Sliding Muscle Filament Model

Name: _________________________ Period: _______________ Date: __________________
Muscle Cell Contraction Tutorial
1. What is a muscle fiber?
2. Describe the myofibrils.
3. Myofibrils are composed of ________________________, or individual cylindrical units
called sarcomeres.
4. How would you describe the sarcolemma?
5. What is the function of the sacrolemma?
6. What is the sacroplasmic reticulum and where is it located?
7. Label the following diagram:
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________ Date: __________________
8. How does the following relate to a sarcomere?
Z-lineM line9. In an electron micrograph of a muscle cell the striations contain dark and light regions.
The dark regions would be areas of __________ density and the light regions area of
_________ density.
10. Thin filaments are found in the _____________ regions.
11. The thin filaments are made of what proteins?
12. Thick filaments are found in the _____________ regions.
13. Thick filaments are composed of the protein ____________________.
14. Label the following diagram:
Name: _________________________ Period: _______________ Date: __________________
16. Explain what the researchers knew about the following in relation to a sacromeres:
H zoneI-bandA – band17. What do you think happens when the sacromere contracts?
18. Explain the Sliding filament model (theory).
19. Review the events of the sacromere contraction: (Put them in the correct order)
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