Plants Study Guide - Stephanie Dietterle Webpage

Plants Study Guide
 Label parts of the flower p.277
 Auxin controls a plants response to light by speeding up the rate at which
some cells grow. (T)
 Stamens are the male reproductive parts of flowers. (T)
 A conifer is a kind of angiosperm. (F – gymnosperm)
 Stomata open and close to control the flow of food. (F – gases)
 All seed plants have vascular tissue and produce seeds.
 The leaves of a fern are called fronds.
 Plants that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit are called angiosperms.
 Pollen is produced by male cones.
 A waxy, waterproof layer called a cuticle covers the leaves of most plants.
 All seed plants have roots, stems, and leaves.
 A plant that has a two-year life cycle is called a biennial.
 An example of positive phototropism is flowers growing to face the sun.
 Sepals protect developing flowers.
 In the sporophyte stage, plants produce spores.
 Ferns can be classified as seedless vascular plants.
 A fern is a vascular plant.
 The function of a rhizoid is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
 The process by which plants lose water through their leaves is
 The vascular tissue through which food travels from the leaves to the stems
and roots is called phloem.
 For plants to survive on land, they need all of the following except ways to
live in a moist environment.
 Describe the two different stages of a plants life cycle.
o In the sporophyte stage, the plant produces spores that can grow into
new plants. A spore develops into the plant’s other stage, called the
gametophyte. In the gametophyte stage, the plant produces the
gametes, which are sperm cells and egg cells. They join to form a
zygote that develops into a sporophyte. Then the cycle begins again.
 On the lower surface of mature fronds, many ferns have structures that
contain spores. What advantage for the fern might there be for the
structures to be located there?
o Having the spore-producing structures on a leaf’s lower surface leaves
the upper surface free to gather light energy. The spores can more
easily fall to the ground. The frond might protect the spore-producing
structures from rain or other things that might fall on them.
 Describe why it is advantageous for seeds to be dispersed by pods that
burst open rather than just dropping to the ground.
o Seeds that are dispersed away from the parent plant do not have to
compete with the parent for light, water, and nutrients
 Describe when a long-day plant produces flowers.
o A long-day plant produces flower when nights are shorter than its
critical night length.