Grading Policies and Classroom Procedures Course Title: Latin 1 Teacher: Aaron Gutter Email: Website: Goal and Course Description: This time we will study book 1 & 2, a.k.a. the red & blue books. We will conclude our study of Latin grammatical structures necessary for moving forward to authentic Latin readings. With the Cambridge Latin Course, each chapter will focus on unique vocabulary, grammatical structures, and cultural material from the ancient world. The material of each chapter is essential for building an early foundation for learning to read Latin. Here is a description of the story arch from the Cambridge School Classics Project website: Book 1: We're traveling back almost 2000 years to AD 79, a time when the Romans controlled much of Europe. The magnificent Italian city of Rome is the center of the Roman Empire and 125 miles to the south of the capital are the beautiful Bay of Naples, the slumbering volcano Mount Vesuvius, and the prosperous Roman town of Pompeii. Book 2: In Unit 2, we travel to two distant Roman provinces, both very different from each other. Exotic Egypt will be the final destination, but first, explore a Roman province on the very edge of the Empire where it is cold and wet. Welcome to Britannia! Text/Resources: • Book 1 & 2 of the Cambridge Latin Course. • 3-ring binder (or similar) • A composition book for translations • Handouts from various sources. • Optional membership to is encouraged. Cost is approx. $15 and offers numerous extension activities and supports for story reading. Homework: Study and/or written homework will be assigned virtually every day. Students should expect to spend approximately 20 minutes on homework each night. All homework must be completed and written in a Latin notebook. Students may have additional assignments such as projects, reports or skits. Test and Quizzes: The bulk of assessment is divided from major chapter tests and vocabulary quizzes from each stage. Grading Procedures: All grading is done on a basis of total points. Tests and quizzes count as one major grade each. Midterm and Final exams are cumulative and are weighted at 10% (each) of the final grade for the course. Class Participation: All students are expected to come to class ready to be active participants. A strong emphasis is placed on daily participation. Criteria for class participation include being in class on time, bringing necessary material to class (book, workbook, notebook, pen), maintaining a serious approach to studies. Seeking Extra Help: Mr. Gutter is available by appointment after school in room 244 Monday through Thursday from 2:30pm to 3:00pm. Absences and Make-up Work: When absent from class it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the class notes for the day(s) absence from a classmate. If the material is unclear to the student, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with Mr. Gutter at a mutually convenient time to clarify any confusion. Students are required to make up missed tests according to the Conestoga policy. The missed tests will be in the World Language Resource Room. Timely make-up of missed tests is essential! School-wide cut Practice: Regular attendance is essential for academic success. Unexcused absences from classes interrupt the continuity of learning. A class cut is defined as an unexcused absence from all or part of a scheduled class or class activity. A failing grade may be assigned for any graded work that was completed during a class cut. A student who cuts class will receive a 10-point reduction for the marking period. A second class cut in the same marking period will result in a failing grade of 50% or lower for the term. (Student Signature) ____________________________________ (Parent Signature) _____________________________________