Class: 10 Topic: Carbon and its Compounds Subject: Chemistry

Buds Public School Dubai, UAE.
Class: 10
Topic: Carbon and its Compounds
Subject: Chemistry
(Q.1) The two consecutive members of a homologous series differ by:______
(Q.2) Functional group in an aldehyde is ________
(Q.3) Carbon completes its octet by ___________
(Q.4) How many covalent bonds are formed between two nitrogen atoms in a nitrogen molecule?
(Q.5) The total number of structural isomers possible for the hydrocarbon pentane (C5H12) is
(Q.6) The hydrocarbons having the general formula of CnH2n-2 , CnH2n+2 and CnH2n+1 are known as
(Q.7) The next higher homologue of pentane and propylene is
(Q.8) The IUPAC name of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde is ________and ________
(Q.9) What is meant by homologous series? State any four characteristics.
(Q.10) Alcohols are compounds(a) Containing – OH group attached to alkyl group.(b)Containing – CO- group attached to alkyl groups.
(c) Containing – CHO group attached to alkyl group(d Containing – COOH group attached to alkyl group
(Q.11) Most carbon allotropes and carbon compounds on complete combustion
(a) Give a foul smell(b) Produce a dark mass (c) Release heat and light in addition to liberating CO2
(d) None of these
(Q.12) Difference between isobutene and n-butane?
(Q.13) Give the structural formula of isopentene ,2,4 –dimethylpentane.
(Q.14) Difference between Cyclohexane and Benzene.
(Q.15) Give structures of Propanone, Propanal and Propanol .