431Ch 4 lesson 3 anticipation guide

Anticipation Guide Ch.4 Lesson 3 (4.3)
Directions Pt.1 Read the statements below BEFORE reading Ch.4.lesson 3 part 2 (4.3) and place a check mark next to
the statements which you believe are true.
Directions Pt.2 Open your books to page64 and read to the end of page 67. As you read, review the statements below,
double check and change your true/false answers to match the book’s answer
Directions Pt. 3 Write the page and paragraph number in which you find the correct answers.
Directions Pt. 4 Change the language in all false sentences to make them true.
1. ____Portugal eventually controlled Belize in South America.
2. ____ The area we refer to as Latin America is within the lands of North, Central and South America.
3. _____ Latin America gets its name from the Latin that the Spanish and Portuguese spoke in the catholic Church.
4. ____ Peninsulares were people born on the Ithican Peninsula of Europe who became the laborers in the colonial
Latin Americas.
5. ____ Right below the peninsulares were the mestizos who were descendents of penisulares but born in the “new
6. _____The creoles were regarded as 2nd class citizens by the peninsulares.
7. _____ Many of the Native Americans were forced to work in the mines and small farms.
8. _____ About 4 million Africans were brought to Latin America as slaves.
9. ____ Mestizos were the offspring of Europeans and Africans.
10. ____ Mulattoes were the offspring of Europeans and Native Americans.
11. _____ The lowest members of the social order were mestizos and mulattoes.
12. _____ As more and more people mixed the number of mestizos increased and they gradually gained some respect
and economic power.
13. ____ The encomienda system allowed the Spanish to use Africans as laborers.
14. ____ In Peru this system was referred to as pita and was different only because the Africans were only used as
temporary labor.
15. _____ Some Catholic officials such as Bartolome de Las Cabeza disagreed with the encomienda system because
the Native American population was growing too quickly because of it.
16. _____ Governor-Generals or vice presidents were sent by Spain and Portugal to ensure that colonial policies were
17. One of the immediate goals of the Spanish and Portuguese when they arrived in the Americas was to Christianize
the native peoples.