31' 2006 1, 2006throughDECEMBER JANUARY [PLEASETYPE OR USECOIVPUTERINAME: A. HerbertL. Dershem ANDADVISING: TEACHING (Pleaseattachreportfrom RegistraisOffice) CoursesTaughtand Enrollment Numberof Advisees(Pleaseindicatehowmanyare majorsin yourdepartment) 38 advisees(4 maiors) B. INTERNALRECOGNITION PLEASELISTSPECIFICSFOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY'THISWILL SIMPLIFYOTHER REPORT). FORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REOUESTS Assignments and/orDepartmental BoardandCommittee Service, 1. Administrative . DeparlmentAssignmenfs; Liason,AlumniRelationsCootdinator ,Admissions . Member,campusLifeBoard,Spnng2006 . Chait,StudentCommunication MediaCommiltee,Spring2006 . ChaiLad hoccommifteefor studentmedia,Spring2006 program . Directorof the CSEMSScholarchip and implementation development 2. Course/curriculum . Developed labfot CSCM4 newmuftimedia diversity multicultural theCollege's 3. Increasing groupsfor csEMSscho/afsh,ps . Recruitedstudentsfromundeneprcsented a CDflaggedFYS andEngineering," . Taught'Paleness of Science and Maleness learning withfaithandfaithwith of learning 4. Theintegration thedepartment withinandbeyond evidentleadership 5. Providing forstudentmedia . Chaitof scMCandad hoccommittee programs/initiatives withinterdisciplinary 6. lnvolvement progtam . DirectedinterdisciprtaryNSFCSEMSScholarship research . Consutted on hismathematics withDr.Bekmetiev . Headedinterdisciplinary teamon preparationof S'STEMproposal andlearning intoteaching of technology incorporation 7. Theappropriate . lJsedMoodleextensively in all of my classes of new andincorporation of currentpedagogy of the effectiveness 8. Activediscussion to thediscipline pedagogies appropriate L Other FacultyServiceto Hopeform ?age2 C. ExternalRecognition PLEASELISTSPECIFICSFOREACHRELEVANTCATEGORY.THISWILL SIMPLIFYOTHER REPORT). FORDATA(E.G.THEANNUALDEPARTMENT REOUESTS 1. PaDersDresented 2. Publications 'Guideon the . ExperienceslJsinga CollaborctiveElectronicTextbook:Bringingthe Side'Homewith You,"SIGCSEBultetin,(38,1),339-343withRyanMcFa and Darcy Davis. recitals,exhibitions 3. Performances, 4. Awards 5. Consulting . SeNed as ABETreviewel of conferences 6. Organization 7. Editing professionalorganizations andnational of regional 8. Leadership . CIJR Counselorfot Mathematics/ComputerScienceDivision 9. Grantsaopliedfor/received . Submittedproposallo NSF S-SIEM p/'ogramfor scholarshipsfot community college transfer studentfor $500,000 Proposalwas not funded 10.Other . Reviewed2 papersfor ITICSE2006conference . Reviewed1 DaDerfor 2006CCSCMidwestconference . Reviewed6 panel proposals for 2007 SIGCSEconference . Reviewertot CUR summerfellowhipsand Posterson the Hill proposals D. PromotionofStudent LearningBeyondthe Classroom OTHER THISWILLSIMPLIFY CATEGORY. FOREACHRELEVANT PLEASELISTSPECIFICS REPORT). (E.G. ANNUAL DEPARTMENT THE FORDATA REOUESTS IN THECASE IN EACHACTIVITY; INVOLVED THENUMBEROF STUDENTS PLEASEINDICATE PLEASEALSO INDICATEEACHSTUDENT'SYEARIN RESEARCH, OF COLLABORATIVE scHooL. '1. Collaborative research student-faculty studies 2. Independent . Jeff Ambrc€'eon computerforensics 3. Internships 4. Servicelearning 5. Directinga play,preparingstudentsfor recitalsor exhibitions 6. Coaching a club 7. Sponsoring a. ulner FacultyServiceto Hopeform Page3 E. Othe] OTHER THISWILLSIMPLIFY