The Behaviourist Approach Key terms Little and often is the rule for revision! • Which B studied social learning? Bandura • Which A was trained to be afraid of white rats? Little Albert • What I means studying thinking by looking at one’s own mental processes? Introspection • What S invented an experimental box? Skinner • What R describes an overall pleasant consequence of a stimulus? Reinforcement • Which P investigated classical conditioning? Pavlov • What D refers to the ability to tell the difference between two similar stimuli? Discrimination • What G refers to a process of behaviour being repeated in similar but different situations? Generalisation • What CR is produced when there is a conditioned stimulus? Conditioned response • What M is one of the processes in social learning? Motivation • Which SH was the site of a study into the effects of the introduction of satellite television to a remote community? St Helena • What I is behaviour that is copied from others? Imitate • What AT is a treatment using behavioural theory? Aversion therapy • What SD is a treatment using the principle of classical conditioning? Systematic desensitisation • What OT is when new behaviours are acquired as a result of reinforcement? Operant conditioning