Study guidelines: 3rd. test. BIOL 2651

Study guidelines: 3rd. test. BIOL 2651
Chapter 9: Joints (Articulations):
Classification of joints: Structural and functional
Movements: Syn-arthrosis, Amphiarthrosis, Diarthrosis
What do they mean?
Examples of each type
Fibrous joints: Characters, Types and examples
Cartilaginous joint: examples, relation to movements
Synovial joints: Character, Structures, Movements:
Angular movements : examples
Examples of each Synovial joints
Types of synovial joints: Pivot, Ball & Socket,
Hinge joint: example
Angular and special movements: their definition
Synovial fluid: Functions
Joint diseases: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis
Chapter: 10 Muscular tissues
Organization of a big muscle: From largest to smallest
Microscopic anatomy: Myofibril. Sarcoplasmic reticulum and
its function
T-tubule: location, function
Thick and thin filaments: Composition of each
Sarcomere: Various bands and zones: their relation
with filaments,
Changes during contraction: in sarcomere, Bands
Connective tissue sheath covering: Epimysium, Endomysium
Relaxed muscle: Status of Calcium, filaments, binding site etc
Contractile proteins: examples: Regulatory proteins: example
and their functions.
Excitation and contraction coupling: Sequence of events
Contraction cycle: stages (4)
Troponin C and Calcium: troponin-tropomyosin complex
leads to Exposure of myosin head binding site on actin
Neuro-muscular junction (NMJ): structure, motor-end plate,
Synaptic end bulb: Location
Neuromuscular transmission: Events
One way transmission, with the release of acetylcholine
Summation and tetanus: Found only in skeletal muscle.
Their definition
Types of skeletal muscle contractions: Isotonic. Isometric
Cardiac muscle: Characters, Why no summation: long
refractory period
Smooth muscle: Difference in contraction from skeletal & its
location. Calcium combines with Calmodulin and not with
Troponin C
Chapter 11: Muscular system:
Muscle origin and insertion; Definition and example
Fascicle & tendon arrangement: Examp: Deltoid,
Pectoralis Major, Rectus Femoris etc
Coordination amongst muscles: Agonist, Synergist,
Antagonist: Definition of each with examples
Muscles: Temporalis, Masseter, Ant. Tibial, Biceps femoris
Trapezius, Rectus abdominis, Orbicularis oculi, Deltoid,
Triceps brachii: Location and action of each
Muscle acts on: Mandible (chewing), Humerus , Abdominal
wall, Eye, pectoral girdle, breathing, facial expression,
breathing etc
Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue:
Over view of NS (classification): CNS & PNS
Components of CNS & PNS
Brain and its components: cerebrum, cerebellum,
Brain-stem, and diencephalon
Division of PNS: SNS, ANS & ENS
Neurons: Structure and types, neuroglial cells: types
Gray and white matter: composition
Ion channels: gated channels: Types (3)
Example of each. Voltage gated ion channel
Neuroglial cells: Types and their functions
Myelination: Schwaan cells & Oligodendrocytes.
Rate of conduction : faster in myelinated nerves
Spinal nerves: Number, components, belongs to PNS
Cranial nerves: number, Belongs to PNS
Graded and action potential: Characters & differences
Graded Potential: localized, graded, can lead to
depolarization or hyper polarization of post-synaptic mem.
Action Potential: depolarization is followed by Repolarization
How they are produced?
What causes deporization and Repolarization?
Summation : types (2)Special & temporal
EPSP & IPSP: Characters, events, Changes in the postSynaptic membrane (Partial deporization, Excitable
potential, Cell become more excitable when RMP changes
from -70 mv to – 50 mv)