3t, 2005 t, 2005throughDECEMBER JANUARY TO HOPECOLLEGE FACULTY SERVICE TYPE IPLEASE OR USECOMPUTERI NAME: A, HerbertL. Dershem TEACHING ANDADVISING: (PleaseattachreportfromRegistra/s Office) Courses TaughtandEnrollment (Please indicatehowmanyaremajorsin yourdepartment) Number of Advisees 23 adisees. 1 is a maiot. B. INTERNALRECOGNITION OTHER THISwlLL SIMPLIFY FOREACHRELEVANT CATEGORY. PLEASELISTSPECIFICS (E.G. REPORT). THE ANNUAL DEPARTMENT FORDATA REQUESTS Assignments and/orDepartmental BoardandCommittee 1. Adminislrative Service, . DepaftmentAssignnents:Admissions Liaison,newsleftereditor . Member,CampusLifeBoard . Chair,StudentCommunication MediaCommiftee . Chair,ad hocconmitteefor studentmedia . Temponrynember,GreekJudicialBoard . Facultymemberof heaing boardfor sexualha,.assn]€,t complaint . Membet,OnlineConnunv TaskForce . lntedmDean,JanuatythroughJuly prognn . DiEctorof the CSEMSScholarship . Member,lntemationalSchola6hipselectioncommittee andimplementation development 2. Course/curriculum . DevelopedFitst-YearSeminarcoutsefor CSEMSscho/ars diversity theCollege's multicultural 3. Increasing grcupsfor CSEMSscho/arsr,ps . Recruitedstudentsltum undenepresented . Taught"Palenessand Maleressot ScienceandEngine€ing,"a CDtlaggedFYS of learning withfaithandfaithwithleaming 4. Theintegration withinandbeyondthedepartment 5. Providing evidentleadership . lnteim deanassignment . Chairof SCMCandad hoccommifteefor studentnedia programVinitiatives interdisciplinary 6. lnvolvementwith . ConsultedwithDr. Bekmetkvan his mathennticsrcsear9h . arectedinEd6ciplircfy NSFCSEMSscrglarchipprogmn . HeadedintediEciplinery tean in pppagtion of NSFryoyc?Prcposal gpprapri€tp arldl9tnrns 9f tqclnolgqvinlgteephinc insarpamtign I. The . UsedMoodlein all of my dassesin an integmEdway of new andincorporation of theeffectiveness of cunentpedagogy 8. Activediscussion pedagogies to thediscipline appropriate 9. Other Facllty Serviceto Hope form Page2 C. ExternalR€cognition FOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.THISWILL SIMPLIFYOTHER PLEASELISTSPECIFICS REPORT). REQUESTSFORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT 1. PaoersDresented 2. Publications . Co-authorwith McFallof paperto appearin the SIGCSEBu etin, March2006. recitals.exhibitions 3. Performances. 4. Awards 5. Consulting . Pew midstalesconsultdnl/visitorat Beloit Colbge . Conducledextemal Eviews at Law€nce Universityand Wittenbep University . Consultedwith HollandPublic SchoolteacherKud Binks on the design of a course in Java prcgnmming for HollandHigh Schoolstudents of conferences 6. Organization 7. Editing organizstions 8. LeadErship of regionaland nationalprofessional . CUR Counselorlot Mathematics/ComputerScienceDiision 9. Grantsappliedforlreceived . lnitiated p6patation of proposallor NSFNoW scholarshipgnnt. Proposalwas not funded 10.Other . Reviewed4 pawrs for ITICSE2005 conlerenc€ . Reviewed 1 papertot 2005 CCSCMidwestconfeEnce . Reviewed3 papersfot SICSE2006 conterence . AttendedACM SoftwareVisualizationSymposium . Reviewerfof BowlingGrcen StateUniversityfaculty candidatefor promotion . Reviewerfor CUR sumnBr hllowship and Posterson the Hi proposals . Memberof rcviewpanelfor NSFCCLIprognm . Attended