North Intermediate High School Mrs. Blair room S 117 259-4320 ext. 2128 Biology 1 Syllabus Textbook # _____________ Course Description: Biology focuses on the study of living beings and life processes. We will be studying how living things grow, function, and interact with a practical approach to the understanding of life science and the environment. Purpose of Course: Requirement for High School Diploma Requirement for College Admission Textbook: Prentice Hall Biology (on-line version is available) Supplies Required: A 2“or 1 ½” binder (for Biology ONLY!!!) paper pencil pouch red pen either a pencil or blue/black ink pen Expectations – Procedures: Bring your supplies to class everyday NO BORROWING!! (1st offense = warning, 2nd offense = zero on that days assignment) Be in your seat when the bell rings, there are consequences for being tardy. (Remember to get a drink and go to the restroom before class begins) No name on paper = No credit for work No exceptions! I expect all work to be turned in when it is due. ( Late work will not be accepted) Make-up work (when you are absent) is your responsibility (I will not hunt you down). Check assignment board on the North wall for missed assignments. No gum, candy, food, or drinks (except water) allowed in my classroom. When I give extra credit take advantage, do not ask later for individual extra credit to raise your grade I will not give it (DO NOT ASK!) I expect you to respect me, yourself, and other students. Disruptions are not acceptable! I will enforce school rules in my classroom/hall (dress code, etc.) Sleeping in class is unacceptable I expect you to take notes and you will be given a grade on your notes NIHS Classroom Management Plan The following steps will be taken for those who choose to violate classroom/school rules 1. Warning by teacher 2. Teacher assigned disciplinary action / parent contact 3. Parent contact / before or after school detention 4. Student referral to office * The teacher reserves the right to refer a student to the office for severe violations Evaluation of Achievement: Grades are calculated on a weighted scale Homework and notes are 24% of your grade Tests and labs are 55% of your grade (tests will always have a higher point value) Projects are 10% of your grade Semester tests are 11% of your grade Grading Scale: 90% – 100% 80% – 89% 70% – 79% 60% – 69% 0% – 50% A B C D F Units to be Completed: 1. biological science/chemistry 2. ecology 3. cells 4. photosynthesis/cell respiration 5. genetics/DNA 6. evolution 7. taxonomy/classification/kingdoms 8. animal behavior and the brain 9. plants 10. animals 11. human body The best way to contact me is through e-mail, I check it frequently through the day and will get back to you as soon as possible, usually after school or on my plan. I am looking forward to working with all my students and their parents this year! ________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Parent Signature