Chapter 1 Key Terms Three Sisters Bering Strait Columbian

Chapter 1 Key Terms
Three Sisters
Bering Strait
Columbian Exchange/Flora &Fauna
Small pox and NA
Encomienda System
Conquest of Mexico
Chapter 2 Key Terms
1. Reasons why people came to the “New World”
a. Indentured Servitude
b. Joint Stock Companies
c. Primogeniture
2. Roanoke
3. Jamestown-1607
4. John Smith
5. Pocahontas
6. John Rolfe
7. Lord De la Warr
8. Powhattan
9. Tobacco
10. First Africans - 1619
11. House of Burgesses
12. Maryland - Baltimore
13. West Indies - Sugar
14. Barbados Slave Code
15. Purpose of the Carolinas
16. Georgia - Oglethorpe
17. Plantation Colonies
Chapter 3 Key Terms
1. Northern Colonies
2. Martin Luther
3. John Calvin
4. Pilgrims/Separatists, Plymouth
5. Massachusetts Bay Colony / Puritans
6. John Winthrop
7. Great Migration - 1630
8. Franchise
9. John Cotton
10. Blue Law State
11. Anne Hutchinson
12. Antinomianism
13. Roger Williams
14. Rhode Island
15. Hartford / Thomas Hooker
16. Fundamental Orders
17. New Havan
18. Pequot War
19. Pan Indian Alliance/Metacom
20. New England
21. Dominion of England
22. Sir Edmond Andros
23. Glorious Revolution
24. The Dutch influence in America
25. William Penn / Pennsylvania
26. Religious Society of Friends / Quakers
27. Middle Colonies
Chapter 4 Key Terms
1. Life in the Chesapeake and other facts
2. Indentured Servitude and Headright System
3. Bacon’s Rebellion
4. Colonial Slavery
5. Stratification of Southern Society
6. Life in New England and other facts
7. Half-Way Covenant
8. Salem Witch Trials
Chapter 5 Key Terms
1. Paxton Boys
2. Crevecoeur
3. Triangle Trade
4. Trade Imbalance
5. Molasses Act
6. Dominant denominations in America
7. The Great Awakening
8. Jonathan Edwards / Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
9. George Whitefield
10. New England Education
11. Ben Franklin - First secular school
12. Culture and the Arts
a. John Trumbell
b. Charles Wilson Peale
c. Benjamin West
d. John Singleton Copley
e. Phyllis Wheatley
f. Ben Franklin’s - Poor Richard’s Almanack
13. John Peter Zenger, Zenger Trials, Printing Press
Chapter 6 Key Terms
1. Reasons for Colonists’ dissatisfaction with England
2. France in North America
a. Edict of Nantes
b. Sam De Champlain
c. Hurons and Beaver
d. White man’s affect on NA
3. Cause of the French and Indian War
4. Why it’s called the French and Indian War and the 7 Year War
5. George Washington
6. Acadians and why they had to move
7. Albany Plan of Union - Join or DIE
8. Peace of Paris (1763)
9. What colonists and British thought of each other after the French and Indian
10. Proclamation of 1763
Chapter 7 Key Terms
1. General Reasons for American Rebellion
2. Mercantile Theory
3. Navigation Laws-1650
4. Pros/Cons of Mercantilism
5. Salutary Neglect
6. Monopoly
7. English demands on Colonists after the French and Indian War
8. George Grenville’s Tax Program
a. Salutary Neglect Ends (1764)
b. Sugar Act (1764)
c. Quartering Act (1765)
d. Stamp Tax
9. “No Taxation without Representation” and “Virtual Representation”
10. Stamp Act Congress (1795)
11. Non-importation (Consumer boycott)
12. Sons of liberty / Daughters of Liberty
13. Declaratory Act
14. Townshend Act
15. Boston Massacre (1770)
16. Seditious Committees of Correspondence
17. Boston Tea Party
18. Intolerable Acts
19. Continental Congress
20. The Association
21. Lexington 1775
22. Strengths and weaknesses of the British v. Colonists
Chapter 8 Key Terms
1. George Washington
2. Bunker Hill
3. Hessians
4. Colonists attack Quebec
5. Thomas Paine - Common Sense
6. Richard Henry Lee
7. Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence
8. Patriots v Loyalists, Whigs v Tories
9. Loyalist Exodus
10. Saratoga
11. Franco-American Alliance
12. Benedict Arnold
13. NA help in the Revolutionary War
14. Treaty of Fort Stanwix
15. Yorktown
16. Treaty of Paris - 1783
Chapter 9
1. Describe the mood in America after the American Rev
2. Civic Virtue / Republican Motherhood
3. Abigail Adams
4. Articles of Confederation
5. Why Articles were not ratified
6. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
7. Land ordinance of 1785
8. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
9. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
10. Shay’s Rebellion
11. “Mobocracy”
12. Philadelphia Convention
13. Virginia Plan, NJ Plan, and the Great Compromise
14. Three branches of government
15. Checks and balances
16. Anti-federalists v. Federalists
17. Ratification of the Constitution.