English II Prep Syllabus

English II Prep
Instructor: Miss Analisa Falcon
Room: S222
Email: afalcon1@houstonisd.org
Conference Period: 5th
Tutorials: Monday-Wednesday and Friday, 7:25-7:55; M-F 3:15-4:15
The goal of English II Prep is to help you develop your reading and writing skills. Throughout this course, you will
prepare for the STAAR exam by practicing multiple choice, timed writing, and close reading and analysis. I have
high expectations of all of my students because I believe you are capable of meeting my expectations. We will read
many genres this year, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. You will read and write every day, and while you
may not like either, it is important to respect how crucial it is to learn these skills.
You must bring the required materials everyday. If you do not, I will assume you are not prepared for class and I
will take off points from your participation grade. The classroom has a set of books to use, so you may leave your
book at home for outside reading. I have some materials you can borrow, but do not make it a habit of borrowing, or
I will take off points from your grade. If you borrow something, you must give me your ID as collateral. Do not
forget your ID!
• A spiral notebook
• A composition book
• Pens, Number 2 pencils, highlighters
• Other assigned books
Course Grading:
70% -- Major Grades
• Tests
• Time writings
• Essays
30% -- Minor Grades
• Homework
• Quizzes
• Participation
Everyone must participate in class discussions because everyone has a voice and ideas. This is to ensure
that you are taking ownership of your own learning. If you do not feel comfortable speaking up in class, you must
come talk to me at the beginning of the semester. I know it is not easy to speak in front of your classmates or
instructors. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to feel confident in yourself, and I will work with you as best I can. If
you do not come to speak to me, I will assume you are not participating, and I will count off points from your grade.
I expect you to be sensitive to the views of others. Respect and courtesy are the keys to successful class discussions.
We will read out loud in class every day. Everyone struggles with pronounciation and understanding at
times, so be respectful of others as they read aloud. I will help you as we go along.
Obviously, you cannot participate if you are absent or tardy. Multiple absenses will be reported to the
administration and will affect your grade. Tardies are disruptive. If you are tardy 3 times, that will equal 1
unexcused absence and will affect your grade. Tardy means you come in after I come in.
All homework assignments are due before the start of class in the Homework tray. If you turn in homework
after I come into the classroom, it will be considered late. For every day (week day, not school day) your assignment
is late, you will lose ten points from your grade. After the fifth day, I will not accept a late assignment.
You may only make up work if you are absent. If you are absent the day an assignment is given, please
check the Absent folder for the make-up work and talk to me about what you missed. You will have ____ number of
days to complete the assignment. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, turn it in the day you return to
All major papers are due on or before the due date. For each day (not school day, but day) your major
assignment is late, I will deduct 10 points from the grade. If you know you are going to miss a due date, you must
talk to me before, not after, the due date.
If I can’t read your handwriting, you have to re-write it, but I will still give you credit if it is turned in on
I return papers as soon as they are scored; therefore, do not ask me if an assignment is graded. I teach many
students. I need and appreciate your patience.
Every assignment must have your name, class period, date, and title of the assignment. You will not receive
full credit if you do not have a complete heading.
Writing is hard, even for experienced writers. Regardless of your grade, you should seek help. It’s always a
good idea to have another set of eyes look over your work before you turn it in.
If you fail a paper, it is a requirement that you come to an after-school tutorial. This is not an option.
I will also use my discretion to determine if you are required to come to tutorials, even if you have not failed a
Academic Preparedness:
Cheating and papers with major plagiarism problems will receive a 0 and will be reported to administers.
Papers with minor plagiarism and minor cheating problems will receive a 0 and a warning. This is a district policy
that all teachers follow. Please refer to the Westside Honor Code for more details.
Come to class prepared. Bring the required materials and the materials you need to learn
(pens/pencils/highlighters, notebook etc.). Unless otherwise instructed, do not use electronics in class. I will take it
up. Please do not use perfumes or lotions in class. Everybody has bad days. If you’re having a bad day, just let me
know before class starts, and we’ll work together on the best classroom environment for you.
We will discuss class rules together during the first week of school. The classroom is a safe place. Always,
always be respectful and honest to everybody. Always follow school rules about behavior, honesty, dress code, IDs,