ECD Welcome Letter - CTE with Mrs. Mabe

Welcome to Exploring Career Decisions
Mrs. Mabe
Room 304
Exploring Career Decisions is an 18 week course that allows students
to discover who they are and how to apply their skills in the
workplace for a successful career. Students will first research
themselves and be able to understand their interests, attitudes,
values, personality, learning styles and skills. Students will then
study how their interests, values, and personality influence career
choices. Students will be able to understand the world of work and
why it changes and the skills necessary for employment success.
During the final part of the course, students will understand how to
apply for a job, how to create a cover letter and résumé, and how to
interview for a job.
Course Outline
Who Am I and What Can I Become?
(Understand interests, attitudes, values, personality, learning styles, skills and how they influence career choices)
How Do I Get There?
(Understand the world of work and it’s changes and how to apply for a job)
Computer Lab Procedures
No food or drinks allowed.
Stay on sites and programs directed by the teacher.
Never rename, delete, add or remove anything from the
computer unless directed by the teacher.
4. Inform the teacher immediately when a computer is not
working properly.
5. Remain seated and work quietly.
6. Do not share your username and password.
7. Log in and out with your account only.
8. Do not change any computer settings.
9. Leave your computer area clean. Push in the chair and
hang up the headphones when you leave.
10. Failure to follow the rules could lead to loss of computer
Computer Lab Rules
Be on time and prepared for class.
Sit in assigned seat.
Always use your agenda if given permission to leave the
Respect yourself, teachers, classmates, and school
Materials Needed
Ring binder with loose-leaf paper or Notebook
Folder with pockets
Grading Policy
Tests/Projects – 40%
Classwork – 30%
Quizzes – 20%
Homework/Participation – 10%
Students are able to retake tests to improve their test scores and mastery of objectives. Test retakes will be done after school.
All missing work will need to be completed and turned in within 5 days of the teacher posting the grade. Five points will be deducted each day that
the assignment is late. Grades will be posted and updated weekly on Fridays by 3:00 pm.
Remind 101 – Students and parents are encouraged to text “@wfmecd” to 81010 to receive updates and reminders about assignments,
upcoming quizzes/tests, and grades.
Teacher Website – (Updated on a weekly basis; find information on what’s going on in class if you are absent
or want to catch up on missing work)
I look forward to having you in my class this semester!