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Latin America Colonization: Social, Political, Economic Features

Colonization of Latin America by
Portugal and Spain
Social, Political, and Economic
• peninsulares :
a person born on the Iberian Peninsula; typically, a Spanish or
Portuguese official who resided temporarily in Latin America for
political and economic gain and then returned to Europe
• creoles:
a person of European descent born in Latin America and living
there permanently
mestizos :
a person of mixed European and Native American descent
a person of mixed African and European descent
encomienda :
a system of labor the Spanish used in the
Americas; Spanish landowners had the right, as
granted by Queen Isabella, to use Native
Americans as laborers
labor system that the Spanish administrators in
Peru used to draft native people to work
to select for some purpose; to conscript
Colonization Overview
Colonization by Portugal and Spain
From early 16th to early 19th century
- The Latin American colonies were rich in gold,
silver, and natural resources; highly profitable
- colonization led to many changes for both the
indigenous peoples and the outsiders who settled
Interactions among indigenous peoples, enslaved
Africans, and Europeans led to new social classes
- The Catholic Church played a major role
Social Characteristics
- Social hierarchy:
Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos,
Mulattoes, Africans, and Native
- Mestizos (mixed European and Native
American) rose in status over time
- Harsh labor systems: Encomienda and
- Multiracial society formed through
Economic Foundations
- One source of wealth for the Portuguese and Spanish
came from resource extraction, or the removal of natural
resources from the land.
Resource extraction: Gold, silver, and farming
(deforestation and overcultivation)
- Encomienda system: Forced Native American labor, later
replaced by African slaves
- Trade: Sugar, tobacco, diamonds, animal hides (leather)
shipped to Europe
- Spain and Portugal regulated trade to prevent
Governance and Catholic Church
• Communication and travel between the Americas and Europe were
difficult, making it impossible for the European monarchs to keep a
close watch on their overseas empires.
• So it was governed through viceroys (representatives of the
Catholic Church influenced society: Missions, education, hospitals
• - Jesuits managed profitable missions and schools
• - Women had opportunities in religious orders; advocated for
education (e.g., Juana Inés de la Cruz)