JANUARY1, 1997rhrough DECEMBER31, 1997 FACULTYSERVICETO HOPECOLLEGE TYPEWRITE IPLEASE OR USECOMPUTER] NAME Herbert rJ. Dershen ANDADVISING: TEACHING 1. CoursesTaughtand Enrollment A. (Attachreportfrom Registra/s Office) Notss 2. Supplementary llore B. ACTIVITY AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOLARLY 1. meg!(including publications, parfomancss, exhibitions, and recitals, paparsPrcsentod, workin Progress) cotttputing confetence Reviewet of papars far Natjonai Educational PubTishets Reviewer of two manusctipts tor Scott^Iones ExternaJ. reviewer of tenure candidacy for two ouxside institutions tezm Re-efected as CUR ColJnciTor for second thtee-yeat the 27st Century" at Panel menber, "undergraduate Research-welcone to SIGCSE ' 97 Technical Swposium, San ,Jose, CA February, 7997 for leaching obj ect-oriented Publ lcations : "./ava cf ass visualization and "Tools for web-based Sorting concepts" with James vanderhyde with Peter Bfl)jllmu'ld, to appear in SIGCSE BuTTetin Anination' Conference Cofltttittee, Midwesx SmaiJ. Cofl'ege Computing ConMenber, 7998. 7997, speaketa chair' Papete co-chair, fetence, Reader, AP computer science Exaa, Ciemson, Sc, ,June' 7997. 2. of (itfundod,sPecify amountanddats/period Submitted GrantProposals ihe grant) Environment Web-based Leatning and Integrated' NSF-CCD, "Developing for Computer scienee GenetaT Education, " $749,975, not futded for Uadergtaduates, " NSE-REU, "Cotrp )Cer ,scjence Research E4)erience 5746,700 ' funded SERVICE C. INTERNAL withStudentsOutsidethe Classroom.e.9..Directinga Plav. lnvolvement 1. Recitals.Coaching.or Sponsolinga Club (Listactivityand numberot studentsengagedwith you in this activiiy) Facufxy advisot, ATpha Kappa Pi (12 students) Faculty advisot, AcM student Chapter, spring semester (25 students) sutr>efi/ised two su) net undetgraduate adetnic year underqtaaduaxe reseatch research plojects p|ojects and three ac- FacultyServiceto HopeCollege- page2 Herbert Name: 2. chair, L. Dershem Seruice.Boardand Committeeand/orDeoartmental Administrative (List) Assignments computer science Depattnent conEnittee Menber. Status Ass ignmeDts : Adrnis s ions Department coordinatot sessftent D. Tiaison, news lettet edi tor, as - development, curricular/course OTHER(e.9.,publicservice,consulting, to highschoolstudentsor churchgroups) lectures,seminars,and presentations Match 7997 students, Conducted segsion for Tectt]los Internatjonaf 7997 Workshop for HASP, Octobet' InXetnet 7997 gnadets River Schoof, Decertber' ftom Black Session for 9th 7997 octoher, Science Day Presentation, ,Iu7y, 7997 Tal-k to HoTTand Rotary club, youog RegionaT Conrnittee Lite Menber, E. or activitiesof the pastyeardo you consider Whichof youraccomplishments mostnoteworthy? rethe student fton of two papets for pubfication The acceptance papers co<t^-.h nraiqr:rs .lasc sLuuner. It is rate Ehat in a ate accepted for pubTication authored ttj Eir students journaJ, fron a sinand to have two accepted .non-studelll gratifying. is vety g7e sw ner's efforts Togethof two major NSF proposals. writing $'as the Al-so noteworthy proposafs are key month and these took one er, this effott in the deand curricuTum of both reseatch to the future parEmenE. F. ffi6p CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION suPERloR oursrANDlNG SPfor andAdvising, TAtorTeaching shouldplacetheletters (Onthiscontinuum, thechairperson point she/he considers appropriate whalever service, at and sE for Activity, ) icholarlyandProfessionat 5 -e 33gAAH a5 3B8E3E E* = € € g I e=330" 9 = oI 9 - ,".e*8 :9 z h r ! , P P t ql " ^ B - ' d F F F F F " ' E€e a : ; :PFl"ili .. 