8th Syllabus Grade US History Instructor: R. Kissam Subject: United States History Email: ryan.kissam@marion.k12.fl.us Eighth Grade Social Studies provides an introduction to the study of American History. Throughout this program the student will learn about exploration and settlement, colonial history, the American Revolution, the early American Republic, and the Civil War through the Reconstruction. Over the course of the year, students will be expected to develop and explain their own interpretations regarding a host of major issues in the study of history in the United States. Course Outline-U.S. History Quarter 1 Colonizing America: Chapter 2&3 Revolutionary America: Chapter 3&4 Quarter 2 Creating a Nation: Chapter 5,6,&7 Quarter 3 A New Nation: Chapter 8,9,&10 A Growing Nation: Chapter 11&12 Quarter 4 A Changing Nation: Chapter 13&14 A Dividing Nation: Chapter 15 A Nation Breaks Apart: Chapter 16&17 Grading Grading Scale 90-100 =A 80-89 = B 70-79 =C 60-69 = D 0-59 = F Tests, Projects, QWAs-55% Coursework, Quizzes, DBQs, Folder/Planner-40% Homework-10% TESTS (Tests may be changed or altered at Instructors discretion) All chapter tests are graded in three parts Multiple Choice Section (30 questions)-60% Short Response Section (10 questions)-40% (Scantron does not go home if included for test) Total for exam 100% Other Tests include-Quarterly Writing Assessments ( See rubric information for DBQ), political maps, and Presidential Test. Students will be expected to know the spellings of all presidents and or political maps discussed in class. (Word banks may or may not be included on any other test). Test Reviews-Chapter Review Packets or Outlines will be given during the school year. These reviews are designed to assist students with test prep as well as possible short response questions that may be found within actual exams. QUIZZES (Quizzes may be changed or altered at Instructors discretion) Crossword Puzzle 10 short response question Vocabulary Quiz Total for quiz-100% DBQ Document Based Questions are writing assessments that are completed each quarter. These writing assignments are separate from the Quarterly Writing Assessment, however, they are designed to assist with proper writing techniques amd format, which are influential to the QWA. All DBQs are given a rubric and are scored from 0-4 0=0% .5=50 1=55 1.5=62 2=70 2.5=77 3=85 3.5=93 4=100 Students are expected to write in complete sentences and use proper grammar. Students will also spell correctly. Failure to meet expectations may result in a loss of 1 per error. Homework/Classwork All work is given a grade based upon the number of questions for a given assignment. Students are required to answer questions in complete sentences on various assignments. Failure to meet these standards will result in a reduction of 1 point per error If a student is absent, the student is responsible to ask the instructor for the assignments that where missed when they return to school. Upon receiving the work, the student has 3 days to return all assignments that they missed while they were absent. Late work: Each day that it is not turned in on the required date will result in a reduction 25 points per day. Nine Week Exam Nine Weeks Exam-Two parts 40 Multiple Choice-80% 10 Short Response-20% Total 100% Reviews will be given for the Nine Week Exams Academic Honesty It is important to understand the difference between “helping” and “cheating,” as well as when it is permitted to work together. Students may work together to complete most homework and classwork assignments, however copying another’s answers is not permissible. Rule of thumb for assignments is that working together or explaining how to do something is helping. Giving another student a “free ride” without contributing to the assignment is cheating. Quizzes and tests are not cooperative assignments, and it is consider cheating to assist another student with their quiz or test. Class Materials ‘All students are required to have a portfolio (A portfolio consists of tabbed areas within their NMMS Folder and a NMMS Planner). Students must bring their portfolio everyday to class. All paper and pencils must be brought to class. You will not be supplied with them. Students may only use#2 pencils on quizzes and tests. Black or Blue pens may be used on classwork or homework assignments, however it is not recommended. Any additional items will be requested at a later date. Classroom Rules When I am talking you are not talking No food or drink in the classroom Students may use the bathroom with approved pass from the teacher. Policy-Students will not be allowed bathroom breaks at the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of class. (This also applies to water breaks) Come prepared with all necessary school supplies. Raise your hand before sharpening all pencils, speaking to the teacher or class, and getting out of seat. Watch what you say in class. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.