Mrs. Alvarado - Room 120
E-mail address:
TEXTBOOK: Marieb, Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology 10e MasteringA&P
Online version: see Edmodo for how to set-up account.
MATERIALS: Textbook, class notebook, folder, colored pencils (minimum of 36), and post-it notes. You need to
bring these items every day to class.
1) Tests/Quests -In most cases, there will be an assessment given on each chapter. Point values for tests
may vary, depending upon the amount of information covered. You will be responsible
for all material that is discussed in lecture as well as the material we go over in your
textbook and lab exercises. If case studies are presented, you will be responsible for
them as well. You will get a review sheet before each test to help you prepare for it.
2) Laboratories - Labs are to be completed on the lab worksheets unless otherwise instructed.
Labs are due the following double lab unless otherwise instructed. Each lab
will be worth a certain amount of points towards your grade. Again, point
values will be dependent upon the nature of the lab and the amount of work
3) Projects/Papers - You will have projects/short papers due throughout the year. More information
will be given when the projects/papers are assigned
4) Homework - There will be additional reading and written assignments to help reinforce the concepts
covered during lecture and lab.
5) Current Events – Due every Friday.
1) To class:
I expect everyone to be on time for class. If you are late:
a) The first time, you will be given a warning
b) The second time, you will have detention with me
c) The third time and subsequent times, you will be written up to the office
2) Of class assignments:
I also expect everyone to turn in their homework assignments when they are due. If you do not have
the work completed on that day, then you may turn it in the next day, but only for half credit. After
that, you will get a zero for the assignment. Assignments worth more than 60 points will be dropped
one letter grade each day it is late. Special circumstances will be discussed privately.
For every day that you are absent, you will have two days to make up the work missed. This is
listed in your student handbook. For example, if there is a test on Tuesday, and you are absent both
Monday and Tuesday, then you are responsible to make up the work for Monday and to prepare for the
test by the following Tuesday. Any work not completed within this two day time frame will be
considered late and will be dealt with accordingly. Any extended absences or other special circumstances
will be handled on a case by case basis between the student and myself.
1) Be Prompt
Class will begin immediately following the second bell. Anyone arriving after this time will
be considered late unless accompanied by a pass. You MUST have your agenda to go to the
bathroom or locker or you may NOT go.
2) Be Prepared
Always bring the required materials to class with you each day. Every day that you do not have these
materials (especially your textbook and colored pencils), you will lose one point off of your total
points at the end of the marking period. You will not always be allowed to go to your locker – so be
prepared! You are responsible for ALL material covered in class and lab so nothing on tests or quizzes
should come as a surprise to you.
3) Be Considerate
Any form of ridicule or insulting remarks will not be tolerated in this class. I expect appropriate
behavior when you are in here. Trouble to abide by the classroom rules will result in disciplinary action.
4) Be Responsible
It is very important to follow proper safety techniques during lab activities to insure the
safety of you and your fellow classmates. Always clean up after yourself. If you are unsure
about something, don’t be afraid to ask, but never ASSUME. Failure to follow guidelines in lab
will result in a zero for that lab and being unable to participate in the following week’s lab.
Also, NO FOOD OR DRINK (except bottled water) IS ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM.!
5) Be Involved
Never be afraid to ask questions during class or lab. This is a learning experience for both
you and I and I am here to make it as enjoyable as I can. I will be available almost everyday
after school and during my free periods to assist you with anything that you need. Never hesitate!
6) Electronic Devices
We are a BYOT class!! You will be asked to bring devices to class with you. However, when not in use,
cell phones are to be turned off or set on vibrate and placed on your desk. Any text messaging, making
and/or receiving calls will not be tolerated and will result in confiscation of the cell phone to be
returned at the end of school in the office.
***7) Scholastic Misconduct
Scholastic misconduct is cause for a failing grade. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not
limited to, cheating on assignments or examinations, plagiarizing, misrepresenting as your own
work any part of work done by another, or interfering with another student’s work, paper,
lab…..etc. Any scholastic misconduct will be met with administrative action and a grade of
zero for each infraction.
The use of will be regularly utilized as a means of communication between you and I so it is
crucial that you check-in frequently. Any assignments, notes, or other materials that can be uploaded, will be
put on the website. Make sure you write-down the access code in a place where you won’t misplace it (agenda,
inside of science notebook).
There are certain things that you as students can expect from me. I will be prepared for class with materials for
labs, lectures and activities. I will also enforce the same rules with everyone in the class and will listen to
LEGITIMATE questions, concerns and criticisms. All students will have the opportunity to succeed if the effort is
put forth.
I have read and understood the above rules and guidelines. I also understand any consequences that
may result from the failure to follow these rules.
Student name (print)_______________________________________ Date ______________________
Student signature ______________________________________
Parent signature _______________________________________