US History 1877

US History 1877-Present
Ellison High School 2014-2015
Mrs. Nagy Room #322
Course Description
Students will study the history of the United States from 1877 to present day. Topics will
include: Industrialization, Westward Expansion, the Gilded Age, the Great Depression, the
World Wars, Engagements in Southeast Asia, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the
Evolution of Modern American Politics, and more!
The American Republic Since 1877
Official tutorials will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:15-8:40 and 4:15-4:45. However, I am
happy to make accommodations for students on other days as needed!
Golden Rules
Respect yourself and others
Take responsibility for your actions
Come prepared to learn every day
Be positive!
Classroom Procedures
1. Students are expected to follow all of the rules and guidelines outlined in the Ellison and KISD
Student Code of Conduct.
2. Students must be in their assigned seats by the sound of the tardy bell.
3. If you have been absent, check the absent binder for the previous day’s lesson.
4. Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom. If you have any medical needs, please give
me a doctor’s note.
5. Students must remain seated unless given permission otherwise.
6. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices must be put away during class.
If a student misbehaves in my class, they will receive a written counseling statement. This document will
describe the student’s behavior, propose a way forward that will lead to academic success, and must be
signed by the student. If a student misbehaves repeatedly, I will contact his or her guardian to discuss
possible causes of and solutions to the problem. These counselings are meant to serve as an intermediate
approach to behavior issues focused on promoting positive behavior and open communication, and are an
alternative to the more severe punishments available through the administration.
Tardy Procedure
Students arriving to class after the late bell will not be permitted into class until they retrieve a tardy slip.
Please be aware that these slips are time stamped, and if a student takes more than a reasonable time
getting to class after reporting, the student will be asked to report back down to retrieve a new slip. Also,
please note that each time a student reports as tardy, parents/guardians will receive an automated voice
message. A student who is more than 15 minutes late to class will be marked as absent.
Late Work
Late work will not receive full credit, and will only be accepted under the following conditions:
1. The student completes and turns in a yellow sheet on the original due date and
2. The students turns in the work before the assignment is graded and handed back to the rest of the
If the prior two conditions are not met, the work will not be accepted, and the student will receive a zero.
Excused Absence During an Exam
Students must make up exams on the day they return from absence. Students may also be given a
different test than the original copy. Note: the make-up exam will still have the format, but may have
differing questions. This is to help prevent academic dishonesty. An unexcused absence during an exam
will result in a zero for that test score.
Killeen ISD Grading Policy & Criteria
Grades are calculated using the following weight percentages:
Formative (homework, class work, quizzes etc.)
Summative (unit exams, major projects, final essays etc.)
I have a zero tolerance policy towards academic dishonesty. Any student who practices plagiarism
or cheating will receive a zero for the assignment, and an immediate phone call home.