NAME: ____________________ Spanish Conquests in the Americas 1. What was the significance of Columbus’s voyages? Began the priced of colonization of the Americas 2. Magellan himself died in the Philippines. What was the importance of the voyage his crew completed? First to circumnavigate (sail around the world) 3. What factors helped the Spanish defeat the Aztec? Superior weapons, aid of the natives, European diseases, they were not immune to small pox. 4. How did the Spanish treat the peoples they conquered? Exploited them, intermarried, imposed their culture on them, enslaved them. 5. What was unique about the Spanish colonization of the lands of New Mexico? Settled by priests and colonized to priests 6. What was the long-term consequence of the encomienda system? Replacement of Native American labor, with African force labor Enslavement of Africans QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Native Americans and Africans