31,2001 JANUARY1, 2OOlthroughDECEMBER TYPEWRITE [PLEASE OR USECOMPUTER] NAME Herbert L. Dershem A, TEACHING ANDADVISING: Taught andEnrollment 1. Courses (Attachreportfrom Registrar's Office) Notes 2. Supplementary I arga.:"ed and chairea a panel ot autsjde inddsLry expetLs in course. I afsa coar P!:agranning the design af the applicatians s a n e c o u r s e a . d s e rwed as an' at the dinated the lnplenentation campus lia-1son. 1, (including Development Workand/orGeneralProfessional Scholarlv performances, paperspresented,publications, recitals,exhibitions, and progress) work in Rewietred 3 papers for NE3C 20a1, 1 pape! tor SIGCSE2042 and 1 textlraok nanuscfipt . Coardinator af Cansultinq for Math/CS Division of CounciT far Undergraduate Research. chair of Midwest SnalT CaTlege Conputing Canference 2401, Speaker Chair 2402. Revised 15 chapters for textboak nam)script, PrpgEamtillS-Jatslase€i-ffand Strpctures. 3rd Edition. candidacy far GrinneTf caTfege ExternaT reviewer of terure and pranation External Reviewer, Canputer science Departnent, Mary t'lashington College. PaneljsL, NSF Research Experrences ta! Undergt:aduaEespanel , Decenber, 20Al Associate FacuTty far three courses, unjted Stace,s Apen University. uernber at Advisory Conmittee fo! Cornputing, United States open universiEy. Uentrer of Workshop Revietr Coinnjttee ta! the SIGCSE 2a02 Canterence. 2. (iffunded,specifyamountanddate/period of Submitted GrantProposals theorant) tuFded Fbsealch Participation Ptogrn i4 Conputet science, REV: Aa underqtadiate Ly NSF-REV pzag!&. Researcb BuiTd)bg coMlaity thraDgh an Undetgraduate 'n scjen.e, PraqrM ta! Ge.der Equ Lv fDnded. aa7oq,-nat 5743,273 Expetience, acleratjcs co-PJ, subnitted Eo }IsF Enq:nce :.q ahd Te.h- C. INTERNAL SERVICE 1. e.9..Directing a Plav. withStudents OutsidetheClassroom. Involvement (List number of or Sponsoring a Club activityand Recitals. Coaching. engagedwithyou in thisactivity) students sJpe r'rsed tive acaden c /ed! undelgladuate SunjxJer Research Progru Djrectar resear.n prole.Ls FacultyServiceto HopeCollege- page2 Name: Herbert L. Dershem 2. (List) Assignments Chair, Conpute! Science Department Department Assi gflnerts : Ad,nissiors I i a i s an, newsf e t t e! ed i tor. Menber, ATunni Board to! Distlnsujshed Almi 20A2. D. OTHER(e.9.,publicservice,consulting, curricular/course development, lectures, seminars, andpresentations to highschoolstudents or churchgroups) Pastoraf E, Care Eider, Christ $e,i)riaf Chvrch Whichof youraccomplishments or activities ol thepastyeardo youconsider mostnoteworthv? projectwasthe mostnotewofthy, Thesucceisol thesummerresearch Onestudentwho workedundelny directionhasalreadywona bestpapetpresentation at a rcglonalcontercnce andhada papetthatsheco-wrotewithmeacceptedforpublicationanduesentatlonat a Na onalConfercnce, F, CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION UNSATISFACTORY FAIR GOOD SUPERIOR OUTSTANDING (Onthjscontinuum, the chaipersonshouldplacethe lettersTA for TeachingandAdvising,SP fof Activity,andSE for Servics,at whateverpointshe,heconsidersappropriate.) Scholarlyand Professional HerbertL. Dershem Self-Evaluation 2001 I. Teaching The CSCI 250,DiscrcteSfuctwes couse wasofferedfor the fiIst time. It was a successfuloffering with a largeenrollment.Severalnewapproaches wereusedin thatclassandI planto refine themin the Spring 2002semesterPerhapsthe mostnoteworthyof my teachingdoesnot even appearon my loadreport.It