CATEGORY. FOREACHRELEVANT PLEASELISTSPECIFICS (E.G. REPORT). THEANNUALDEPARTMENT FORDATA REQUESTS 1. Publicservice Roundtable . Memberof HollandChamberof CommerceTechnology . Membetof Board of Elders, ChristMemorialChurch . Memberof the CongregationalSuppotland SupervisionCommiftee,Holland Classisof the Refomed Chutch groups studentsand/orchurch/civic to high-school 2. Lectures/seminars/presentations 3. Other of activitiesof the pastyeardo you considermostnoteworthy? F. Whichof youraccomplishments in for new initiatives of the S-STEMproposalbecausethis opensup the possibility Submission a diverse ptovides for recruiting exciting avenue and an workingwith communitycotteges groupof students. goalsfor the comingyear' G. Pleaselistyourprofessional . Staftan effectiveinstitutionalresearchprogram goalswhichyouestablished for the yearcoveredby this Faculty H. Pleaselistthe professional Serviceform and evaluateyoursuccessin reachingthem. . Successfullyinitiatemy researchprogrcm on randomneasduringsummer' 2006 though Thiswas notdone,but t hopeto spendsometine on thisproiectduringmy sabbatical, thiswillnot be my p maryfocus. compulersciencecourse . Developa newfocusfortheHopeCollegeintroductory in this courseduring the Fall 2006 and of Alice use of muftimedia with the t experimented thls process. faculty will continue provided which other a baseftom semester.I . I. CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION 000000181HerbertL. Dershem SPring2006 lan 14. 200901:43Pm FacultyDetailSchedule E x p b n t c o m p u tr s d e n 6 - 1 1 1 0 2 - C S C I 1 1 2 - 0 1 oct 2a,2005- De 31,9999 Avalbblg lor RegbtEtbn: U!)dmum Actual R.malnln9 1g 6 Enrcllm.ne 24 13 6 crc.. urtr 24 sdretlut€d Netlng Tl,nas D.y3 Wh.r€ Typ.llm€ cta;s 9:30!m. 10:20!m MW Dlt€ R|ng. Sch'dul6 Typ' hstniclor6 Lecture V6.zo€on Hrl B3Olln tO,2006- MlVO512006 ExpbrlrE compot r s.bn.. - r1l 60 - cscM2 N.d.rt L. DeEh€d(Dde6hem@hope'edu - 02 oct 28,2005- De.31,9999 Av.lt bb aorR€cbtatbn: 1 2,000 I'laxlmum Actqal R€malnlng 15 9 Enrclmcnt 24 9 15 Crc.6 Lkt! 24 N€Etng Tiit6 sffiuled DaysWhor€ Type Tlm€ cr;ss 1:oopm - 1:50pn Mw litrc to coiDuter sd6G Date Range Sch€drlleTyPaInstructo6 van zoerenHallB3oJan10,2006- t4!vOs,2006!€ct!re (Dd€Ehen@hope edu Herbe^L Detshem - 11103 - CSC! 114 _ 01 111412009lt42P Avelbb od 23,2005- Dec31,9999 for R€gittEtbn: tlaxim m Actualtumainlng Enrcfhetrb 12 o cM.Lh! 7 o 5 o Neaalng Tlmas SMuld sch€dll€ TyPG hstrucloE DatG Rang' Dav6 wh€r6 Typ€ rlm€ (qd€Ehem@hope edu L DeEhem ' H€rbert 2006 Lecture Mav 05, 10, 2006 HallB3o Jan van zoeen cl;;s e:3oam 10:20tm Mw tnlb to compst r s.bnc. _ 11361'CScl r14_02 o d 2 3 , 2 0 0 5 .O € c3 1 , 9 9 9 9 AvrlLbL lor R.cktEtbn: Mrdmum actld R€m.lnlng 11 1 12 lnrcumant! cM3 Lli! 0 0 0 Sdredurd Neatlng Tines Davswh€ro Type Tlm€ cbi, Loo p. - rrso pm rqw sonw.r€ Dsbn&Idpbm.ntstbn AvaiLbl. for R€gittr.tLn! 2of5 Dat. Rang€ Sch€dul€Tvp' IGtructors va. zo€lenHall630Jan10,2006- i4av05,2006L€ctuE edu HerbetL De6hem(P)d€6hem@hope _ 10529 ' CSCI 225 - 01 oct 23,2005- Dec3r,9999 111412009lt42P Ma,.imumActual Remainlng 9 0 15 0 En6lln€.e 24 Cca !'6i: o Sche.luld Metlng Tlmes sch€dur€ rvp€ rnst'uctoB Date Rane€ DaYs wher€ i;;i;;. (P)dershem@hope edu HebertL' De6hem r"*utt zooo t'tt" os 10,2OOi Halls24 i'n crass11:00am- 12:20pmMw vanzoeten (P)de6hem@hop€ edu L DeFh'm Herbert _ L€cture ran10,2006 t4'vos' 2006 HallB24 vanzoeren t io"" ita"". -11"0 "- L.mot ...d}|adin.t_ av.Lbb lbr RecEtEtbn! 