Plant Powerpoint - Effingham County Schools

Essential Question:
• How can we use prior knowledge, illustrations,
and the direct text to help us classify plants
into different categories?
What differences can you see between
these plants?
Plant Classification
In pairs collect a worksheet each.
Use the information on the next 2 slides to fill in the blanks on
your worksheet on classifying plants.
You have 3 minutes
To answer Q 1 – 4.
You have 5 minutes
To answer Q 5 - 15
Plant Classification
Plants are living organisms that cannot move around.
Most plants make their own food through photosynthesis.
Vascular Tissues are similar to animals
blood vessels. In plants they are called
xylem and phloem, they transport
nutrients and water to cells in the plant.
Seeds contain a baby plant
(embryonic plant) the outer
covering provides safety and
nutrients to the seedling.
Spores are a small single celled reproductive structure normally
spread by non-flowering plants like fungi.
Plant classification
Mosses: They have simple leaves and shallow roots, with no proper
vascular systems. The leaves are very small and are not covered
with a waterproof, waxy cuticle layer. Mosses, Angiosperm and Lichen
are often found in damp areas as they dry out easily. They reproduce
using spores.
Ferns: They have proper roots and stems, and leaf-like fronds. The
leaves are not covered in a waterproof, waxy cuticle layer and so they
dry out easily and are generally found in damp places. They do have a
vascular system. They reproduce using spores.
Conifers: They have vascular tissues. They are large plants with
proper roots and stems and needle-shaped leaves with a waxy cuticle.
They are good at surviving in dry or cold climates. They reproduce
using seeds found in cones.
Flowering Plants: They have vascular tissues. They have proper
roots and stems and have flowers. Their leaves are large and flat and
have a waxy cuticle. They reproduce using seeds found in fruits.
Plant Classification
Answers to Q 5 – 15:
5. Spores, vascular
6. Angiosperm, Mosses
7. Spores, vascular
8. Ferns
9. Seeds, vascular
10. Cones
11. Conifers
12. Flowers
13. Flowering Plants.
Confidence Check
Show from 1-5 on how confident you are on each success
1 is not at all confident, 5 is super confident
Success criteria
3. I can describe the differences between plants with vascular
tissues and waterproof cuticles and plants without.