wastheCSCI3211323 courseon ApplicationsProgramming. I organized a coursedesignteamof four expertsfrom local industry andmet with them thrcughoutthe Springsemester, A coursedesignandteachingstrategywastheresult.I thenhhedtwo of these expertsto serveasthefacultyof thecouGeandI paficipatedasa coordinator, attendingevery classsessionandhandlingstudentquestions throughout the week. Preparation Enthusiasm Perconal Interost Overall N cscl 225 Spdng2001 cscl 250 cscl 470 3.94 3.92 3.82 3.',l6 3.90 3.93 3.',76 3.11 3.88 3.94 4.00 3;76 5 cscl 225 3.89 3.95 3.92 3,'77 1l cscl231 cscl 481 3.94 3.99 3.86 3.78 26 3.95 3.88 3.95 3,95 13 Total 3.92 3.94 3.85 3.1',7 104 Fall 2001 t1 II. Scholarship Schola$hipin 2001consisted of a verysuccessful summgrrgsgarch Fogram, rgvising16chapters for a new edition of a textbook,chairing a major conferenceplanningcommittee,consulting with andteachingfor theUnited StatesOpenUnive$ity, andseryingon an NSF panel.This wasa productiveyear asfar asscholanhipis concemed. IIL SerYice My servicewasdevotedto the dutiesof departmentchair This includedmore than 20 sessions andactivitiesthat I hostedfor prospectivestudents.It alsoincludedmajor efforts at recruitingfaculty dudng the entire year. Reviewof Goalsfor 2001 I . Resubmitproposalto theNSF-CCLI progmmfor futher developmentanddisseminationof my softwarevisualizationwork. I changeddirectionmid-courseon this and decided.to mentorRyanMcFall in the writing of his proposalrather than re\)isifigmine.. 2. Successfullyconductsummerrcsearchprcgramandprcpareresultsof work for dissemination. This wosa 1'erysuccessfulprogram, Wehavealreadyseentwo studentsfrom theprogram win will surelyfollow in awardsand.threeha',tehadpapersacceptedfor publication. More successes thecomingmonths, 3. Completethewdting of theThird Editionof @. Again, emphasisshijledfrcm this prcject 'lith Mike Jirying's emphasison a ewprcject. in distanceeducationby takingon additionalresponsi4. Increase my knowledgeandexperience bilitieswith thoUnitcdStatesOpenUniversity. I havecontinuedto gain experiencein this area and, thoughofferednew rcsponsibilitiesthis yeo, I tumed themdown to devotetime to other Drciects. Goalsfor 2002 l_/_ rescarchfor womenin coml. Resubmitprcposalto the NSF-PCEFogram to flrd undergraduate puterscience. This is a multiinstitutionalproject. 2. Successfully conductsummer&searchprogramandprepareresultsof work for dissemination. 3. work with mathematicsandengineeringto submita proposalto NSF for scholarshipsfor minority students. 4. Continueto incrcasemy experiencein distanceloamingthough my involvementwith the UnitedStatesOpenUniversity. February 1, 2002 Evaluation for Herb Dershem, Chair, Computer Science Herb has had another successful year, both as a chairperson, At the national levef Herb continues his teacher and scholar. a consulcant to both other instituti-ons and federal activitie€ aE aE a workehop agencies and he haE been honored by __guru, being inviced leader, conference chai.r alrd general on nunerous occasiong past year. 15 He hag alEo been actively revising over this for upcoming publication. Within the chapterE of a textbook ho a strong department i{brb continues to provide strong leadership this leaderehip hae extended in a myriad of ways departnent and institutional leaderghip aE welI. Add to all of into divigional and this thac Herb ie a €uperb teacher and it is a job very well done indeed ! T S C S E unEaEiefactory fair good EUpertor outstandin-[-