Learning: The Cognitive Process Classical Conditioning


Learning: The

Cognitive Process

Classical Conditioning

 Explain the concept of a stimulus. Give an example.

 What is classical conditioning?

-What causes a automatic response to you by seeing it?

 Ivan Pavlov a.) Date?

b.) From?

c.) Area of studies?

d.) What was the response of the dogs?

e.) What were the multiple stimulus that led to the response?

f.) What behavior did the dogs learn from this classical conditioning?

Four Components of Classical


1. US=___________?

-a.) Meaning?

b.) Pavlov’s US?

2. UR=___________?

-a.) Meaning?

b.) Pavlov’s UR?

 Video: Coyote vs Lamb

 1. US? Why?

 2. UR? Why?

 3. CS? Why?

 4. CR? Why?

3. CS=___________?

-a.) Meaning?

b.) Pavlov’s CS?

4. CR=___________?

-a.) Meaning?

b.) Pavlov’s CR?

Operant Conditioning

 Explain the differences between classical conditioning and operant conditioning.

 Project Pigeona.) Who created it?

b.) When?

c.) Purpose/Goal?

 Reinforcement:

 1. “Skinner-Box?”

 2. Explain reinforcement.

 3. Stimulus in the Rat case? Increase behavior?

 Stimulus in the Project

Pigeon Case? Behavior wanted?

Types of Reinforcers

 Primary Reinforcers?

a.) Examples?

b.) Why?

 Secondary Reinforcers?

a.) Examples? b.) Why? Leads?

 Positive Reinforcers?

a.) Examples? b.) Personal? Explain?

 Negative Reinforcers? a.) Examples?

b.) Personal? Explain?

OTB: Reinforcers for School

 Do you believe that positive reinforcers are helping or hurting students performance in school?

 Explain your answer with 2 logical reasons.

Rewards vs. Punishments

 What is the meaning of a reward?

 Difference between reward and positive reinforcement?

 What is the meaning of a punishment?

 Differences between punishment and negative reinforcement?

 Which of the 7 reasons of punishment not being a good method do you agree with the most? Explain why?

Operant Conditioning

In Education


1.) Concept?

2.) Example?

Programmed Learning

1.) Concept?

2.) Teaching Machine?


3.) Frames?

Classroom Discipline

1.) Concept?

2.) Example?

3.) Peer Approval?

4.) Time-out Method?

Cognitive Factors in Learning

 Latent Learning :

 1.) Cognitive Map?

 2.) Who created this view?

- His experiment?


 3.) Concept of latent learning?

 Observational Learning:

 1.) Social learning?

 2.) Who created this view?

 3.) Concept of observational learning?

 4.) Children reactions to observational learning?

 5.) Media Violence?

-Effects it have on aggressive behavior?

-Effect of repeated exposure?

-Prevent violent behavior?

Debate: Media Violence vs. Youth Violence

 Name 3 types of media outlets that portrays violence.

 Media violence is a major cause and influence of youth violence in America.

Agree: Prove the negative effects of media violence has on the youth in America.

(Evidence of negative effects Socially,

Politically, Economically, Educational, etc…)

Disagree: Prove that media violence is not the major cause of youth violence. Think of other components that cause youth violence.( Argue that media violence helps America-Socially,

Politically, Economically, Educational, etc…)
