7th Grade Math Classroom Rules with Mr. Havard


Classroom Rules for 7 th Grade Math with Mr. Havard


Come to class on time and prepared with all required materials.


Show respect for your teacher, your fellow classmates and your school property.


Raise your hand to be acknowledged.


When one person (teacher or student) speaks, all others listen.


Consistently strive to maintain an environment conducive to learning mathematics for yourself and your classmates.


Compare and compete only against yourself – self-improvement is your #1 goal!

All other rules and policies in your student handbook must be adhered to, and will be enforced.

Consequences for not following mutually developed rules

1 st offense in class period – verbal reminder

2 nd offense in class period – name on board – visual reminder/final warning

3 rd offense in class period – 15 minutes after school in my classroom

** Major offenses will be referred to the main office.**

Student signature _____________Parent signature _____________

Date ________ Date ________
