JANUARY 1, 2003throughDECEMBER 31,2003 FACULTY SERVICE TO HOPECOLLEGE TYPE IPLEASE OR USECOMPUTERI NAME: A. HerbertL. Dershem TEACHINGANDADVISING: CoursesTaughtand Enrollment(Pleaseaftachreporttrom Registra/sOffice) Numberof Advisees(Pleaseindicatehowmanyare majorsin yourdepadment) 25 adyisees,6 are majors in the computer sciencedepaflment B. INTERNALRECOGNITION PLEASELISTSPECIFICSFOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.TH|SW|LL SIMPLIFYOTHER REQUESTS FORDATA(E.G,THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REPORT). 1. . . . Administrative Service,Boardand Committeeand/orDepartmental Assignments Chair, ComputerScienceDepadment,Sprlngsemesfer DepadmentAssignments:Admissionsliaison,newslettereditor. Member,GreekJudicialBoard. 2. Course/curriculum development and implementation . Co-developedGreat Debatesin ComputerSciencewith RyanMcFalL . Developednew First-YeatSeminarcourseon Competition. 3. lnoeasingthe College'smulticultural diversity 4. The integration of leamingwithfaithandfaithwithleaming 5. Providingevidentleadership withinand beyondthe department 6. Involvement programs/initiatives withinterdisciplinary 7. The appropriate incorporation of technologyintoteachingand leaming L Activediscussion of the effectivenesa of currentpedagogyand incorporation of new pedagogies appropriate to the discipline 9. Other G. ExternalRecognition PLEASELISTSPECIFICSFOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.THISWILL SIIII|PLIFY OTHER REQUESTS FORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REPORTI. FacultyService to HopeCollege Page2 1. Pape.spresented 2. Publications 3. Performances,recitals, exhibitions 4. Awards 5. Consulting . Invitedto becomea visitorforABETComputer Science. Attended trainingsession in PhiladelDhia. . Servedas a memberof an ABETreviewteam. 6. Organization of conferences 7. Editing L Leadership of regionaland nationalprofessional organizations . ElectedCUR Courcelorfor the Mathematics/ComputerScienceDivision 9. GrantsapDliedfor/received . SubmittedproposalforfNe year REU project. 10.Other . Reviewed4 papersfor SIGCSE2004 conference . Reviewed2 papersfor CCSCMidwestconference . Reviewed5 abstractsfot NECCConference . Reviewed9 proposalsfor CUR Postercon the Hill . Reviewed13 proposalsfor CUR SummerResearchAwards . Refereefor two NationalScienceFoundationproposals D. Promotionof StudentLearningBsyondtho Classroom PLEASELISTSPECIFICSFOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.THISWILL SIIIIIPLIFY OTHER REQUESTS FORDATA(E.G,THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REPORT). PLEASEINDICATETHE NUMBEROF STUDENTSINVOLVEDlN EACHACT|V|TY;tN THE CASE OF COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH, PLEASEALSO INDICATEEACHSTUDENT'SYEARIN SCHOOL. 