participanl Undergoduate NamerMurillo,Robert Worked for more than 160 Hoursr Yes Contribuaionto Project: pff ticipant Undergraduat€ Nam€:Parker,Daisy Wo*ed for morethan 160Hours: Yes Contributionto Project: Undergraduateparticipant Name:Weinhold,Rebecca Work€d for more thrn 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Proiect: participant Undergaduate Lipkn,Ilya Work€d for more than 160Hoursr Yes Contributionto Proiect: UndergaduatePanicipant David Name:Christian, Work€d for more than 160 Hours: Y€s Contribution to Proi€ct: Pariicipant Undergraduate Nam€: Marcoux,Patricia worked lor more than 160 Hours: Yes Contribution to Project: StudentParticipant PaEe2 cf 4 Annual Report 9732339 OrEanizational Partners Other Collaborators or Contacts Activities 8nd Findinss Project Activiti€s snd Findings: Five projectswereconductedduring the summerof 1999.They were: Computers on Handheld LExploringThin ClientTechnology 2.SupportingClassroomInteractiodUsing HandheldComPuters 3.Algorithm Visualization 4.ProgramExecutionAnimation andVisualization s.LearningAlgorithmsAppliedto GamePlaying ProjectTraining rnd Development: ResearchTraining: participants receivedtrainingin research All undergraduate skills. andpresentation techniques Outr€achActivlties: .Iourn8l Publications andtheWeb",S/GCSEBulletin, Java,Graphics, Science andGeneralEducation: Stegink,O.A.,Pater,J, andVroon,D. , "Computer p, , vol. 31,(1999).) Accepted p,222' \ol 15'(1999) in SmallColleges, Joumdlol ComputinS Dershem, H.L.,Parker,D.E.,Weinhold,R., "A JavaFunctionVisualizer", ) Published Books or Other Onc.time Publicatlops Web/Inlernet Sites URL(s): html httpr//www.cs.hope.edd-dershervreu/papersgg httpr/www.cs.hope.edr/-dershen/reu/post€rs99.htsnl Desffiption: Other SpeciffcProducts Contributions Contributions within Discipline: Contributiotrs to OtherDisciplhes: Page3 of4 AnnualReporr9732339 Confibuttons to Hums[ ResourceDev€lopm€nt: ContributioB tr Scienresnd T€chnologylnftastructurel Beyond ScreNe and Engineeringl Sp€cidReouircments Specialreportingrequirem€nts:None Changein Objectivesor ScopetNone UtrobltgatedFunds: fundsrlessthan20percentof curentfunds Unobligated Animal,HumatrSubjecb,Blohazlrds:None Cstegoriesfor nhlch nothln{ b report4dl PaJtners Organizational ActiyitiesandFindingsrAny ProjectTrainingandDevelopmcnt Activities ActivitiesandFindingsrAny Outscach AoyBook Any hoduct Any wi$in Discipline Confiibutionsr Contributions: To Any OtherDisciplines !o HumanResouccDcvclopment To Any Contributions Contributlons: or Technology Inftartructue To Any Science Contdbutionsr orEngineeting Beyond Science Contributionsr P^Ze4 of 4