Advanced Accounting 1st Period in PC Lab Rm. 108 May 4-5, 2015 – culminating activity Accounting simulation: Zenith Global Imports, a merchandising business organized as a corporation. Audit Test--questions over the simulation (locating and analyzing) Exploratory Keyboarding 9:56-10:46 Typing Web Tutorial exercises (RECORD Results—35/95%--once) Monday, 5-4-15 Open a New Document SAVE AS: 5-4-15 Lesson 14 Print and place in folder: Lesson 13 Z and colon pages 38-39; 13D page 39 paragraphs for ACCURACY Objectives--SWBAT: 1. Learn reach technique for CAPS LOCK and ? (question mark) 2. Combine smoothly CAPS LOCK and ? with other learned keys 3. Properly format and type paragraphs 4. Improve keying speed and accuracy Teacher-led practice Lesson 14 pages 40-41 Obj. 1-2 14A page 40 (space TWICE after the COLON:) 14B page 40 lines 1-9 once; DS between the 3-line groups 14C page 41 once, DS between the 2-line groups Typing Web Tutorial: Raise hand for directions! Tuesday 5-5-15 Obj. 3-4 14D page 41 Type the 4 paragraphs in proper format, proofread and correct for accuracy and proper paragraph formatting: o TAB to indent paragraphs o Line spacing on DOUBLE SPACE o Use wordwrap (soft returns—only strike “return” at the END of a paragraph) 1’ Timings page 41 Wednesday May 6, 2015 Objectives—SWBAT: 1. Improve use of the Tab key to indent paragraphs 2. Improve and check keying speed Teacher-Led Drills: Tab key, CAPS LOCK, punctuation Lesson 15 Tab key complete pages 42-43 15E page 43 paragraphs (checked for proper formatting and accuracy) Thursday May, 7, 2015 Teacher-led drills Review Lesson page 44 RA once; page 44 RB automatic number the lines (12 total) o Proofread and correct lines 6-12 Page 45 SKIP RC Page 45 RD checked for proper paragraph formatting and accuracy Friday May 8, 2015 Warm-up: Typing Web tutorial Basic Punctuation Lesson exercises Typing Web Tutorial 1st Test Attempt Economics/Personal Finance 10:49-11:39 April 27-May 4, 2015 Finish the Everfi Financial Literacy Program o Program sponsored by the Nebraska State Treasurer’s Office and Nebraska State Attorney General’s Office o Upon completion of the program, students will be able to: Define key financial concepts and terms Recognize the impact of financial decisions Apply critical thinking skills to real-world financial simulations and interactive exercises o Completion of Everfi Financial Literacy Program and Reflection Log –due May 4th Accounting 5th Period in PC Lab Rm. 108 by Ag. Rm 109 5th period 11:41-12:31 May 4-8, 2015 Ch. 13 Unit Objectives—SWBAT: 1. Define accounting terms related to payroll accounting, taxes, and reports 2. Identify accounting concepts and practices related to payroll accounting, taxes, and reports 3. Analyze payroll transactions and record payroll. 4. Record Employer payroll taxes 5. Prepare selected payroll tax reports 6. Pay and record withholding and payroll taxes Activities Jennifer demonstrates how she completed payroll activities (Monday) Finish problem part of Ch. 13 Test (Tuesday) Begin culminating accounting simulation for a service business owned as a sole proprietorship using a 5-column journal PC Microcomputer Applications 6th Period in PC Lab 1:03-1:53 May 4-8, 2015 Objectives—SWBAT: 1. Create and Edit a Presentation with Clip Art 2. Enhance a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WordArt 3. Incorporate video, audio, and Pictures with Effects Culminating Presentation Project (see requirement sheet) Elementary Keyboarding 2:00-2:35 4th Grade in Ms. Bloomquist’s classroom Monday 4-27-15 Agenda: Warm-up activities: Practice student’s first name by touch method via home-row keys o 1st two tries CAN look at fingers; next 3 tries NO looking at fingers—look at the picture handout of the keyboard or the picture of keyboard on the chalkboard when you practice your 1st name (REMINDER: MIDDLE FINGER “D” Strikes the “C” key—to get middle finger to “c” stronger “point” pointer finger toward the ceiling so can pivot the middle finger easier) (REMEMBER: to use “Pinky” finger Returns) o Lesson “Period key” page 12 lines 1 & 2 once ( “L” RING finger for period) o Lesson “U key” page 13 lines 1 & 2 once (RIGHT POINTER for “u”) o Lesson “B key” page 14 lines 1 & 2 once (LEFT POINTER for “b”) Objective—SWBAT: Learn reach technique for the “p” key Teacher led “p” key activities Complete Lesson “p” key, page 15, each line twice (PINKY finger for “p”) Tuesday 4-28-15—5th Grade Lemke in Mac Lab Rm. 302 In Typing Web Tutorial ( Venturing Out Lesson exercises 12-14 each 2X (62% completion of lesson) Goal: at least 85% accuracy using touch method via home-row keys If time, Typing Games-- record results (Ex. Total Time, Total Score, Level, etc.) Wednesday 4-29-15—6th Grade Brogie--escort from classroom to Mac Lab Rm. 302—go over the goals/assign. before going to the lab. (give students their keyboarding folder) In Typing Web Tutorial ( Bust A Cap Word Lesson (Shift Keys)(any exercise accomplish 92% accuracy by touch typing via home-row keys, do once) Goal: 100% completion of Bust A Cap Word Lesson Thursday 4-23-15—5th Grade Blair in Mac Lab Rm. 302 In Typing Web Tutorial ( Venturing Out Lesson exercises 12-14 each 2X (62% completion of lesson) Goal: at least 85% accuracy using touch method via home-row keys If time, Typing Games-- record results (Ex. Total Time, Total Score, Level, etc.) Friday 5-01-15—Open Lab for 5th-6th grade keyboarding students