AP PHYSICS 1 Teacher – Mr. Packis
To be successful in physics, one must give it time and effort. Albert Einstein once said
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
ALL work should be neatly done in pencil or erasable pen.
Bring to class each day, the textbook, a graphing calculator, a 3-ring binder notebook,
a laboratory notebook, loose-leaf paper, pencils, and a desire to do high quality work.
At times this list may include a ruler and/or graph paper.
Quarter grades will be weighted and determined by the following items:
(The homework percentage may be deceiving because poor performance on homework usually
leads to poor test and quiz performance.)
* Class participation and attitude - may be used to determine borderline grades.
DO NOT count on extra credit to salvage a low grade.
Mr. Packis’ Website: http://www.westlake.k12.oh.us/schools/whs/packisj/Pages/default.aspx
Grades: Power School
The AP Physics Exam is an essential part of this course. All AP Physics 1 students are expected
to prepare for and take the AP Physics Exam in May. This is one of the best ways to evaluate the
success of our AP Physics program. In the unlikely event that a student is unable to take the AP
Physics Exam, the student will be required to take an AP Physics Final Exam.
1. Students will be in their seats and prepared to start class when the bell rings.
2. If a student is absent, it is the STUDENT's responsibility to find out what was missed.
Make up the work as quickly as possible to avoid falling far behind.
3. If a student is present when an assignment is given but absent on the due date, the
assignment must be turned in the day of the student's return.
4. Students absent on test or quiz days may be given a different make-up test or quiz.
Cooperation with the teacher is expected. We must work together to be successful .
1. Students will follow all classroom and WHS conduct rules.
2. Questions about the material are encouraged, but no student will be allowed to
monopolize class time with individual comments or questions (such as questions about
3. Cheating is unnecessary in this class and will not be tolerated. Students observed
cheating will receive 0's and the work may not be made up.
4. Let us make the classroom a pleasant place to be by keeping it neat and by being courteous
to each other.