Week 4 Jan. 26-30, 2015 - Creighton Community Public Schools

Advanced Accounting 1st Period in PC Lab
Jan. 26-30, 2015
Unit Objectives—SWBAT:
1. Define accounting terms related to plant assets, depreciation, and property tax expense
2. Identify accounting concepts and [practices related to accounting for plant assets, depreciation,
and property tax expense.
3. Record the buying of a plant asset and the paying of property tax.
4. Calculate depreciation expense and book value using the straight-line method of depreciation
5. Prepare plant asset records and journalize annual depreciation expense.
6. Record entries related to disposing of plant assets.
7. Calculate depreciation expense using the double declining-balance method of depreciation.
Monday 1-26-15 Obj. 7
 Bell Ringer: 4 AYU’s page 554
 Vocabulary match-it with student created flash cards
 18-5 OYO problem page 554
 Study Guide 18
Tuesday 1-27-15 Obj. 3-7
 Application Problems 18-1 through 18-6 pages 556-557
Wednesday 1-28-15
 Read and discuss the articles in Chapter 18
 Check Study Guide 18
 Mastery Problem Ch. 18
Thursday 1-29-15 Reinforcement Activities
 Discuss the Ch. 18 Cases for Critical Thinking
 Complete Ch. 18 Recycling Problem
Friday 1-30-15
Ch. 18 Test
Exploratory Keyboarding 3rd Period in PC Lab
Week 4 Typing Web tutorial Lessons 3-4
Monday 1-26-15
-Learn reach technique for N and G
-Lesson pages 16-17
Tuesday 1-27-15
SWBAT: -learn reach technique for Left Shift and period.
- Teacher-led Warm-up
-Combine smoothly Left Shift and period with all other learned keys.
-Do Lesson 6 pages 18-19
 Sections 6A, 6B, 6C lines ONCE;
 Sections 6D and 6E do ONCE & proofread, correct errors – use spellcheck/grammar check
 Typing Web tutorial
Wednesday 1-28-15
-Teacher-led warm-up
-to mprove use of Space Bar, Left Shift key, and Enter.
-to improve keying speed on words, phrases, and sentences.
*Review Lesson pages 20-21 RA TWICE;
- RB and RC ONCE,
- RD and RE ONCE (proofread, spelling and grammar check lines 7, 8, 9 of section RE)
Typing Web tutorial
Thursday 1-29-15
Objectives - SWBAT:
 Learn reach technique for U and C
 Combine smoothly U and C with all other learned keys
-Teacher led technique activity over U and C keys
-Lesson 7 pages 22-23
 7A and 7B ONCE;
 7C once
 7D once and proofread and edit;
 7E once
 Typing Web Lesson
Friday 1-30-15
 Make-up Day Lesson pages 16-23 completed
 Typing Web tutorial
Economics/Personal Finance 4th Period in Ag Room 109 by PC Lab
Jan. 26-30, 2015
Introduce, “The Economic Way of Thinking” Unit SS12.2.1
Unit Objectives
1. Define key terms associated with the Basic Economic Problem/Scarcity
2. Identify and explain the 4 categories of economic resources
3. Describe the Basic Economic Problem/Scarcity
4. List and explain the basic principles of economic reasoning
5. Apply economic reasoning using economic decision making steps and a decision making
6. Describe the correlation between scarcity, economic decisions, and opportunity costs
Monday 1-26-15
Bell Ringer
Finish presenting team’s options for Husker Dilemma and student’s determine which option best meets
the criteria
Vocabulary Match-it
Tuesday 1-27-15
-“A Mystery of Two Families” article
-Handy Dandy Guide & questions
-The Boring School Mystery activity & questions
-Read Chapter 1 pages 5-11 as reinforcement of unit
-pg. 12-13 Questions (E-backpack)
Wednesday 1-28-15
Review for Unit Test
Infuse Learning
Vocabulary Bingo
Thursday 1-29-15
Unit Test over “The Economic Way of Thinking”
Friday 1-30-15
Reviewing the Norfolk Daily News to locate and share articles reflecting economic events/concepts.
Accounting 5th Period 5th Period in PC Lab
January 26-30, 2015
Unit Objectives—SWBAT:
1. Define accounting terms related to a work sheet for a service business organized as a
2. Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a service business
organized as a proprietorship.
3. Prepare a heading and a trial balance on a work sheet.
4. Plan adjustments for supplies and prepaid insurance.
5. Complete a work sheet for a service business organized as a proprietorship.
6. Identify selected procedures for finding and correcting errors in accounting records.
Monday 1-26-15 obj. 3-6
Bell Ringer – AYU’s 6-4 pg. 170
Finish 6-4 WT and OYO
Tuesday 1-27-15 Obj. 3-5
Application Problems 6-1 through 6-3 pg. 172
Study Guide 6
Wednesday 1-28-5 Obj. 3 - 6
Application Problem 6-4 pg. 173
Thursday 1-29-15
Check Study Guide 6
Mastery Problem Ch. 6 pg. 173
Friday 1-30-15
10-key activities
PC Microcomputer Applications 6th Period in PC Lab
Jan. 26-30, 2015
SWBAT define terms and identify concepts related to a spreadsheet.
SWBAT create a spreadsheet and an embedded chart
Week’s Activities:
-Complete Project 1 (EX2-EX53)
-Lab 1 EX 58-59
-Lab 2 EX EX59-61
-Wheel of Terms for Excel Chapter 1 see page EX54 for website
Elementary Keyboarding 2:00-2:35
Jan. 26-30, 2015
Monday – 4th Grade in Ms. Bloomquist’s classroom
Review keys learned thus far: home-row, e, t, h, o
practice letter response, word response, and 3 to 4-word phrases
SWBAT – learn reach technique for letter “r”
Lesson “r” page 7 lines 1-2 each 2X
Tuesday—5th Grade Lemke in Mac Lab Rm. 302
In Typing Web Tutorial (www.typingweb.com) Bottom Row Keys, exercises 12-13 each twice
Goal: at least 80% accuracy using touch method via home-row keys
If time, Balloon Type Game, Bottom row keys; record results (Time, Score, Balloons popped)
Wednesday—6th Grade Brogie escort from classroom to Mac Lab Rm. 302—go over the
goals/assign. before going to the lab. (give students their keyboarding folder)
Goals: 44% completion of Venturing Out Lesson with at least 85% accuracy using touch method
via home-row keys
Thursday—5th Grade Blair in Mac Lab Rm. 302
In Typing Web Tutorial (www.typingweb.com) Bottom Row Keys, exercises, 12-13 each twice
Goal: at least 80% accuracy using touch method via home-row keys
If time, Balloon Type Game, Bottom row keys; record results (Time, Score, Balloons popped)
Friday: Make-up day for any keyboarding student grades 4th-6th