How to get unstuck on physics homework and why you must! I do not know how to answer One of the questions or problems on my homework. Is it a word question or an algebraic problem? Word Questions Did you read the recent notes and textbook section? NO Did you review recent demos, labs, and videos? YES NO Please do so now. Doing so will likely lead to success. In the event that it does not, start over on this chart. YES Algebraic Problems Did you carefully look over sample problems? YES NO This one is tricky. Use Edmodo discussion board to ask questions, but make the questions good; don’t just ask for the answer or for someone to do the work for you. You must ask in depth questions to resolve issues. Your education is up to you! If no one asks questions on Edmodo, then the teacher will assume everyone answered the question correctly without any difficulty. Completing homework is the process in which course material is internalized. Learning is never a passive act. It involves active construction and deconstruction of ideas and experiences. Material is not internalized with passive techniques. Watching and listening to the teacher during class lessons provides an essential exposure to physics content as does reading the textbook and notes. But the material does not become your until you’ve been faced with questions and problems that force you to go through the process of determining the answers. Copying answers from friends or the internet is completely ineffective. It’s like memorizing the eye chart before seeing the optometrist: you will appear to pass the test with flying colors while completely defeating the purpose of the test. Questions on unit tests accurately reflect those given in the homework. Students who actively engage in daily assignments do very well on unit tests. Students who do poorly on unit tests are usually those who do not actively engage in daily assignments.