The Climactic Seven Years War

The French and Indian War
 The Glorious Revolution
 Queen Anne’s War, the Peace of
 Economic Regulations
Molasses Act, 1733
 King George’ s War
 Population Explosion in English Colonies
 250,000 people in colonies in 1700
 1.25 million in 1750
 1.75 million in 1760
 “Join or Die”
 General Braddock at Fort Duquesne
 William Pitt
Ohio River Indians
 Treaty of Paris, 1763
 Spain acquired vast Louisiana territory west
of Mississippi River
 British acquired Florida and Canada.
 Proclamation of 1763
Convinced colonists of growing strength, yet left them debt-ridden
and weakened in man power.
 Spurred economic development and brought in British capital, but
made colonial economy vulnerable to English cyclic fluctuation.
 War widows and fatherless children in poverty, need of aid.
 Laboring class suffered greatly, rising prices and less demand.
 Legislative assemblies gained more power.
 Military and political leaders trained.
 Colonists traveled vast lands, west appeared open for exploitation.
 British and colonies in debt.
 Colonists, free of French and Spanish threat, began to think about
going it alone.
 Colonists saw British as fallible.
 British thought colonists unreliable and poor fighters.