Chapter 4 section 2 notes

Topic: Chapter 4 section 2 "Government, Religion, and Culture" pages 108 – 113.
Main Idea: The ideas of democracy and freedom of religion develop during the colonial
Key Terms: Write down the definition to each of the following terms. Then google search
each word to see pictures or examples of each word.
1) Mercantilism
2) Export
3) Import
4) Smuggling
5) Apprentice
6) Literacy
Directions: Research and record accurate information about each of the following topics
and people using your book or Internet resources. Don’t forget to do the summary.
1)English Bill of rights (109)
2) Navigation Acts of 1651 to 1673 (109)
3)Ben Franklin’s life and accomplishments (109)
4) Colonial Government (3 types of colonies) (110)
Charter Colonies (110)
Proprietary Colonies (111)
Royal Colonies (111)
5) Voting Rights(Who could vote?)(111)
6)Colonial Culture (112)
Family Roles (112)
Education (113)
Enlightenment (113)
Freedom of the Press (113)
1) Pick two events listed in this section and describe how each event helped the
colonies change and develop.
2) In your opinion who is the most important person or people mentioned in this
section. Draw a picture of them and explain their importance.