JANUARY 1, 1998throughDECEMBER 31,1998 TYPEWRITE IPLEASE ORUSECOMPUTER]NAM TEACHING ANDADVISING: 1. CoursesTaughtand Enrollment (AttachreportfromRegistralsOffice) Nore B. 2. Supplementary Notes SCHOLABLY ANDPBOFESSIONAL ACTIVITY cholarlvWorkand/orGeneralProf sionalDevelopment (including paperspresented, publications, psrformances, recitals, exhibitions, and workin progress) 1. Revieftred 3 papers fot SIGCSE Conference and 4 textbaak rranusc.r]DEs. Presented a taTk to stude.nts at AJma CoTTege Subnitted Obiect visuafizer software to VisuaTizatian Resource Center f^f .^m^tt1-^, e-iance Education, a refeteed repositorv Externaf visiting reviewet af Computer ,Scjence at three institutians CounciJor for CounciJ on Undergraduate Research (CUR) ',,Java Cfass VisuPresentations at SIGCSE Conference, Feb. in Atlanta: afizatian far Teaching Abject-Oriented Cancepts" with James Vand.erhyde and "TooJ.s for web-based Sorting Anjnation" with peter BrurEnund, Mentber, Confetence CoNnittee, Midwest SmajJ Coffeqe ComDutinc, Conference, Speakers chair, 1998, 1999. GrantProposalsSubmitted(if funded,specifyamountand date/periodof the grant) NSF-REU, "Computer ,gcjence Researc.h E@erience for Undergraduates, " 2. $146,700, funded C. INTERNAL SERVICE 1. Involvement with StudentsOutsidethe Classroom.e.9..Directinga Plav. Recitals.Coaching.or Soonsoringa Club (Listactivityand numberof Facufty adiiior', Alpha Kdijpa pi li2 sLi:dbnts) Facuity advisor, ACMStudent Chapter, Fa-l-Zse..nester (25 students) projects thtee suntt er undergraduate research and fout: acaprajects demic yeat undergraduate research ptogtam Facufty feader for Technos Internation to Japan, May, 1998 Coach, progranrning Rose-Huiman team, SmaLl Colfege prograruning ConXest Sq)ervised FacultyServiceto HopeCollege- page2 Hetbez:t Name: L. Detshem 2. (List) Assignments Chair, Computer Science Department Menber, Status Conmittee, Spring Senester Department Assignments: Admissions Tiaison, sess4ert t coordinator newsfetter editor, as_ OTHER(e.9.,publicservice, consulting, curricular/course development, lectures, seminars, andpresentations to highschoolstudents or churchgroups) Member, young Life Regionaf Cownittee Co-taught d-lasse,g o.n ,Judaism & Christianity and New Testament at Chz:is t Memoriai Church Pastoraf Care E7der, Christ MenoriaT Church Faculty zepresentative on Admissions trip to Afbany-Rochester, New York areas E. Whichol youraccomplishments or activities of thepastyeardoyouconsider mostnoteworthy? The presentation of two papers at the SIGCSE Conference. ?hese papers wete presentation of work done with students and the students were co-presentets, Both the resujtE and the students presenlacion skilLs drew rave reviews, Afso notewotthy was the writing of a chapter of the Computind T'hroudh Graphics textbook. Further ysrogress wouJ-d have been made had I been abJe to catry out ny sabbaticaj in the FaJJ. F. CHAIRPERSON'SSUMMARYEVALUATION UNSATISFACTORY FAIR GOOD SUPERIOR OUTSTANDING (Onthiscontinuum, the chalrperson shouldplacethe lettersTA forTeachingandAdvising,SP for Scholadyand Professional Activity,andSE lor S€rvice,at whateverpointshe/heconsidersappropriate.) HerbertL. Dershem Self-Evaluation 1998 L Teaching My teachingincludedthefirstofferingof a newcourse,CSCI295,kogram DesignandMethodology.It alsoincludedcompletercvisionsofCSCI225andCSCI286to incorporate theuseofthe Javaprogramminglanguage.The summarybelow includesthe categodesof evaluationthat I feel aremost 1mpofianl. Preparation Enthusiasm Spring 1998 Fall 1998 cscl 225 3.96 cscl 295 3.88 cscI488 4.00 cscl 225 3.89 cscI286 3.95 Total 3,93 Personal Interest Overall N 3.96 3,89 3.90 l6 3.97 3.88 3.86 21 4,00 3.92 3.95 l3 3.91 3.84 3.86 3.99 3.78 3.84 20 3.9',7 3.86 3.88 84 II. Scholarship Scholarshipin 1998consistedof summe!researchwith 3 students,the presentationof two refereedpapersat the major nationalComputerScienceconference,the receiptandadministrationof andbeginanNSFproposal,seNingon theplanningcommitteefor a majorregionalconference, ningwork on a textbook.This wasa veryproductiveyearasfar asscholarship is concerned. III. Service My servicewasdevotedto the dutiesof departmentchair andStatusCommittee.This included andactivitiesthatI hostedfor DrosDective students. morethan36 sessions Review of Goals for 1998 l. Submit a revisedproposalto the NSF-CCDprogran for curiculum project using clabroom. This wasdone,but theproposalwaswritten by Mike Jipping. 2. Successfullyinitiate new phaseof REU summerresearch,integratingfaculty from neighboring institutions. This wassuccessfullycompleted.This summerwe includedProfessorAlyce Bradyfrom l(alamazoo CoIIegein our pmgram and two studentsfrom Kalamazooas well.