8: : i -8 aEd ::}FPi HdE r838gC "i. 9-' rEBB83 'FE IPPPPP :38833 , 6 6 i d u F i =l -.. { iEssis e3; : iPPPPP :3EtBA : :PFPTF lg33gB .E E=> 242 f,E 9T8 Herbert L. Dershem Self-Evaluation 1997 I. Teaching My teachingincludedno newcoursesthis year,thoughtherewere majorchangesin CSCI 225, first in the introductionof the Javalanguageandthenin the useof theclabroom.The summary below includesthe categorigsof evaluationthat I feel aremost important. Preparation Enthusiasm Personal Interest Overall N cscl225 3.93 3.98 3.96 3.93 25 csci 488 3.90 3.98 3.47 3.95 u cscl225 3.95 3.98 3.83 l9 cscl386 3.90 4.00 3.86 3.94 l0 Total 3.93 3.98 3.86 3.91 65 II. Scholarship for publicationof Scholarshipin 1997consistodof sumner rosearchwith students,the acceptance proposals, two NSF serving two papersco-authorcdwith summerresearchstudents,the writing of andservingon a panel on a major conferenceplanningcotrunitlee,andmakingpresentations productiveyear asfar as was a very rcseatchin computerscience.This relatedto undergraduate is concerned. scholarship III. Service My servicewasdevotedto the dutigsof departmentchair andStatusCommitte€.This included morethan 20 sessionsand activitiesthat I hosledfor prospectivestudents.In addition,I madea numbe!of presentationsto outsidecommunitygroups. Reviewof Goalsfor 1997 l. Successtully completetheThirdEditionof theDershery'Jippiag extbook I aband.oned. thisgoalbecaase a neweditorhasntt giveneruovrogema*to a ThirdEdition 2. Write a prcposalfor anotherthreeyearNSF-RBUFoj€cL Thiswasdone.Decisiononftmdingis petdhg. 3. Writc a proposalfor a cuniculumdevelopocntp'lojcctfromNSFto developmatcrialsfor ow new"clabroorn''facility. Thi: wasdonz.Fuding wasdzniedbx wo* funz in 197 will vrve asaJowdationfurfuure work 4. Adaptmy cour8es to takeadvaltageof the"ohbroonl" (See1996goalsbelow.) Ihi$ wqsdon to q limiteddcgree" Mon needsto beacconplishzd. Goelsfor 1998 l. Submita revis€dproposalto thcNSFCCDprogramfor curiculumprojectusingclabroom. 2. Successfr.rlty initiatcncwphascof Rzu sumn res€arch, intcgntingfacultyfrom neighboring institutions. 3. C,ontinue adaptation of my coursesto theckbmon cnvironn€nt 4. Developtextbookandancillarymaterialsfor Itrhodlctiotrto ComputerSciencewith graphics to firUyutilizetheIntcgratedLcamingEovironmmt.Thisactivitywill bedoncduringmy Fall sabbatical. lanuar',25,1998 Dean'sComrnentson Herb Dershem Herb continueshis fine leadershipin the Hope communitywith excell€ncein teaching'significant servke asa chair' Herb is one ofthe best as a scholar,and distinguished orofessionalaccomplishmenls edu<atorson our campus. Histeachingevaluationsthis Pa* year were "average"for him, lvhich isto say from Herb and' once again,I have not been they w€re exceptional. I havecorneto e\Qecte:<cellence and ProPosalsat the in reviewingrnanuscriPts b€en active Herb has disappointed.On the scholart front he ha5Publishedtwo institutions, for olher nationallevel, he hasseNed asan extemal reviewer/consultant (an NSF-REU papers,chairedor co-chairedconferences,ahd written two proposals,one ofwhkh proposal)wasfunded. Add to this the leadeEhiprole that he playsas chairof his dePartmernard it is easy forcefullythat Herb Dershemis amongthe best,in all areas,that Hope College L ... *'hy t .ust ".gu" hasto ofier. Herb is;lfing to do whateverit takesfor succ€ss.He deservesto be €warded this year in rnechanism.and he haseamed a well-deserved the bestway possiblerhroughthe institutionalr€vt/"ard ofthe for nextyear. lwillmis! havingHerbat my sidenextfall,but lknowlhe refreshment sabbatical the futl]re' towBrd as he looks sabbalkalwitl energizehim and help him ?4ff