Conversationson the Libeml Nts confeence rclating Scienceatd the Uberal A'ls D. Promotionof Student LearningBeyondthe Classroom FOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.THISWILL SIMPLIFYOTHER PLEASELISTSPECIFICS REPORT). REQUESTSFORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT PLEASEINDICATETHENUMBEROF STUDENTSINVOLVEDlN EACHACTIVITY;lN THECASE PLEASEALSO INDICATEEACHSTUDENT'SYEARIN RESEARCH. OF COLLABORATTVE scHooL. research student-faculty 1. Collaborative FacultySeNiceto Hopeform Page3 2. lndeDendent studies 3. lntemshios 4. Servicelearning 5. Directinga play,preparingstudentsfor recitalsor exhibitions 6. Coaching 7. Sponsoringa club 8. Other . Adisor and dircdor ot CSEMSScrolarsrip prognm involving20 sludents . Presentedtalk aN cotlduc-tedGREpepamtion seminarfor computer science sumnerunderymduate Esearchprcgmn. E. Other PLEASELISTSPECIFICS FOREACHRELEVANT CATEGORY. THISWLL SIMPLIFY OTHER REQUESTS FORDATA(E.G.THEANNUAL DEPARTI'ENT REPORT). 1. Publicservice . Memberol HollandChambarof CommerceTechnologyRoundtable . Memberof Boardof Hders,ChtistMamoialChurch . Mambarof the Congregational Suppottand Superyision Committee, HollandClassisof the RelormedChutch groups and/orchurch/civic 2. Lectures/seminars/presentations to high-school students . VvintetHappeningsp6sentation 3. Other F. Whichof youraccomplishments or activities of thepastyeardo youconsider mostnoteworthy? whv? . I cannotsingleoutanyaciomplishnentor activityEpottedhere,but I Eel thatthe most notewodhyactw wasthe initialization ol a new rcseatchdircclionrelatedto nndomnessas outlinedin my sabbaticalprcposal. goalsforthecomingyear. G. Pleaselistyourprofessional . Successfully duing summer,2006 initiatemy rcsearchprognm on .andomness . Davelopa new focusfortlrc HopeCollegeinttoductotyctmpuler sciencecoutse goalswhichyouestablished H. Pleaselisttheprofessional fortheyearcoveredbythisFaculty yoursuccess in reaching them. Serviceformandevaluate t. Succeqrfurryserye my six monthtarm aa intertm deanfor the sciences. It tookrp sevenmonths,but I frnay accomplished this. 2- Designan approprlateFYScourseror the CSEMSscholarshipatuden6. Thiswasdonesuccesslully in painershipwith SheldonWettack. 3- Successfuy implemenfttre CSEMSschorarsbipprognmrecruitedincoming Ir,s tas bee, successfu/ to thispoint.Ihis pasfyearwe successfully students,established theprognm for students,and setup an assesstlerlpIocess. FacultyServics to Hope form Page4 4. Subt rit a gnfi prcpoaal to fund schotar$Npa for strrden's tn K-12 actence fd,uaation. A ptoposalwas Eubmittedto the NSFNoW pt9gElm,butit was nottunded. I, CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATTON 000000181 HerbertL, Dershem Spring2005 Jan14,200901:39pm FacultyDetailSchedule Dbo€t€ Stn dur€. - 105t1 - CSCI t50 - O1A av.Ebb oct 29, 2004 - D6 31, 9999 lor lt !!tEtbn! 2 2,000 E nottmr//racoun.t llarlmun ActualRcmalnlng 15 9 Eru n.dtr 24 o o cro[llt! o S.ItduId nldlng ftm.t fypc flm! Oayr Wharc c1... 2$o pm - 3:20pn ir$/ cl$r 2r0opm-2r5opmF Data tllnea SahadulaTyDaIndructo|| vln zo.Gn H.ll276Jln 11, 2(,05- i4!r 02,2005L&t!6 v.n zo€,.n Hdr276JM 11.2m5 - !r02.2005 L*t!E i|..b.rt L, D.Eh.m (Od.Eh.nrChop...d! i€rbert L, O.Eh€m(9d€6h.nOhop.,.d! Rgtumto Previous 7,3,2.1 RELEASE! 