10532 -CSCI47O ' 01 oct 23,2005- oec31,9999 1 2.000 Mlxlnum Actull Rcnalnlng SMutd Nea ng flm6 D.te Rrng€ Typ€Tlmo cLs! l:30 pm- 2120 TR c€.ter Sclence A, Paulschaap h S.h€dul€ 10,2006" Mav051 InstructorE Hs6€rtL De6hefr (!)detshem@hoP..edu _ ExpbdngComputrscbn..'11359 - GEMS295 02 od 23,2005- D€c3119999 av.lbbb lor R€lblEtbnl liath & scbn6 Ge.eralEduc Maxl|num Actual R€mainlng 0 6 0 1 3 Ill4l2009lt42PM Times Schettule.lMeefing DaYswhere t;;;; ctass 9:30 am - 1Or2Oan MW 4 of 5 Date Ranse 6'Mav05' schedurervpe hstructorE 2006 Sp4ialTopi6 edu H€rbertL De'shem (P)d€Ehem@lrope UUl2n09l:42PM Expbn|ecomDutr sii.m - 11420_GEIIS295 - 03 Oct 24, 2005 - De 31, 9999 Av.lbtb tor R.ebfratbD GeneElEducllath & Sciene 1 ilodmum actull llsnalnlng o 0 lnrcllm.nt! o Cda LLt! 24 15 9 tldr/alnt Tlma sdrdud Dlyt whrr€ Typa tlnc ct;;e 1oo po . 1r5Opn r,i!v Drta tarnga sdl'dula Typ' httructoit vrn zo€renH.IB3O]!n rO,2006, Mly05,2006SD€cbtroptci H.b.^ L, O.6hem(Dd.Eh.mgho0...du Retumto Previous 7,3'2.1 RELEASET 5 of5 rt42PM l/14/2009 L 000000181 Herbert FDersnem Faculty Detail schedule tntE codrs.aE ltt Jan 14. 200901:46Pm EtorY - a1o11 - CSCI 114 - li M a r2 3 , 2 0 0 6- O e c 3 1 , 9 9 s 9 Avalbbb for RegbtEt-6n: Ma)dmumActual R€m.lnlng €nFlld.nt! 15 Crc.rlbt:o 0 o sch€duledN.stlng llm6 Dayswhara Typ€ Tlno c;;s 9:oo !m.9:so !mtR Dat. Ranga sch€dulc Typ6 ln6tructor' van zoocn Ha[142Auc 29,2006- Decls,2006 Llb edu Herb.* L, De6hem(l)de6hem@hope tntro comps.bm bbor.torv -ar0i2 - c6cr 1!4_ t2 M.r 2al 2006- D* 31,9999 Av.lbbb tot R.gbtr.tbn! 2,000 Maxlmu Enrcllm.ntr15 cG.Lat! 0 actual Remalning 0 t5 0 0 Scheduld ,NeeiJngfimes Day3where Typs Time ct;$ 1o:oo6m,10:50amTR Prcgran DdebpfrGnt I of3 Dat€ Range Schedul€Type IEtructors VanZoer€nBaI142Aus 29,2006, Dec1s,2006rrb edu BelbertL, De6hem(Dde6h€m@hope - ao579 _ CSCI 241 _ 01 l:45 PM l/14/2009 M a r2 3 , 2 0 0 6- D * 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 av.ibbb tbr Regatatbn: ilaxlmum Actual Remaining Sd'€<tuled Edlng rimes Sch€dule lyp€ Instructorg class 11:ooam- 11;50amtlw van zoerenHall142Aug29,2006- D'c 15,2006Lecture H€.bert L. De6h6m (4de6hem@hop. €du rnd.p€trd.nlstudYt lt t€arch_ao3$ _csct 490 _o1 l , l . r2 3 , 2 0 0 6- o € c 3 1 , 9 9 9 9 av.lblh lor lt4atr*bn! ll.xltnum ActualR€malnlng scheduld Nef//t g Tlmes typ€ Tlno D.y! Wh€r. pat€ R.ng€ c;$ I94 E4 Expbrlno complt rso.E Av.labb Cou.g.: lbr f,csbtEtbr! Sch€dul€Tvpo Inttructors auc 29,2006- Dec15,2006hdepend€ntstudvHerbertL De6hem(e)d€tshem@hope-edu - a1149 _ GEIiS 295' 01 tlar 23,2006_ Dec3119999 llath & Sclene GeneralEduc 2,000 1114D0091:.4sP Marimum Actu.l Rem.ining 0 0 Em||n€ntl 0 0 0 Crcs Li.e O N€FEng Times S.hduld S'h€dul6 TYP' Instructo6 Dst€ Rtngc Days wh€r. TyD€ nm! edu HerbetL Douh'm(Ddeuhem@hope Sp'dtlTopl6 Auq29,2005-D€c15,2006 vrn zo€r€nHalls3o c'u." a,ooo--t,soo.* filt Yet s.mb.r Av.llbb - ao597 - rDs 1oO - 19 i4!r 24, 2005 - D4 31, 9999 lbr RGth|itr.n! 2,000 Ent?.llfiant Counta lillirnum Actull Ramrlnlng O 20 Erullm.ni! 20 0 o cro.' llt! 0 N.dng flmaE Hlduld Dry. Wh.rr iypc ttmc r,iw _ 2:oo - ' -pm - -2:50 clFs "' a 9!ulschalDscLice c€nt'r 2130 D*' Rtngc sch'dul' lyPa Inttnrciort aug 29,2006- Dec15' z66e Le'tur' Hetltd I DeEhtm Crd'6FeF@hoe Ddeu Returnto Previous 7'3.2.1 REIEASET Ul4l20091:45PM