BIOLOGY PROCEDURES AND SYLLABUS Teacher: Ana Detzcl School Phone Number: 236-2000 Email: "At Coronado High School we take academic integrity seriously. Therefore, any student caught cheating will receive a zero." Class Rules: 1. Be respectful of other students and all materials in the classroom—disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated 2. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 3. Come to class prepared—bring all materials 4. NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED IN THE LAB 5. Speak at appropriate times using appropriate language 6. Teacher’s desk and store room is off limits 7. Horseplay will not be tolerated 8. NO GUM WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM 9. No make-up or grooming in class 10. The bell does not dismiss you 11. Compliance with all EPISD/Coronado rules in the student handbook, especially dress code and electronics Consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1st Offense: Verbal warning 2nd Offense: Teacher/student conference and phone call to parents 3rd Offense: Parent/teacher conference 4th Offense: Discipline Referral Any severe violation or disruption will result in an immediate referral. Materials: 1. Textbook a. Biology by Prentice Hall will be available as a class set b. A flexbook will be available by January 2. Lined notebook paper 3. Bring either tissue box, hand soap, hand sanitizer or lotion for extra credit. 4. Pen/pencil a. If a student uses a pen, it must be blue or black ink only on any work that is to be turned in for grading b. Failure to use blue or black ink will result in a loss of 5 pts. for the assignment Grading: 1. Daily Work 40% a. This includes all homework, class work and labs. b. Students who miss labs will not be required to make up the lab, but will have an alternate assignment c. One extra day will be given for late work but 20 points will be docked 2. Tests 30% a. This includes the notebook. b. Students will be notified of all unit tests one week before the exam date c. Students will be given a written review for all unit tests at least 3 days before the exam date d. The day before the exam, the teacher will go over the review e. Students absent the day before an exam are expected to take the test upon their return to school f. Retakes will be allowed based on individual basis 3. Quizzes 20% 4. Nine Weeks Test 10% GT Students: 1. GT students in regular biology classes must, by state law, have differentiation in the curriculum 2. Students that are coded as GT students will, therefore, have extra assignments and a project throughout the nine weeks Make-Ups/Tutoring: 1. Any student requiring to make up a test must schedule time either before school or at lunch 2. Make up work is the responsibility of the student 3. The student will have one day for every excused absence to make up the work 4. Ms. Detzcl will be available for tutoring before school or at lunch time (A lunch) Contracts: 1. Due to the inherit danger of working in a science lab, all students will be required to review the laboratory safety rules and keep a copy of these rules in their notebook 2. In addition, all students must have a lab safety rule contract signed by the student and their parent on file with Ms. Detzcl 3. Failure to return the contract will result in loss of lab privileges and a grade of 0 for the lab activity 4. In addition, a dissection contract will be sent home and must be on file with Ms. Detzcl prior to dissections I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above classroom rules: Student Signature Date ____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date