1 o fI l/14/2109lt39 PM FacultyDetailSchedule 000000181HerbertL. Dershem Fall 2005 Jan14, 20090l;41 pm Erpbrirg ComputerScbn6 - 81113 - CSCI 112 - O! Avabbb for rregbtEtbnr M a r 2 9 , 2 0 0 5D e c 4 1 , 9 9 9 9 l.larlmumActu.l R€m.lnlng E rclltn.nt! 12 crc.r Llre 0 12 o S.heduld ne n9 Tlmes Typ! Tlm. D.yr Wh6rc Dlt. R.ng. Sch.dule TypGIndructor3 pmMw v.n zo€ren (P)d€tshefr@hoo€.edu H.ll630Aug30,2005- D{ 16,2005 Clasr3100pm- 3150 Ledofe Herben L.D€.shed ExploringConFrt r Scbn€ - 81114 - cscl 112 - 02 avllbbb M . r2 9 , 2 0 0 5- o € c 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 lor Racr.tdtbnr 2,000 Maximumactual R€maining 7 5 EnrcIm€ntr12 cD..Lirt:24 7 \J sctteduld l']eethg f im.s Day6wheru Typ€ Tlm. class 2:30 Dm 3:20DmTR Date Ftange s€heduleTyPe hstructo.s VanzoeEn HallB30Auo30,2005- Dec16,2005Lecture edu HerbertL De6hem(4d€6hem@hope rntr! to comput rs.b@ - 61115- cscl 114 - 01 1 ol4 1i39PM l/14/2009 r('r 29, 2005- Dec31,9999 Av.iLbb norR€girtEtbd: Matmum Actual Remaining 7 s Enrcfln.ne 12 o o crc$Lke o Scheltuld neeting rimas Typ€ Tlm€ O.y6 Wh€r. Cla3s 3i00 pm - 3i50 pm l4W -cscl114- lntre to comFut rs.bE-41116 Av.lLbb D.te Rrnge S.h6drl€ Typ€ In3tructorE VdnZoe@nHallB30AUO30,2005- Doc16,2005L€cturo (Dde6h.m@hope.edu H.rb€rtL, Dershem 02 M . r2 9 , 2 0 0-5D e c3 1 , 9 9 9 9 lor R.gLtEtbnr 2,000 I{.xlmun Actud R€malnlng Enn[m.nt! 12 Crot. lkt! o 6 0 6 o Schduld ,|edng rl/''es Dayswhere Typ€ Tlme Clars 2r3Opm - 3:20pmTR sdtFr sch€dul€ Type Instructors HerbetL DeFhem(P)d€Ehem@ho!€ edu D€6bn&Imp|.m€nt5tbn - ao322 - cscl 225 - 01 Avalabb tor RegbtEtbnr 2of4 Dat6 llange VanzoorenH6llB30Aug30,2005- Dec16,2005Locturc i4ar29, 2005- D.c31,9999 1:19PM l/14/2009 l'la{mum Actuat R€matning EnrollDert! 24 6 la crc$ L&t! 0 0 0 SMdd ,Neerrng rimes Type Tlme Day6 Where Date Rang€ Sch€dut€ Type Instructors class 11:00am- 12:20pmMw v6nzoerenHat824Aug30,2005,D€c16,2005Lecture (?)de6hem@hope,.du Nerberr L.DeEhem Class tt:ooam Ir|d.p€ided Av.lbbb Van zoer€n HatB24 Aus 30,200s - oec 16,2OO5L€clore 11:s06mF Study I R6o.ftfi Herbed L. De6hem (q)de6hem@hop€,edu - aO324 - CSCI49O - Ot r,Lr29, 2005- Decal,9999 lbr R€gLtntbn! Enrcltment Counts Ma)dmunActualRomalnlng Enrcllmalrt! 10 Cro.l Llt: 0 o 0 10 0 Schduld t'aetl ng f t.nas Typ. Tlm. Dryr Wh$. D.t. R!ng. Cb55 I9! TBA ExpbrlngComDst€.Sci.F Sch.dul. Typ. Ind.uctort Auq30, 2005- D4 t6,20OsIndep€ndent StudyH€rb..tL, oeEhem(Dde6hem@hope,€du - 41303 - GE!iS 295 - Ol Av.Lbl€ lo. R€Cbtr.tlon: l 4 r r 2 9 , 2 0 0 5- D e c3 1 , 9 9 9 9 Gener.lEducMrth & S.len@ l|6ximum Actual R€maining 0 0 EnDlment 0 L7 7 cro$Lbt:24 3 of 4 Il1412009lt39 PM sd,€dutdtt'edtrryfin!F TyDcTlm€ D.ys Wh€r€ crass 2.30pn 3:20pmTR Fh Yqr s€n-er Av.bbb Dat€ Rang6 Sch6duteTyp.IEtructo.s v.n zoeEn Ha[a3oAug30,2oo5- D*16,2005 SpectstTopks He6en L, Dersn€m (Dde6hem@hope.edu - 40303 - tdS 1oO - 07 for R.shEdonl Mtr 29,20os- Dec31,9999 2,000 CoGe l4.b: i,lulmum Acturl R.mllnlng ln|olrar|ir 20 19 1 CE..lltr O 0 O Sd'€dul.d N€Ff'lngflmq Typa llna Dayr Whar! cb6. 9|3O!m- 10120!mwF Dlta Rang€ SchadulcTyp! InrtructoE V.nderw€rfHltt237Au! 30,200t - DGc16,2oOSts.ture H€,b€rtL, o.6h.n (OdeFhemohop.,.du Returnlo Previous RELEASE! 7,3,2,1 4 of4 1/14/2009 l:39 PM