1. Collaborative student-faculty research . Directedtwo studentsin summetrcsearch 2. Independent studies . Directedfiveindependent studies(4 Spfing,1 Fall) 3. Internships 4. Servicelearning 5. Directing a play,preparing students for recitals or exhibitions FacultyServiceto HopeCollege Fage J 6. Coaching 7. Sponsoring a club . Advisorto XORcomputersciencestudenthonorary(0 members) . Advisorto AlphaKappaPi (Promethean Fraternity)(12 memberd . Outstanding GreekAdviEorAwatd L Other E. Other PLEASELISTSPECIFICS FOREACHRELEVANT CATEGORY. THISWILLSIUPLIFY OTHER REQUESTS FORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REPORT}. '1. Publicservice 2. Lectures/seminars/presentations to high-school groups students and/orchurch/civic 3. Olher F. Whichof youraccomplishments of activities of thepastyeardo youconsider mostnoteworthy? whv? Thesubmission of the REUproposalbecauEe lhis is proposingseverclnewinitiativesas a paft of thisprojectthat areuniqueamonga REUprcjectsbothhercand elsewhere. goalsforthecomingyear. G. Pleaselistyourprofessional 1. Renewwotkon PrognmmingLanguages textbookby puttingintoI formthat takesadvantageof thee-textbook. 2. Useprototypeaf the e-textbookvercionot Programming Languages texflo teachCSCI361-363 duringFa 2004. 3. Successfully conductsummerresearchprogramandprepareresultsof workfor dissemination. 4. Submitgrantprcposa/for NSFCSEMSprogram andimplementtheprogram,if funded. H. Pleaselisttheprolessional goalswhichyouestablished fortheyearcovered bythb Faculty yoursuccess Service formandevaluate in reaching them. 1. Finalize thedevelopmenl of thenewcorecourseforthecomputer science cuniculum. prgress Thiis sti in becausethedepattmentdecidedto integrte thiscoursewithdata slruaurea program 2. Successfully conduct summerresearch andprepareresultsof workfordissemination. Researchwasconducted,studentshavepresented at a regionalconference, anda paperis cunentlyin preparation. FacultyServiceto HopeCollege Page4 3. Developa newcourseon "creat Debatesin ComputerScience'withRyanMcFallandofferit in thefall. Thiscoursewasdevelopedand suc;cP-ssfully otrercd. 4. Submitgrantproposalior renew9d fundingof theHopeComputer ScienceREUprogram. Thispropasalhasbeensubmifred. I. CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION 000000141HerbertL. Dershem Fall 2003 Jan14, 200901:18pm FacultyDetail Schedule l|to arEbsrtrsdsn. - ao344- cscl 231- ola Avrbbb norR.ehir.tbE 4p.01,2003 - Oec31r9099 2 En olrm.'rt Corm.s Il!)dmum Actull Rcmllnlng 1 Sdt.dul.d l'.rd/w TyD. Tlmc ch.3 cl!$ 5 Ttmrr5 Oayr Wharu 1130pm - 2150pn TR 2ro0pm - 2r5opm F tnd.!.d.nt 9 Drta Rlnga SchadulcTypa tnatructoE Vln ZoaEn H.ll b2!t Aug 26, 2003 - o.t 15, 2003 L.atur€ v.n zo.6n r||l B24auo 26,2003- od 15,2003L4ruF 6tudy r |t.|..dt flelb€.tL. Dshm (P)d.6h.mohorE,edu Hdb.rt L. o.Ehm {Dd€Eh.mohop.,.du - !0846 - a3ct rtgo . 01 Av.lhu. lbr i.lltrftlo|tl colhgf,: A p r 0 1 , 2 0 0 3D . s.31,9999 SYLtr|! U.)dmum ActuEl R€mElnlng 2 3 Sdta.ruld Uating 7i''t6 Typ. tlm. D.y. Wh.ru o.t. crassIEA €l!.t D.b.E fEA it C.dt Rang. Schdule tyD€ lBtructor3 Alq 26, 2003 - De 12, 2003 hd.pend€nt Study h.rbert L o€rsh€m(Ode6h€mohope.ed! S<irE - 8O85a - CSCI 495 - Ol' !Un009ltl1 PM A p r0 1 , 2 0 0 3- D e 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 Av.Lbb norn€lllEt-nr Colbge! E,rnltmart @|,'ts llardmurn actual Ramalnlng Sdre.lutd Natlng TIm6 Typ. tlm. Dftc tunE. IIIWF V.n Zo.dn lldl 276 s.h€dul. TYp. AUC26, 2003 - Oec12, Lect{E 2003 ln.tructorr rt6rb.rtL, D.6h.m (DdeEhem@hop..