English IV 2015-2016 Mansfield Christian School Mr. Courser Materials you will need: Two 3- Ring Binder (1/2”) for Julius Caesar project and 1984 Project Optional - Copy of the play Julius Caesar (digital or printed) Spiral notebook for taking notes on literature or grammar Paper (college-ruled) Pens (blue or black only) #2 Pencils Planner or day-scheduler (for keeping track of assignments) 1 ream of copy paper for classroom use (stored in class) Flash drive or Gmail account Texts: Sadler-Oxford, Grammar for Writing (Gold Level) Sadler-Oxford, Vocabulary Workshop Level G Other texts referenced throughout the course 1984 Writing: Written communication is one of the most important things to learn so that we may communicate the gospel to the world around us. Moreover, employers expect that those that it hires will know how to communicate well using the oral and written word. In senior English, we concentrate on writing as a preparation for college English. First, we will prepare ourselves to write by studying basic grammar concepts including mechanics and usage. We will then have a variety of different writing assignments throughout the year, which may include a research paper. In addition, we will be writing short responses to prompts on the Edublog website: mcsenglishcourser.edublogs.org Writing Assignments: Writing assignments will be due on the day and in the period assigned. Late assignments will be accepted, but will be docked 10% of the final grade for being late unless there is a valid excuse presented from your parent(s). Parts of written assignments that are not completed by the due date (pre-writing, rough draft, revisions, etc…) will be deducted from the homework grade according to the homework policy above. Assignments not completed will result in an “F”. All final drafts of academic papers must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font in Times Roman or Courier usually following MLA guidelines. Turnitin: Most, if not all, writing assignments will be turned in online at Turnitin.com. Students must have an account set up through this website, which requires the student to have an email account. You may have a Turnitin account without an email address, but you will not have access to password reset. Google mail (Gmail) accounts are STRONGLY recommended so that you may save your work for use at home. Otherwise, you must save your work on a flash drive to take home with you. Edmodo Edmodo is an educational site used for collaboration and assignments. Students will have their own secure account on Edmodo which will be set up during class. Parents have the option of creating their own account to review their child’s progress, assignments, and other posts. Remind Remind is a secure and safe one-way text messaging system that will be used to send reminders to students and/or parents who sign up. Signing up is free and will be explained in class. Please see the attached flyer for more information. The main safety feature of this system is that students can reply securely to teachers. Teachers do not have access to student phone numbers, nor do students have access to teacher phone numbers. Reading: Throughout the year, we will read a variety of books. Some will be independent reading of your choice, and some will be read together as a class. Usually, we will complete a book review after each reading. Vocabulary: Each week we will have a list of vocabulary words. Every week, we will have a quiz over the list. Literature: We will be surveying different pieces of World Literature as we examine models of writing so that we may learn from recognized writers. Seminar Fridays: On Fridays, 3-4 students will be assigned to select a news article or news video clip. Those students will present the article to the class and lead a discussion of the topic of the article. Class Rules: Classroom expectations are posted on the wall on the first bulletin board as you come in the class. All student MCS rules as listed in the student handbook apply. Hall Passes: Three hall passes will be given to each individual at the beginning of each semester. You may use these as restroom passes or tardy (to class) admit slips. Once they are used, you will not have permission to be out of the classroom unless there is an emergency. Please GUARD these carefully as no other passes will be given if the passes are lost. Homework: Any assigned homework is due the day and period of your assigned English class (see MCS Student Handbook for more information). Most of the time, we will discuss homework in class. If you are absent, you should check with me to see what needs to be made up. Homework that is not completed may result in disciplinary action if it becomes a pattern. Quarter Grade Averages: 20% completed homework and journals 40% quizzes and projects 40% tests Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions concerning the class or assignments. You many also email me if you cannot reach me in person. My school email is: courser.wesley@mcsflames.org