Mandela Makes History

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Mandela Makes History
forced black people to move to rural areas, where they
could barely eek out a living.
Mandela helped split the ANC into small
groups, which fanned into black neighborhoods and
encouraged blacks not to accept apartheid. Blacks should
exert their freedom as much as possible, Mandela said.
Why? Accepting the status quo, he said, was a defeat.
Mandela's efforts got him arrested for treason, but he was
acquitted after a five-year trial.
Mandela continued to fight apartheid as a
member of the ANC, which the government banned in
1960. In 1964, he was arrested again, this time for
Nelson Mandela was born into royalty in 1918—
his father was a chief of a tribe called Thembu. Mandela's
participation in an illegal organization and for treason. The
court sentenced Mandela to life imprisonment.
lofty birth did not exclude him from the racial
Mandela's struggle drew attention to apartheid in
discrimination that had been a way of life in the country
South Africa. As Mandela sat in prison, he became a
since Europeans settled there. Mandela became involved in
symbol of resistance to apartheid, and leaders around the
the campaign against racial prejudice in college, and in
world demanded his release.
1940, the university expelled him for participating in an
anti-discrimination protest.
Mandela continued his education elsewhere in
In 1990, the South African government finally
responded to international pressure and released Mandela.
The activist became leader of the ANC. By this time, the
South Africa and eventually got his law degree. He
country's government had become more flexible and was
resolved to spend as much time as necessary fighting for
willing to work with Mandela to end apartheid. For their
racial equality, but it would not be an easy crusade.
efforts, Mandela and President F.W. de Klerk shared the
The majority of South Africans were black, but
Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
white people ran the government and made the laws. This
Now that apartheid was a thing of the past,
situation left black activists with little choice but to protest
blacks were free to vote and run for office. On May 2,
and try to draw attention to their cause. In the early 1900s,
1994, Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa's first
black leaders formed the African National Congress
black president. While in office, he helped create a new
(ANC), an organization that worked for political change.
constitution that guaranteed rights and freedom for all. He
Mandela eagerly joined the ANC and soon became a
also worked to create jobs and improve housing and
prominent member.
In 1948, white South Africans (blacks were not
Mandela's presidency ended in 1999, but his
allowed to vote) elected the National Party to power. The
legacy will live forever. He changed life in South Africa
party enforced apartheid—the legal separation of whites
and continues to be an inspiration to people around the
and blacks. How? It established whites-only areas and
Name ____________________________________________ Core __________________ Date _____________________
Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the choice the best completes the statement. (2 points each)
1. Why is it fitting that Mandela and de Klerk
shared the Nobel Peace Prize?
A. They were the only two leaders that year
that made any steps towards peace.
B. Mandela and de Klerk were each politically
active during that time of great change.
C. The end of apartheid was possible only with
cooperation between blacks and whites.
D. To single out either Mandela or de Klerk
would be insulting to the other party.
2. A synonym for the word resolve is . . .
A. Dissolve
B. Small groups are more likely to have an
easier time reaching out to individual people
than large groups do.
C. Small groups are less likely to have racial
bias than large groups do.
D. Small groups are less likely to make a
difference than large groups do.
4. The word expel is used in the article to mean . . .
A. Promise to come
B. Release air
C. Force to leave
D. Praise actions
B. Decide
5. The concluding tone of the article sounds
C. Complain
generally . . .
D. Collide
A. Cynical
3. Why did Mandela help to split the ANC into
B. Excited
small groups when fighting apartheid?
C. Uplifting
A. Small groups are more likely to understand
D. Depressing
the law than large groups do.
Directions: The rand is the money in South Africa. At one shop, a sandwich is 35 rand, a drink is 14 rand,
and a dessert is 21 rand. How much would a family of four spend if each member ordered all of these items?
(5 points)