€du, Ryh L, McF.i ?lrtt Y..r s.nlmr . aoaa2. !06 100. 22 St turr Avrlhlh lbr i.t||r.llon! cor.!pr A 0 r0 1 , 2 0 0-3D . c3 1 , 9 9 9 9 t 2.000 E tmllm€,'t coun'l Ma{nun Actull lLnllnlng Scho.tuld r/r.'l,tng f lmag Typ€Tlnc oay3 whcre Dlt Cl*s 9:30.m.10:20 .fr 2003 tR A, F.ulSch.rpSd€n@C.nt r 2130 R|ng. Sch.dulc ln3tnrctort Wp€ Ledue tl€.bc.t L, D.chlm (Dd6hGmohop6,6du Retumto Previous RELEASE! lll4l2009 l.l7 PM 000000181 HerbetL. Dershem Sprtng 2003 Jan14,200901:19pm FacultyDetailSchedule Db@t€ StructuE. - 10701 - CSCI25o - O1A Ava[.bb tor nesbthtbn: l ' | o v 0 1 , 2 0 0 2D e . 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 Mlxlmum Aclual R.m.lnlng 22 E.rcflno.e 24 2 CE.r lbe 0 0 0 Scha.lu,.., Naalng rl''€E TypoTlme Dry8 Wh.re cla$ 11100.h - 12:20pm l.irv cLss 11:00.n-1lr50.mF advr@d swD..!n- OatoRang. Sch€duloTypoln3tructors vln zoerenHallB24lan07i 2003- Feb27l 200! Lecture vln zo€renHallE24l.n07,2003- F€b27,2003Lecture Holb!.tL, De6hem(p)de6hefi@hop€.€du Bede.t L. oecheo o)deuhemohop€,edu 11145- asct 195 - 01 N o v0 1 , 2 0 0 2- D e c 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 Avrlbbb lor R.tlrtr.tbnl lilaximum Actual R€mainlng Enbfhnent 24 7 r7 crcs Llre 0 0 0 ScheduledNatins Iirc Type Tlme Day3Wher€ crass !2100p6-1:20pm TR crass 12:00pn-12:50pmF r5trgEg€. .nd l.l.<rri* Dat€ Range ScheduleType Instructo6 van zoe.€nHall624rrn 07,2003, i4ay02,2003sp*ialTopic VanZo€.enHallE24ran 07,2003- r4ay02,2003sp4iatTopie HerbertL. De6hem(Dde6hem@hope.€du He6€rtL. De6hen (!)de6hefi@hop€,edu - 1O7O5 - CSCI 47O - 01 U l4/20O9l:17 PM avaibbb ftr R€girE tbE !6v 01, 2002- De 31, 9999 5]|l!|E: l'ladmum Actu.t R€nltntng 11 13 0 o Schdnld t4.sttng fttt st Typ. Tlmc cl!$ 1100pm - 1:50pn Mw Ird.F !.nt thrdy a R...rdt Dtlta Rlnga S.h.dul. Typc tn.tructor. v.n zo€cn H.l a3o l.i 07, 2oo3- ti1.y02, 2oo3L..tur€ H.rb€rtL, o.r5h€m(Dd.Eh.m@ho!€.!du - totot - CSC!490 . 01 AvllbDh lbr R.gh.libn! Nov0r, 2002" De31,9999 1.000 3yl!rl.t En,oltmaia c'un., l|ddmun Actsal R.mrlnlng lmllln.nh 5 z 0 o S.hedutd ll4,alng 7lm€E Typc Tltn. D.y! lUhq! Dat€ Reng. l9A lrulF^Fni Sy.!.mr Schrdslc TyD6Inatructors 1.n07,2003- Mry02,2!03 hd.p.nd€ntStudyHe.b.nr. o€Eh€m(!)d.6h.m@hope,edu - 11514 - CSC! t9O - 05 AY.lbbh for R.eltEtbnl N o v0 1 . 2 0 0-2O e c 3 l , 9 9 9 9 2.000 Ilr4/2$9 ltl7 PM l'laxinun Acturl R€maining 1 0 Err[m6ne 1 0 CM.lLi: 0 0 S.hdnld Xe/fing fime6 Typo Tin€ DaY3 Wh.E Drt! tlang. Sch€dul€Type Inatructors J.n 07,2003- May02,2003hdependentstudyH€rbertl, DeEh€m(lxe6hem@hore,.du IE r|l.htE r...rnht - 11515- cscl /tgo - o5 N o v0 1 , 2 0 0 2- D € c 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 Av.LbL rbr R.gLtEtlonr 1 2.000 Zn otlmdrt c../,|F l.lDdmum Actull R.mdnlng 1 lnrollnan! 1 0 a.oat lh! 0 0 0 Sch.dud H.,tlng flmeB typ. Tlmc D!y. Wh.rc D!t. R!ng. ch3, !! I9 SchadulaTypa Inatructori ,.. 07, 2003 - tby 02, 2003 lnd€p.nd.nl Study Hdbdt L D.6h.n e)d.r.h.fiOhop...du Retumto Previou8 RELEASE; 7,3,2,1 llI4l2009 ltlT PM