Chapter 4, Section 2 Colonial Trade Notes: The Growth of Trade

Chapter 4, Section 2
Colonial Trade
Notes: The Growth
of Trade
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How did the English Trade laws impact colonial trade?
DIRECTIONS: Use pages 98 to 100 to complete the Cornell Notes below. Remember to add
your questions and connections to the left column as needed.
English Trade Laws
A. Trade was one of England’s main reasons for founding its American colonies.
B. England, like most western European nations, practiced Mercantilism.
1. Mercantilism - _______________________________________________________
C. A nation could be self-sufficient if it had a good ______________________________.
1. This means that a country had _________________________________________
D. Navigation Acts
1. Passed by the English Parliament
2. These acts required colonists to ________________________________________
___________________________ and also set duties, ________________________
___________, on some trade products.
3. England claimed the Navigation Acts were good for the colonies because it gave them a
steady trading market.
4. Many colonists disagreed because they wanted more freedom to buy or sell goods in
Colonial Trade
A. Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733.
1. This act ___________________________________________________________
2. In response, many colonists began to bring these goods into the colonies illegally, a
practice known as ___________________________.
B. Legal trade was still much more significant than smuggling.
Chapter 4, Section 2
Colonial Trade
Notes: The
Importance of
Triangular Trade
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What was the pattern of the triangular trade system and how did
that impact the British colonies?
Triangular Trade
Definition: This was a series of shipping routes carrying goods and slaves to and from Europe,
Africa, and the Americas.
1. Ships from England to Africa carried ______________________________________
2. Goods were then traded for ______________________________ who were taken to the
______________________ to work on sugar plantations. Slaves would then be transported
from the Caribbean to the British colonies.
3. The African population greatly ___________________ the European or ____________
_____________________________________. The threat of slave revolts was constant.
4. Ships would then travel from the Americas to Great Britain (England) and trade ______
Chapter 4, Section 2
Colonial Trade Notes:
The Middle Passage
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What was the Middle Passage and what were the conditions
along this stretch of the Triangular Trade System?
The Middle Passage
A. One leg of the triangular trade journey had a great cost in human suffering.
B. The Middle passage began with ___________________________________________ ________________________________________. The traders then ______________
_______________________________________________ or ___________________
C. The slave trade brought around ___________________________ Africans across the
D. This terrifying and often deadly voyage was called the _________________________.
1. Could last up to _________________ months.
2. Enslaved Africans were ____________________ by the neck and legs.
3. They lived between the _____________________________________ of the ship.
4. Slave traders carried as many slaves as possible to ________________________.
E. Despite many colonists’ protests, slavery was practiced in all of the colonies.
1. Important to the _________________________________, where tobacco and rice
production required many workers.
2. Many slave ships were built and owned by people in ______________________.