Biology Syllabus Room 213 770-748-0490 Mrs. J. Cox Mrs. S. Turner COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course introduces the student to basic biological principles and processes using cellular biology, genetics, ecology, evolution theory, classification and basic chemical/energy processes. TEXT: McDougal Littell Biology (Nowicki), 2008 (classroom set), Coach: Passing the Biology EOCT, various online resources will be provided. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: All students are required to participate in laboratory activities, classroom discussions, skills practice, and small group activities. Student notes will be on-line, but students are required to participate in discussions and add to the notes in class. Printing notes, if desired, will be the responsibility of the student. MATERIALS NEEDED: Pencils and pens, 2-inch, 3-ringed binder, scientific calculator, and loose leaf paper are required. Bring your charged ipad daily. Juniors and seniors taking this class may bring tablets from home. TECHNOLOGY: Students are expected to bring their charged ipads to class every day. Students will not be allowed to charge them in class. This class will strongly require the use of technology. Warm ups, notes, articles, assignments, and assessments will all require the use of the ipads. Occasionally, this class will be “flipped”, meaning the lesson will be delivered as a video or assignment the student should watch or complete for homework and a discussion or practice will be the class work the following day. It will probably be very different for the students (and me), but I hope it will be fun for us all. I believe it is very important for students of this generation to be proficient with technology. Notes and assignments can be located and turned in using Edmodo. Our schedule will be updated on my PSD website. Students should check both of these daily. Students may occasionally be allowed to demonstrate mastery through video, music, art, and photography apps. GRADING: 60% Tests (Unit tests, benchmark tests, and projects) 20% Daily (homework, class work, quizzes, and labs) 20% EOCT RETESTING POLICY: Students will be allowed to retake failed tests for a maximum grade of 70. The PSD policy requires a completed Re-Test Request form with appropriate signatures. Retesting must be completed within 2 weeks after the failed test. MAKE UP WORK: Students whose absences are excused shall be permitted to make-up work missed. It shall be the responsibility of the student to arrange with the teacher for making the work up. Make up work will be posted on Edmodo. It is the student’s responsibility to remember to submit it within 5 days. Labs, tests, and other assignments that cannot be completed online, will need to be made up after school. CLASS POLICIES/RULES: All policies of the Polk School District Board of Education and the student handbook will be enforced. HOMEWORK POLICY: Students are to complete homework when it is assigned and be prepared to turn in completed assignments when requested. If it is not turned in on time, a zero will be given for the assignment. On the third failure to turn in homework, after school detention will be assigned. Failure to serve the detention will result in referral to an administrator for discipline. If you are absent the day a homework assignment is taken up, be ready to turn it in immediately on returning to class the following day. PARENT CONTACT: Please visit the following website and complete the on-line form. I will use your email to contact you throughout the year, as well as the first few weeks of school to give you the opportunity to join several on-line communication outlets that I use with the students, such as: Remind 101- I will give you a code to text to a phone number. This will put you on the remind 101 list, where you will receive reminder texts. No specific phone numbers will be exchanged. Teacher web site (PSD)- My personal web site will include a calendar, upcoming events and projects, some class notes, etc. Edmodo—This is the primary outlet that I use with the students. I attach notes, videos, worksheets, assignments, etc. to this site. It can also be used to give tests. If your child needs help with the class, be sure to visit Edmodo with him or her. Each class has a code that will be used to access Edmodo. Parent Info Form: Powerschool: Be sure to check your child’s grades often using PowerSchool. Your access code can be obtained from the front office. CLASS EXPECTATIONS/PROCEDURES: 1. All students are expected to keep a binder and paper. Date and label all assignments, labs, class notes, etc. Bring a writing utensil daily. 2. Start warm up activities BEFORE class begins. There will be a warm up daily. 3. Students are expected to work bell to bell. Do not put your books up unless you are given permission. Sometimes time will be allowed to begin homework, but it must be used for this purpose. 4. Raise your hand to ask questions. Do not blurt out. 5. Students are expected to learn and adhere to appropriate lab procedures and safety rules when conducting lab experiments. If students do not abide by rules, a zero may be given for the assignment or points may be deducted from the lab grade. No handling of lab equipment or supplies without permission. 6. Be on time every day. The tardy policy will be strictly enforced. 7. Go to the locker and use the restroom between classes. Bathroom/water/locker passes will be limited. 8. Clean up around work area/desk at the end of the period. 9. All PSD and CHS rules will be enforced. EXPECTATIONS OF PARENTS: 1. Make sure your child completes homework assignments and studies for tests. 2. Help your child with material when possible. 3. Make sure your child sees me for extra help if needed, and encourage him/her to ask questions when necessary. 4. Make sure your child misses class only when ABSOLUTELY necessary. What is missed in class cannot be truly replaced with makeup work. 5. Make sure your child makes up labs, tests, and assignments when absent. 6. Check your child’s grades on PowerSchool often (weekly). Upcoming tests and assignments are often posted ahead of time. Contact me by email with any questions as often as you feel necessary. 2013-2014 Biology Pacing Guide Unit Number of Days Text Chapter Topic(s) Organization 6 8/23-8/30 1 9 9/3-9/13 7 9/16-9/24 3 Introduction, Equipment and Safety, Microscopes, Themes in Biology, Characteristics of Living Things Cell-Theory, Cell Structure & Function Evolution & History of Life SB5a-c 17-18 Classification of Kingdoms, Viruses SB3b-d 13.1-13.2, 15.3-15.5 2 Ecosystem Structure, Biomes SB4a Biochemistry, Enzymes and Water SB1b-d Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration & Cycles of Matter Energy Flow and Food Chains & Food Webs Asexual & Sexual Reproduction, Cell Growth (Mitosis/Meiosis) DNA & RNA Structure & Processes SB3a, SB4b 10.1, 10.410.5,12 Standard(s) SB1a (9/20-Homecoming) Energy Transformation Growth & Heredity Equilibrium 6 9/25-10/2 7 10/3-10/11 8 10/21-10/30 7 10/31-11/8 5 11/11-11/15 15 11/18-12/13 5 12/16-12/20 15 1/6-1/28 4, 13.5 13.3-13.4 5, 6.1-6.2 8 6,7,8.7 SB4b SB2c&e, SB1a SB2a-b Mendelian Genetics, Punnett Squares, Inheritance Patterns, Mutations Genetic Engineering, DNA Technology, Biological Resistance, Bioethics Cell Transport, Homeostasis SB2f, SB5e Natural Selection SB5d Plant Adaptations & Animal Adaptations and Behavior SB4e-f 14 Population Genetics, Succession SB4c 16 Human Impact on Environment SB4d Coach Book EOCT Review 13 1/29-2/14 9 8 2/19-2/28 5 3/3-3/7 3.5 3/17-3/21 3.3-3.5 10.2-10.3, 11 22.5, 27 SB2d SB1a & d (3/20 & 3/21 Intercession) 10 3/24-4/4 10 4/7-4/18 (4/21-4/25 Spring Break) 4/28-5/16 5/19-5/23 EOCT